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Endangered Species
The Gray wolf is found in the artic, tundra and the eastern woodlands. Gray wolves can live in grasslands, deserts, forests and or arctic tundra. They generally inhabit areas with low human presence, low road densities, low livestock densities, and abundance of prey, and snow conditions. The Gray Wolf is endangered because of the trapping and hunting of wolves as they were a nuisance to animals and human beings.
Currently, the population of Gray Wolves is estimated to be between 7000 and 9000 in Alaska, 3500 in the lower states of the U.S. and a total of 200,000 wolves in 48 different countries in the world. There are approximately 10 other species connected to the Gray Wolf. The extinction of Gray wolves could have some effects on the human population, as well as, the ecological balance in their habitats.
Saved Species
The African Savannah Elephants are found in Savannah grasslands and forests in some parts of Africa such as Kenya. The species was saved through efforts by the WWF to conserve the elephants by improving their protection and management from poaching, reducing illegal ivory trade, mitigating human-elephant conflicts and building capacity within range countries. The public perception of these efforts were positive with people volunteering to support this cause. I feel that this rescue of the African Savannah Elephants was worthy and should be supported to prevent the extinction of the rich wildlife from the world.

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Human Population Issues
The human population crisis is indeed virtually the cause of all major problems that the world faces today. With the current population of a whopping 7 billion people, the existing resources in the world are under a great strain to cater for all the people. This includes the ever rising demand of basic human needs like food, water and energy resources. The ever increasing population also results in increased rates of soil erosion and loss of farm lands for human settlement, posing a great challenge to food production (United Nations Global Issues 1).
It is true to state that the current population explosion could lead to great trouble for human beings because of the anticipated effects. According to The Population Institute, if the world population continues growing at the same rate (220,000) per day, the population will be 9.2 billion by mid-21st century CITATION Pop15 l 1033 (Population Institute). Thus, it is imperative that we find a way of controlling this population growth or else humans will be faced with immense challenges in the future. One of the ways of controlling the ever increasing population is by requiring families to pay taxes based on the number of children in a single household. This will discourage high population growth rates especially in nations where the growth rate is the highest, for example India and China (Kolbert 1).

Works Cited
BIBLIOGRAPHY l 1033 Kolbert, Elizabeth. Billions and Billions. 24 october 2011. Web. 13 May 2015.
Population Institute. Why Population Matters. n.d. Web. 13 May 2015.
United Nations Global Issues. Population. 2015. Web. 13 May 2015.

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