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Right To Decent Death

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Right to decent death


The last moments of the life of a person implies a range of rights that he will enjoy for his personal condition and an imminent decision making among which the legislation will determine, which directly affect the patient can be assumed, valued and established by it, and which will be inevitably imposed by law.

In the final process of a person’s life the legal system allows him in part, to be the same patient who determines the way in which the natural outcome will occur and therefore the people who live together and be part of this process either Family or medically they must assume to respect and always fulfill the main interest of the patient, this is what we can call the right to die with dignity, the right that a patient has to decide how the culmination of his life will live and that this decision is respected by everybody.

As we have pointed out the main characteristic of this right is "the decision of the patient" and that once taken this becomes unwavering for those around him


We could call it in infinite ways, the right to die with dignity, the right to die humanly, even with a little luck in the near future we could call it the right to have a good death, it would be fantastic that the legal system opened the hand in this area, which does not It only allowed the patient to decide how to cross that trance, but allowed him to choose when having a good death, which is the same, euthanasia, which would lead us to the starting point "the right to die with dignity"

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Although the important thing may not be the way in which we can title it, what should truly matter is to understand what the right to die with dignity can cover and its unwavering relationship with the concept dignity.

Legislate on a right to die with dignity will mean the patient to decide on the almost total development of the last moments of his life, and the set of these decisions would lead to an infinite, and changing list, according to the person who enumerates it , according to the place of the world where it lists ..

According to Méndez Baiges, the most important decisions that should be granted to the patient would be:

  • Right to reject any foreign decision that irremediably supposes for the patient an unwanted death

Faculty undoubtedly recognized by all laws and from which the prohibition of murder is derived by logic.

  • Right to die dignity and with all serenity, which assumes that the patient is not treated as an object in the hands of science during the last moments of his life, he could also cover the right to freedom of conscience and to be provided if This is what spiritual assistance wants.

This would be the right to die with dignity according to the description he gives the Vatican congregation for the doctrine of faith

  • Right to reject therapeutic fierceness

Right to reject disproportionate means of healing, to reject treatments that prolong agony.

  • Right to reject any medical treatment, even in the event that this rejection supposes death.

The possibility of rejecting a treatment already initiated is considered included. The legitimacy of this faculty must be based on the right of people to physical integrity, in the right not to allow foreign invasions in the body itself, in the principle of autonomy and in the right to freedom of the patient

Many establish a rationality requirement to admit that rejection of treatment, which raises the problem between legal incapacitation and the maintenance of absurd beliefs manifestly about reality.

  • Right to manifest anticipated wills in the process of dying binding for third parties, is the right to leave reviews regarding medical treatments that a person is willing to receive or reject during their process of dying. And in the hypothetical case of not being in a position to decide for himself to leave authorized a person who decides by him when to authorize or disallow a treatment
  • Right to obtain a palliative pain treatment during the process of dying, in order to avoid excessive suffering as much as possible.
  • Right to decide when to die, the right to dispose of life. Right to fulfill the will of a patient to culminate his life, without feeling pain, with with help and supervision of a medical team, perfectly trained for this purpose the right to access the long -awaited euthanasia.



The expression right to die that we will equate with the right to dispose of one’s life. It refers to the legal faculty granted to an individual in order to determine in itself the moment and the way of the end of the process of dying, very discussed legitimacy that widely divides the doctrine, which subsist arduous debates, is the one that has found some legal admission Retail and has been experienced in countries like Holland, the United States, Australia and lasting the last period in Colombia.  

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