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Responsible Water Conservation

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Responsible Water Conservation


Water is a vital and indispensable resource in all human activity. Its availability provides us with hygiene, health, recreational and direct use conditions in productive or services activities, housing or public space. Thus, Torres mentions the poor populations of developing countries have stagnated or giving even more impoverishing, making the differences between the gross internal products of the rich countries with the poor with the poor. 

In addition to this, Badilla mentions developed countries, with 20% of the world’s population, they manage 85% of global finances and developing countries with 80% of the world’s population, they only represent 22% of the GDP of the planet. Then we can say that if there is a greater indicator of GDP in a country, the needs with respect to the water increase, since there is a greater demand in products, which use water in its elaboration, remembering that the water itself participates in irrigation systems,industry, mining, energy generation, etc. 


However, it is distributed indeterminately where some sectors have more or less availability with respect to this resource or is being used inadequately making clear the separation of privileged populations and those that lack this resource. Water scarce is a situation that claims to be treated and at the same time reflect, so the need for a water culture.

We call water culture to the set of forms and means used for the satisfaction of fundamental needs related to water, it aims to publicize the problem to the community to raise awareness about this resource and the environment, and promote developmentof habits and values to facilitate sustainability and consequently improve the quality of life.

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Therefore, water culture programs have adapted as a primary objective to promote among the population changes in their way of acting with respect to the use of this resource in order to reduce water consumption.

The ‘advertising or commercial spots are used as part of the annual agency campaigns in the months of June to September and have as a primary objective to promote changes in attitudes with respect to water. The change of attitudes generated by a certain message can be produced by two different cognitive processing routes: the central route and the peripheral route. As a result of the analysis there is a proposal to modify campaigns to promote water care among the population of Nuevo León through the generation or construction of citizen competences.

Citizen competences

Competencies and meanings are built and reinforced in interaction with others, first in the family, then in the school system. That is, they do not arise as an individual elaboration, but depending on the interaction. In the case of education on environmental issues, those are achieved through actions aimed at the development of capacities in individuals, in order to consciously influence decision making

The formation of competencies is in a community to promote the prevention of future problems and integrate the community to avoid these, but the biggest challenge is in the community environment which consists in validating such education, promoting it, reinforcing and complementing it withOther social institutions such as family and recreational activities. All this is not an immediate process, it is built in the long term. Citizens built arise in school, community or family. Therefore, educating for citizens from the educational institution means creating scenarios to develop citizen competences.

Regardless of people’s level of studies, they know about the importance of water in their lives, but someone competent will seek, in addition to taking care of it, promoting their preservation, so it is important to involve citizens of all ages in the culture programs of the culture of the culture of the culture of theWater. This is manifested in beliefs, in values, in the norms and forms of organization, symbolic creations, the relationships of people with each other and with nature, and in the way of resolving the conflicts generated by water.

Based on the above, the educational foundation of the water culture programs is very relevant, because children and young people become replicators of the message and with this the possibility of having more conscious citizens will be achieved, that is, ‘citizensbuilt ‘for the issue of water care, so all educational campaigns must be in themselves respectful of values and attitudes towards the general population.

The water culture approach

It must change towards the new water culture, based on the change in the heritage and aquifer patrimonial vision, the assessment of water as a simple economic resource, to assume an ethical vision presided over by the principle of intergenerational equity. It is about assuming an approach to strict justice, from that principle of intergenerational equity, understanding that these are patrimonies of nature in usufruct of successive generations.


Water is not a resource distributed equally so it is important that those who are privileged or not, have responsible use on this resource because otherwise in the near future a greater scarce could be experienced, which will bring with them very serious consequences to suchpoint of suffering wars for this resource.

The construction of a conscious citizen takes years, therefore it is urgent and necessaryonly sanctions.

The union of society is urgent to work on the issue of citizen construction, we must also think about the right of others and the need ethically water. Although relevant advances have been achieved in water care, it is relevant that these are not abandoned over time, therefore, it is essentialAnd that in the future everyone has the right to the benefits that water gives us.


  • · López Castañeda, María de Jesús. (July-December, 2017). Water culture programs in Nuevo León. Analysis of the effects of advertising campaigns in the decrease in consumption in the population. 10/20/2019, from Autonomous University of Nuevo León Monterrey
  • · Torres Salas, Theo Christian. (. 2, July-December, 2015). Strategy to rationally use water: experience of an industrial technical education entity, certified under ISO 14001: 2004. (10/21/2019), from the National University of San Marcos 
  • · Corinna Acosta. (July 11, 2013). 10 inspiring phrases to promote water care. 10/21/2019, from Expok 

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