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School Shootings in the USA

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Causes and Effect of School Shooting in the USA
According to news reports, at least 17 people met their death at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School following the outrageous shootings by a 19-year-old boy, Nikolas Cruz, expelled without specifying the disciplinary claims (Christensen). The incident has caused uprising debates and pointing fingers at anything that could sound like the cause of the steeply rising mass killings in the USA. According to most politicians and citizen who are quick to blame, tie all the mass killings to people with a mental crisis without realizing the fact that countries such as India and Europe at large share the same figures of mentally unstable people but have very low incidents of school-shooting. The increasing rate has led to most Americans heading back to the drawing board on the laws and regulation on gun control and gun rights in the country. As a result, research on the major causes of school shootings has gained significance as most people state their experiences, giving an overview of the extent at which mass shootings in the country has ripped offer their loved ones and planted fear among people. In this context, we will analyze the reasons behind the increasing incidences of school shootings and the effect it has on the students and the American society.
Most Republican politicians and supporters lead by President Trump have recently come out to blame the case of school shootings to mentally unstable students in the couyn6try gaining access to guns.

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According to research done by Muschert (62), indeed there are reports that approximately 60% of people accused of being perpetrators of the mass shootings have suffered from mental health problems. Newman and Cybelle (1287) explain that some of the victims arrested of mass shootings in the country had displayed symptoms of delusions, depression or have a medical history of acute paranoia before they committed the shootings. Report from Qiu and Justin indicate that Aurora, Colorado mass shooting at the theater carried out by James Holmes was after several occasions of James visiting psychiatrist specializing in schizophrenia. Several researchers have linked the James rogue behavior to psych drugs such as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) which cause depression and increase in violent impulses. James Holmes and Nikolas Cruz share almost similar mentally unstable behavior as Before Cruz’s expulsion he had been seen in and out of mental-health treatment (Christensen).
However, there is more to mental health issues and psych drugs as moral duplicity in the society has continuously been reported to trigger anger and depression among most young adults. Parents, politicians, teachers and even religious leaders have been on several occasions spotted preaching the gospel while drinking wines. As a result, Muschert (74) explains that children have ended up losing faith in the existing authority and react to their emotions without considering if their actions are right or wrong. Newman and Cybelle (1298) claim that the current society is morally bankrupt as parents have no time to educate their children on what’s is ethically acceptable and unacceptable. Furthermore, access to the internet and violent video games are not restricted, and the young adults are brainwashed into thinking owning a gun and firing at fellow citizens is cool and gains fame. As a result, lack of strict measures on gun rights and controls make it easy for them to acquire a gun and fire at fellow students when triggered.
The results of school shooting have remained unspeakable to many as several people continue to morn loss of innocent lives and close relatives and friends. According to Qiu and Justin, Littleton, Springfield, Jonesboro and Newtown continue to grief over the death of innocent people from school shootings as more of the gunfire in other areas of the country inflict fear to parents, students, school staff and citizens living within the locality of the school. Events of school shooting tend to cause emotionally, physical and psychological effects to those present and the rest of the country as the news spreads. Some of the health complications as stated by Muschert (76) include nightmares, lack of appetite and sleeping problems, headaches and trauma.
Research conducted by Newman and Cybelle (1292) indicate that children who have witnessed shooting incidents in school across the country have been negatively affected in their school work others having troubles making friends as their level of trust to other students decreases. Students who have witness school mass shooting as that of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. Not only are psychological traumas observed among students but also the rest of teaching and non-teaching staff who were present during the horror. Parents of the deceased and injured students form the shootings have been reported to develop anxiety and depression symptoms as most of them are scared to send their children back to the same school or public schools that do not have guards to protect their children.
In conclusion, cases of school shooting have significantly been fueled by the increase in moral duplicity in the country and the inadequate mechanism to keep guns out of hands of mentally ill citizens. Parents and adults who children look up to have failed to communicate the acceptable moral behavior by acting their words and becoming role models to the young adults. Furthermore, lack of children supervision has left the children to access violence-motivating materials that result in them emulating what they see and hear in real life. The results of their actions such as school shooting have left several people to include teachers, students and parents psychologically traumatize and depressed among other health complications. In this case, the government together with the rest of the couyn6try should revisit the rules and regulations governing gun ownership and usage in the country and put in place measures that will eliminate school shootings.
Works Cited
Christensen, Jen. “Why the US has the most mass shootings.” CNN, Cable News Network, 5 Oct. 2017,
Muschert, Glenn W. “Research in school shootings.” Sociology Compass 1.1 (2007): 60-80.
Newman, Katherine, and Cybelle Fox. “Repeat tragedy: Rampage shootings in American high school and college settings, 2002-2008.” American behavioral scientist 52.9 (2009): 1286-1308.
Qiu, Linda, and Justin Bank. “Fact-Checking Claims About Gun Violence and Mental Illness.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 16 Feb. 2018,

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