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Sign language strategies


Language: Language is something that we are all related closely. Since we are born we cry to communicate that we need something later we begin to babble to communicate when we grow up we learn to speak and to say that we use the language since childhood and every day.

There are several definitions of language but all of them are somewhat related by the following characteristics: a system composed of signs can be interpreted. b Having the ability to use language allows us to acquire knowledge for the partner environment allows the creation or acquisition of their own behavior.


Ríos Hernandez Communication is known in the information transition process which needs certain elements so that it happens the main ones are the issuer that is responsible for making known the message itself that must be codified to be understood by the receiver who receives the message.

 Types of verbal communication: It is the most common form is all that uses the word either spoken or written. It is specifically called oral to the use of spoken words even strong sounds emitted from our mouth oral communication occurs immediately, so it is quite fast but something that could improve this process is noise is. 

Written communication is given through the use of written codes or signs. Nonverbal communication: verbal communication is a little more about what we express with our body and not with our mouths we usually express it naturally, but we can also do it consciously.

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In this category, facial expressions and positions come in. 

The problem with this type of communication is that it is not always clear that the rest of the people interpret body expressions differently either positive or negative. Morales 2019 Community Learning Centers. Verbal or nonverbal communication if it had to put sign language in communication classification would be nonverbal communication. 

As it was mentioned in the description of verbal communication is used by the spoken word as such. So being a communication through only the use of facial hands and expressions we are talking about entering the classification of nonverbal communication.  What is sign language for? It is a relatively normal term because we have all heard it sometime. It is known as sign language to a set of signs and gestures used by the deaf community to communicate and relate mostly with each other. 

This has its own grammar and fulfills the same functions as verbal communication. MEXICO LANGUAGE DICTIONARY SORDA COMMUNITY 2.1. What is the deaf community? It is made up of all those who have auditory disabilities that use sign language and listeners who seek to achieve equality for people with these auditory disabilities. 

As the possibility of getting quality jobs to improve and consolidate the deaf community. Deaf people in Mexico Mexico has 2.4 million people with sadly auditory disabilities of these only 64% have the opportunity to attend school, that is, 54 thousand 372 Buendía 2017 is sadly not all because in addition to the low chances of attending a school to receive good quality education in good quality in Mexico there are approximately 40 signs language interpreters recognized by sign language.

Communication of people with hearing impairment as we already mentioned sign language in the language that uses people with hearing impairment to communicate but when the population that knows how to use this language and interaction is very scarce, their communication and interaction are reduced to a small group of people who have the same disability some relatives or friendships who learned language. 

Social interaction for deaf-mudas people is quite restricted and are a fairly ignored sector. Although although there are schools where they can attend to learn to use their language, often that is not enough because the possibilities that teachers in that school are completely trained to be able to adequately instruct the students based on the experience that bill; Cesar says they have learned in its entirety to use sign language until the age of 11 and it was not thanks to the school to which he attended but for a partner and his parents forced dominate him. 

Ernesto 2016 For them it is more difficult to meet new people or make friends to each place that creates a feeling of rejection García Azucena; in his note barriers to the communication of deaf people; written on the consumer portal in 2009; He writes that some people say they feel foreign even in their country of origin because it is easy to participate in normal situations by the communication barrier that is generated being the most grade obstacle they have.

Education 3.1 Education in Mexico Education in Mexico: unequal and quality is difficult to measure Gracía 2018 is the heading of a note written by analyst Ana Karen in the portal of the newspaper El Economista on December 25, 2018 in this note talks about education about Insufficient in Mexico which is nothing good Garcia says that from the beginning it is insufficient in many parameters such as the same teachers and the facilities that cause education not to be of good quality and in addition to causing the dropout of many students. 

Garcia also mentions populations that do not have the opportunity to attend a nearby school and less with appropriate facilities for students, much less attending a populations school in extreme poverty. Garcia in the article also emphasizes that teachers are insufficient many who are dedicated to primary education do not have a 40% university degree, they do not even finish training programs and many more data and points where it specifies why education in schools is precarious and such a poor quality. 

In addition to the fact that the materials are not necessary as books that are usually delivered to the students long after they have started the course for what they are usually delayed and the programs are completely outdated. Although it is already known perfectly that education in Mexico is not of good quality, it hurts to know that the population is so much that it cannot have access to education and that another part that does have this opportunity has to travel long distances to reach a school that neither It does not even have appropriate facilities to also not receive the education they deserve. 

Sign teaching as a second bilingual language different authors have accustomed to defining bilingualism but in general all definitions mention about the use of expressing and decoding etc. Acquisition of a second language by using the word acquisition we refer to spontaneously and naturally manage a language. 

When talking about acquiring sign language we find that if a listener decides to learn it, it is because he seeks to communicate with deaf people could be for an acquaintance or family who suffers from this disability. A desire to join a minority group may also be due to providing something useful. 

Learning can be defined as the set of processes through which we acquire new knowledge skills skills ideas values ​​etc. through observation intuition induction study or more methods. Teaching Teaching is an exchange of information between the teacher and the student who encourages student learning.

Learning strategies for children according to some authors Learning strategies are plans or processes in order to achieve learning goals. where these imply that different activities must be carried out in order to achieve the desired target Herrera Capita 2009 3.4 Child teaching strategies A way to define teaching strategies would be that: 

Set of decisions that the teacher must take in order to be able to properly guide the student’s knowledge. The teacher must take into consideration that it is what she expects the student to learn what she should do for and why. Teaching-learning strategies EA strategies are methods that a teacher uses to contribute to the implementation and development of their students’ abilities. 

This should be based on a didactic sequence that is satisfied at the beginning and closing types there are many types of teaching strategies and are classified as follows: A according to the time of teaching: there are three begins with the pre-institutional ones that are Before a session this consists of preparing students for the information that the co-instructions will be obtained later during the session and curricular materials are used texts images etc. 

For the student to retain post-institutional information at the end of the student he will have to put into practice the information that was seen and that he learned. B according to his cognitive process: Establishment of objectives The student will know the material that will be used and will know the teacher’s expectations towards him; Knowledge activation is through rains of ideas and questions to ask students to remember knowledge that they had already acquired previously; To direct attention using images or other materials to maintain attention.


Organization of material to use concept maps, mental schemes and other materials that contain the information they must acquire; finally relate the previous knowledge to the new ones through analogies. C according to teacher teaching: it can be master class or active and participatory class. 

The master class is that where the teacher focuses on directing the attention of direct Astra The active and participatory class is that where the teacher generates an understandable classroom where the student can express themselves and participate freely in class. D Creative Strategies: These are divided into indirect methods where the teacher motivates the creativity of the student creating situations to contextualize the information can be transmitted textually or graphically.

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