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Social Networks To Start A Business Or Entrepreneurship

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Social networks to start a business or entrepreneurship


The following essay will share the importance of entrepreneurs to use social networks to grow their business, and a Morelense brand will be analyzed that has been announced for having a social network, I thank the reader for their time and I hope it is fromYour liking.


Currently social networks in addition to becoming a useful tool of communication globally, it has been discovered that they have other purposes that have benefited companies a lot, the simple fact of being free tools, easily accessible and that much of the population knowsUsing it, a powerful gain network returns, thus reaching the information to a number of unimaginable users, which is why they have become very important for those entrepreneurs who seek to grow their business reaching more users through these.

Nowadays we can observe thousands of brand profiles, businesses, companies, which seekThese offer as advertising, and a very important and high -range part that brands have lately as the benefit that are influencers, these have helped a brand and for various entrepreneurs to reach the thousands of people who follow them in social networks,This through an agreement, which benefits both.

To begin this essay, it is importantorganizations that relate to each other on digital platforms ”(Peiró, s.F.). Another author points out that social networks "are Internet sites formed by communities of individuals with interest or activities in common (such as friendship, kinship, work) and that allow contact between them, with the aim of communicating and exchanging information" (Raffino, 2019).

Wait! Social Networks To Start A Business Or Entrepreneurship paper is just an example!

On the other hand, the business term is “any activity, occupation or method that aims to obtain a gain” (Roldán). Other authors point out that "it is about occupation, work or work that is done for lucrative purposes" (Pérez). The previous author again defines a business as “an operation of a certain complexity, related to the processes of production, distribution and sale services and goods, with the aim of satisfying the different needs of buyers and benefiting, in turn, in turn,to the sellers ”(Pérez).

Currently most social networks have thousands of business profiles that make users easier for users to become consumers, that is why entrepreneurs have almost forced their brand to have a profile in these networks in these networks.

To understand what an entrepreneur is, they define themselves as “a person who has the ability to discover and identify some type of business opportunity and based on this organizes a series of resources in order to start a business project” (Sánchez, s.F.). Other authors say that an entrepreneur is "that person who identifies an opportunity and organizes the necessary resources to take it" (Sánchez L. , 2010). Another author points out that "entrepreneurs are persevering, brave people, without fear of failure and always afterwards are successful (either sooner or later) in the struggle to achieve their objectives" (Riquelme, 2012).

Shampoo Nayan

The case of "Nayan" Shampoo is a product based on 100% natural and artisanal ingredients that was created in the state of Morelos to meet a need and at the same time create a business that will benefit people and in turn families, which offersThis business is a range of products that are of natural ingredients and that are carried out by hand, such as creams, normal shampoo, shampoo for lice, soaps, among others, in order to offer their customers the option of using organic products,economic and that do not damage their body. Social networks have helped this brand to grow their product line and make more people known.

In this case, a 20 -year -old girl from the state of Morelos, one of the three partners of Grupo Nayan, who helped us to tell how her business became known through social networks, as well as the importance thatThese had for their growth.

She commented that her work team is composed of five people who take care of different functions, all for the benefit of the business, they in turn sell to retailers thus forming a network that helps the brand grow more and more.

This brand was chosen since it has active social networks, people interact.

The following illustration shows the official Facebook page of the Nayan brand, a half for which the products are shown and a virtual contact with customers.

In this case, it has a single social network to make themselves known and it is Facebook [Footnoteref: 4], its account has 2,721 users who follow and who like the page, who also comment, share, react tothe publications that are made daily about the products offered.

In Illustration 1, you can see the opinions made by users who are customers on the page, this has many benefits for the business since as frequent customers they publish what they think of the products offered and this gives the opportunity to newUsers who visit the page see them and encourage to ask for something or try something, since they are mostly good opinions and recommendations of good pleasure, a great tool for entrepreneurial partners since it helps attract new customers, is free advertising and advertising andIt does not require any effort on the part of the administrators to carry out these actions.)

Nayan’s official page is the only one that the brand has on social networks, the partner interviewed commented that this page has benefited them that their brand is known with people from other states and even other countries, all thank youWhat Facebook allows a great range by having millions of users of all ages and all kinds.

Other benefits that the brand had by having a Facebook page was to sell in an easier way, using the tool to put commercials on the brand on this network, it helped more people to know it, thus facilitating that customerscontact the brand every time they require a product.

She considers that it is very important that a team of entrepreneurs who seek to publicThus potential customers.

Nayan’s partner says that all this began with a small family business, of few people participating and more like hobby, when trying their products many people began to recommend it since they liked it and being of a very accessible price, soon after, soon,The business grew more and more, generating more income to the family and needing a tool that would help to have a greater range to find new customers.

Thus was the need to create the profile of a social network, in order to reach more people and publicHave thousands of users who recommend and are faithful followers of the page.

Currently you can see the positive results of having created the profile of the Nayan brand on social networks by having a reach of the entire State, and having even reached other countries, it has helped the brand to grow the business, to whichMore people are interested, inform themselves about it and frequent customers are made, all these benefits for having a profile that was also easy to create, it is easy to handle, it occupies a minimum time of attention and administration, it is created in minutes, it has a reach of millions of people globally, and the most important thing has no cost for any of the parties.

According to (hard) one of the best social networks for a company to grow is Facebook since it is the most used social network and thanks to the fact that it allows you to make promoted ads.

Talking with the partner of this business and that he would have his experience with the networks helped to confirm the importance of making use of social networks to grow a business, since they are a very powerful weapon currently and very reaching, you canTo say now that entrepreneurs seek to grow their businesTo the fullest the tools that these networks offer when you want to grow a business.


  • Lasted. Webempresa . January 24, 2018. .
  • Facebook . 2019. .
  • Nuño, p. Entrendepyme . November 24, 2017. .
  • Peiró, r. Economipedia . s.F. .
  • Pérez, J. & Gardey, to. Definition.Of. 2013. .
  • Raffino, m. Concept.of. October 9, 2019. .
  • Riquelme, m. Web and companies . September 26, 2012. .
  • Roldán, p. Economipedia . July 2017. .
  • Sánchez, J. Economipedia . s.F. .
  • Sánchez, l. Entrendepyme . January 5, 2010. .
  • Meanings . Meaning Facebook . August 26, 2016. .
  • Lic. Alejandra Ortiz Castañeda Dr. Fermín Sotelo Bahena
  • Business Development – Marketing Oral and Written Expression I

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