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State Sponsors of Terrorism

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State Sponsor of Terrorism
The world, especially the Middle East, has been dipped into the extremes of terrorism-related casualties and deaths. Terror groups have taken advantages of politically unstable and ungoverned areas within the Middle East to plan and execute their attacks (Weiss, & Hassan 2016). The Islamic State militant terror group provides a suitable example, yet for such an organization to accomplish terror activities globally, they must have the backing of wealthy governments, that aid at the supply of commercial and military materials the groups require. Iran has been blamed in the past of exacerbating conflicts in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen through proxies like Hezbollah. Indeed, Iran has successfully planted Islamic State as its proxy against Egypt, Israel, and the United States, but the consequences have been grave. As the world stays focused on terrorism in the Middle East, Europe, and in the US, the most dangerous, and powerful terror group is getting its significant support through Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist group, which is primarily sponsored by Iran.
Keywords: Middle East, Islamic State, terrorism, terrorism sponsor.
Islamic State (IS) is one of the world’s most lethal groups. The group was founded in 2013, after off shooting from Al-Qaeda that is based in Iraq. Ever since it has been disavowed by al-Qaeda, yet it has become the mainstream of the Jihadist group based in Syria and Iraq. The Jihadist group is an international terror group that has burst on the international level, and it is getting its significant support from the government of Iran.

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The militant group is notorious for its endless mass killings, brutality, mass headings and Muslims beheadings. In June 2015, IS formally declared the formation of a state governed according to the Islamic Shariah law, “Caliphate.” Under the state, God is the ruler, while the Caliph on earth acts as God’s deputy. Islamic State has consequently affirmed fresh demands that all Muslims across the globe should execrate adherence to its leader Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim AL-Badri al-Samarrai, popularly known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, besides the Muslims, have an obligation of migrating to the region under his control. The objective of the Islamic State is to reinstate God’s autonomy in the world and to secure Muslim ummah “community,” against apostates and infidels.
History behind the Islamic State
Iran’s Hamas-ISIS comprises one of Iran’s tactics of employing proxy militaries against the US and its cronies. Esfandiary & Tabatabai (2015) state that Iran’s most extensive approach of triumphing to dominion in the Middle East expanse has been over the maintenance of key terror clutches like IS. Consequently, Esfandiary & Tabatabai assert that the action has led to the establishment of support apparatus between Iran, Hamas group an ISIS, centered on military drills, military paraphernalia, armaments, and finance’s (Esfandiary & Tabatabai, 2015).
Weiss & Hassan emphasize that the construction of IS terror group can be traced way back to the late charismatic Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who originated from Jordan (2016). After the United States commenced an offensive in Iraq, Zarqawi vowed devotion to Osama Bin Laden and made al-Qaeda in Iraq, which turned out to be a vigorous force in the rebellion (Weiss & Hassan, 2016). In 2006 Zarqawi died, and Al-Qaeda created an umbrella organization called Islamic State, based in Iraq. Subsequently, Weiss & Hassan, positions that were a steady debilitation as a result of the US troop outpouring, and the establishment of Sahwa (Arising) (2016). Indeed, this made the councils of Sunni Arab tribesmen to reject IS because of its brutality. The entry of Baghdadi, a former US detainee, breathed a new spark. Baghdadi became the leader in 2010 and commenced the rebuilding of ISI’s capacities. By the year 2013, the group was instrumental in meeting several attacks within months across Iraq. The entry of the group in Syria was propagated by the frequent protests against the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. IS took the opportunity to join the rebellion through setting up the al-Nusra Front. In April of 2013, Baghdadi made an announcement on the merger of its forces in Syria and Iraq that led to the creation of “Islamic State in Iraq alongside the Levant” (Isis) (Weiss & Hassan, 2016). Accordingly, a protest surged from the influence of al-Qaeda, and al-Nusra that made them prohibit the scheme, but units devoted to Baghdadi accomplished an efficacious divide from al-Nusra and sponsored Isis to endure in Syria (Weiss, & Hassan, 2016).
Foremost motivation why Iran backs the IS
Albright & Walrond (2013) positions that Iran has a program objective of attaining authority over the Middle East grounded on its chief philosophical pillar, the exportation of Islamic Upheaval to other states constructed on terrorism as an apparatus for political sabotage. As long as Isis is willing to cooperate and promote Iran’s interests, then Iran will be in the position to gain a foothold against Egypt and Israel. Iran looks up to weaken the U.S for it to destabilize America’s regional power over the Gulf (Albright & Walrond, 2013).
The level of upkeep Iran contributes to the IS
Iranian cash, artillery, and military proficiency have been flowing to ISIS through Hamas, the proactive terror group (Albright & Walrond, 2013). According to Albright & Walrond (2013), the nuclear deal between the US and Iran has increased the funding of IS through Hamas. The financing from Iran alone comprises of the $100 million dollars that Iranian and Turkish governments sent to the group. Consequently, the funding is enough to recruit soldiers from neighbors like Tunisia, Egypt, and even Europe, and America. Besides, Iran offers military expertise and Military Equipment, and this has made the IS so lethal (Albright & Walrond, 2013).
The violence strategies of IS
Weiss & Hassan, uphold that the Isis is consists of Jihadists who are programmed to the life-threatening clarification of Sunni Islam, and they esteem themselves as the sole true devotees of Islam. Certainly, this reason unaccompanied validates their assaults against other Muslims and non-Muslims equally. The major way of attack includes suicide bombings, beheadings, mass shootings, and crucifixions, which they video shoot to terrorize their enemies (Weiss & Hassan, 2016). The major benefit that Iran gains is the autonomy of being the regional authority of the Middle East region, through the weakening of the United States allies within the Middle East region, which include Egypt, and Israel (Weiss & Hassan, 2016).
Donald Trump’s public statement regarding the relationship between Iran and Is
1In 7th June 2017, Graber & Dunaway (2017) assert that Donald Trump, through the Whitehouse statement made a conclusive remark about Iran’s relationship with as follows, “We underscore that sponsor terrorism risk falling victim to the evil they promote.” (Esfandiary & Tabatabai, 2015)
Iran has predisposed the unruly confusion in the Middle East by backing the IS through its monetary and spiritual influence it relishes in the Middle East. While the motives of its terror activities are ill bent, it is time for the United Nations to monitor Iran’s actions as far as peace in the Middle East is concerned.
Albright, D., Walrond, C., Stricker, A., & Avagyan, R. (2013). ISIS analysis of IAEA Iran safeguards report. Institute for Science and International Security.
Esfandiary, D., & Tabatabai, A. (2015). Iran’s ISIS policy. International Affairs, 91(1), 1-15.
Graber, D. A., & Dunaway, J. (2017). Mass media and American politics. Cq Press.
Weiss, M., & Hassan, H. (2016). ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror (updated edition). Simon and Schuster.

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