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The Merits of Social Inequality
A society is a group of people living together, sharing some common resources, goals and interrelate for a good life. In a society, people are not equal in various ways. Some people are richer than others. Also, some people are more learned than others. The leaders and the subjects also form a different category of people. The differences that are evident in the society creates social inequalities that people need to embrace. Many people believe that such differences people have in the society are bad, but in many cases they are wrong. It is the differences that people have in the society that make life in the society complete.
Instances of Social Inequality
In the society, people are different economically, in age, education, and in employment terms. Economically, some people are endowed with more wealth than other people. This is the reason why the society considers some people to be rich and other people to be poor. The amount of wealth that a person has determines whether the person is in a low class, middle class or high-class category. These are social ranks that are created from the differences that people have regarding their riches. The different level of society groups, like low class or high class, means that the society is stratified (Stinchcombe 239-41). Normally, people in the high-class have big businesses that they use to create money. In such businesses, they need people of the low class to employ and work for them.

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Therefore, the amount of riches that one has also determined the type of work that they can do to sustain their livings. People in high class own large value of property like houses, cars and big business companies, but people in the low class do not own much property.
Another thing, leadership also shows that people are not equal in the society. Not everybody can be leaders, but just a few who have the leadership traits (Goleman 229). If everybody were equal in the society, then everybody would be leaders. Since people are different with some being more popular than others, leaders can be selected who can steer the society forward to success. On the similar case, people are different in education. Some people are very learned, and others are less learned. The level of education gives people professions in the society. This is the reason why some people are doctors and others are patients; others are teachers while others are students. Also, some people are qualified for management while others are qualified for junior workers. If people were all equal, it would mean that everybody would be doctors, teachers, and managers at the same time. There would be no trusting another person, before example if you are a teacher, you cannot trust another person to teach you what you know and can teach yourself.
Consequences of Social Inequality
There are several consequences of social inequality. The first thing that arises from the economic differences that people have is the social stratification. The fact that some people are poor, others are moderate, while others are very rich means the society has layers where it arranges people (Lewis and Ilana 193-4). The layers are important in defining the types of associations, friendships, and social groupings. If everybody were, all the same, it would be difficult to have friends one can identify with. Everybody would be similar to everyone else. This would make life boring.
Social inequality also helps in the development of leadership. It is through the social differences that allow the people to see leadership values in person before selecting or electing them to be leaders (Goleman 230). For instance, while some people have eloquence, others stammers, while some people are courageous, others are afraid, and while some people are outgoing, others are more of themselves. The traits thus help the people to select a person who is outgoing, courageous and eloquent alongside other traits to be their leader. If people were all the same, it would be very difficult to identify who can be a leader.
However, this does not mean that the people who are not having leadership qualities are not socially good. They also have their unique roles in the society. A person may lack eloquence, but is a very good doctor; a person may lack courage but is a very good business person. The differences that social inequality creates in the society are important in making the society complete.
Advantages of Social Inequality
Based on the preceding information and decision, it is important that I support the fact that social inequality is a good thing. There are several reasons for support of social inequality. First of all, social inequalities are important when one would wish to find and occupy a different niche, and so play their different roles. Some people are fine being in a low class, as they believe that having much wealth and money is evil. It is their choice and may not even change when presented with a situation that would uplift them. They believe that being in a low class gives one a peaceful and humble life. Others like being in the high class. They do not like to be poor at all costs. They work hard to maintain their economic statuses. If all the people would be given on one level, either low or high class, it is possible that a great number of people would not feel happy. Therefore, let the social inequalities exist in the society, they are good and encouraging to many.
The differences in the society also encourage inspirational and developments. Some people in the low class work hard every day to find a way of accumulating as much wealth as possible to improve their economic statuses. Similarly, people in the high-class use smart ideas to keep multiplying their wealth so that they remain wealthy and never be poor (Brooks 81). The social differences in the society, therefore, encourages people to work. The work is important for the development of social growth. Therefore, social inequalities remove boredom from life and make life interesting to live.
Many people think that the social inequalities are bad, but I tend to disagree with this view of the majority tend to believe that social differences are a good thing that people should be able to appreciate. Being different economically, educationally or regarding leadership helps in creating different levels and activities in the society that people can participate. Some people enjoy working hard as juniors with the aim of becoming better in life. When they achieve their goals, it gives them success, and they feel good about such achievements. Leaders can also be selected from the different qualities people possess in the society. Being different therefore is important for everybody in the society.

Works Cited
Brooks, David. Bobos in Paradise: The new upper class and how they got there. Simon and Schuster, 2010.
Goleman, Daniel. “What makes a leader?” Organizational influence processes (2003): 229-241.
Lewis, James, and Ilana Kelan. “Places, people and perpetuity: Community capacities in ecologies of catastrophe.” ACME: an international e-journal for critical geographies 9.2 (2010): 191-220.
Stinchcombe, Arthur L., and J. G. March. “Social structure and organizations.” Advances in strategic management 17 (2011): 229-259.

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