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Reflections On Life After Death

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Reflections on life after death


Do you remember when you were baby? Because I don’t, I know that it existed, but for me it is as if I had not been living, the relationship between life and death has worried me because they are two moments that are full of joy, suffering and pain for people. Since death is a present future will not have another one to hug her and that is the only thing that matters. With this I would like to start sharing my doubts and maybe make you reflect.

One of the most common questions that all people are asked or have ever done throughout their lives is “Is there life after death? This doubt arises in me when I was fourteen, hearing the lyrics of a Venezuelan singer who unfortunately died, in his lyrics you could feel, it could be understood as he had his own vision of what life would be like after death, if it isto exist. This led him to get two albums, one called "life" and the other called "death" in the life expressed songs that made you think, reflect on what the world would be like if all people did good, that is, it gave aMessage to humanity so that we change our bad actions for good. 

On the other hand, the death album is the opposite, very cold songs with a very strong and bizarre message. In this we are told how he dies and how he headed to heaven, but his actions in the world dragged him towards hell, however, he tells how he escaped death facing Satan himself. From here I began to get more and more interested in this subject and I realized that over time gods and paradises have been invented to answer this question, but at least I need something else to believe it, perhaps scientific evidence than, indeed show us that life and death is nothing more than the principle.

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But, while that happens we cannot do more to get our own conclusions with the knowledge we have.

I am like you, a human being, with my virtues and defects, it is logical that I have also asked me if everything will become dark and I will cease to exist forever. If maybe I will not see, I will not hear, I will not feel, I will not breathe, I will not move, I will not think … that is, I will not exist. I feel that physically my body will be the only thing that will remain of me, until it rot. I know, it is not an encouraging vision, for some it is a moment or situation that they would never like to live, but we do what we do, we will all die someday, it is difficult to accept it, but this has decided so.

There are other typical philosophical questions such as: “Who are we? Where we come from? Where we go?”In particular, these questions in relation to life and death give me more doubts because perhaps we are only animals that suffer the terrible curse of not understanding our existence.

"Is there life after death?"To answer this question, I had to do another. "Is there life before life?"I don’t remember living before living, I don’t remember anything until I had two or three years. So, there is a stage prior to life in which we do not exist and, therefore, at least for me it is logical that we do not exist when our life is over. That is, it seems that everything points that we come from not existing to go to exist again. Talking about whether there is life after death, do you think there is a sky, a paradise? "A place where all people are happy having eternal life" or do you think there is a hell? "A place where all the people who did evil on earth being alive, suffer forever". I remember that I have asked this question since I have memory and over the years based on my knowledge that I have obtained I have answered and now I would like to share my point of view, but not before saying that this is just myway of thinking, I have no desire that you believe or think about the same. 

I actually do not believe that there is another life after death, even if there is paradise or hell as such, why do I think this? The answer is very simple and just get to reflect a little about the same thing that tell us all the time, “all those who behave well on earth will have eternal life in paradise and those who behave badly will be thrown into hell for hellsuffer for all eternity ”personally I do not see it just or logical because … who is exempt from evil and sin? Absolutely nobody. In addition, we are also told that hell is eternal suffering and it is to this that I do not find logical because we are born, we arrive on earth, we live, enjoy, but we also suffer, and even suffer more than you enjoy, all thePeople suffer from the death of a loved one, for problems, for everything … some believe that if you have a lotWorld one day you will know the pain, suffering, to what I go with this is that to the earth, to life we come to suffer and the only rest we will have will be death but if there was a "hell" we would suffer again, in a fewWords, nor would we stop suffering, so what is the meaning of life? According to my point of view, life is just a process, a stage that once we die closes to never exist again, to never live again. We will not live, we will not be physically as people, but in the memories of our loved ones we will always be present, and well the phrase says, "who does not go, only whoever forgets" dies ".

Now, life and death will always be united, like night and day since there is no death, but what is life? Life, like death, has many unknowns and many definitions, personally I believe that life is an opportunity that is given to us for a certain time and that we must take advantage of it to live it to the fullest, because it will never be repeated again, but for some philosophersIt can have another meaning;This is depending on the current with which they get involved, for example, for a sensualist who is also materialistic, the only reality is the present life, which must be lived by avoiding pain and leading to the pleasures, he always says “Let’s eatAnd we enjoy that tomorrow we will die ". On the other hand, for metaphysical currents, whether or not they are related to religion or theology, life is only a transitory stadium that will lead us through death to other plans other than stocks.

Life, especially human life, is very complex and can be very strong, but suddenly everything can end in a second and all this looked with great future, goes. There are many examples to express this, but now one comes to mind, a twelve -year -old boy, with a future ahead, one morning leaves his house to ride a bicycle and suddenly runs over a car and dies instantly, disappearing disappearing, disappearingThus of the world and leaving behind his life. With this, all I want to show is how fragile a person’s life is, which sometimes looks like something "safe". With this example you could meditate and question, why did that happen to you? bad luck? destiny? These are questions that in my opinion we can never answer, since they go beyond life, in the depths of existence, it is something that can never be known because then existence would cease to be existence.

Life is a gift, a gift to take advantage of, but even a limit, since we are not immortal, death should not be afraid because it is very common, such as running, walking, eating, but death can beadvance and thus affect before time.

The certainty of death is sad but it is also an urgent call to commit to the most significant parts of life for each one and abandon as soon as you can, everything that hinders, the frivolous and superficial. "Because nothing will remain, only sand. Because when counting the constructed kingdoms, we should also look at the speed with which they will be destroyed ”. This is what P write.B. Shelley in his famous poem "Ozymandias".

Another frequent question is. Are we good or bad by nature? And according to Ortega y Gasset (1938) man is thrown into the world without an instruction book. And this means that we don’t have a guide on how we should behave. So it makes me think that our behavior will depend on the environment and the context in which we are, if we will be good or bad people that will depend on ourselves.

Finally, I only have to say that throughout our life we question ourselves about things that for some people are not important or relevant, but for others, including me, these questions turn me around my head, about life andDeath, a very complex issue of understanding but certainly very interesting, the only thing that Víctor Frank (2014) is left is to seek meaning to our lives and respond for our actions with responsibility during our existence. 

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