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Specialized Language

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Specialized language

Since the beginning of the 15th century, the invention of the printing press, the development of telecommunications and the beginning of the digital era favored the propagation of information, both nationally and internationally. Thus, the progress of science has generated the imperative need for an increasingly specialized dialogue that would allow the communication of the discoveries that were taking place, since new notions arose that in turn needed new designations. 

Therefore, as their studies progressed, each field of knowledge has been developing linguistic resources that allow them to convey knowledge, which in turn led to the elaboration of specialized language or specialty language. Hoffman defines specialized language as ‘the set of all linguistic resources that are used in a communicative field – demitable in regard to the specialty – to guarantee the understanding between the people who work in that area’.

Specialized language is a subcategory of language that shows partial coincidences with common language, but with use of concrete discipline. These differences between common and specialized language can be observed under different approaches:

  • From the semantic point of view, specialized language is objective and precise, while common language allows a certain degree of ambiguity and a subjective nuance
  • From the functional point of view, the purpose of the specialty language is to exchange objective knowledge on a specific issue, in contrast to the purpose of the common language, which seeks social interaction
  • From the pragmatic point of view, the theme of specialized language concerns a certain area of knowledge, since its authors and readers are experts in that area.

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    On the other hand, the theme of the common language is more general, since its audience is also.- 


Finally, from the structural point of view, the specialty language resorts to elements such as definitions, classifications, enumerations, calculations, reasoning, arguments and quotes, while the common language uses narratives, dialogues, exclamations and question. 

Therefore, if you had to point out specific linguistic features of specialized language, three should be highlighted: objectivity, terminological coherence and precision. 

As for the translation of specialized texts, it is important that the translator be documented, helping glossaries on the subject in question. Similarly, it is essential that you stay updated in everything related to the scope on which you have to work. 

Finally, as already mentioned before, the translator must ensure that the translated text remains precise, exact and coherent, since these aspects are essential in the specialized texts, where the tiny error can have serious consequences.

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