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Stereotypes In Society And How Our Development Affects

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Stereotypes in society and how our development affects


In this monograph I will touch the issue about stereotypes in our society and how our development affects. Stereotypes are common in our daily lives and that have been existing from the beginning of the human. In our society there are different types of stereotypes, there are gender, religious, political, social, cultural, physical and many others that continue to emerge every day. Stereotypes are used in different ways, but many negatives have been created, which we must change.


The stereotypes in our society are many and exist for everything. There are positive and negative. Although let’s say no, we all put stereotypes in people. We see a person and fast we speculate on how they are, putting a stereotype. My monograph revolves around our society and how they let their development be affected by this type of thinking. Without realizing we change our way of thinking to fall into these stereotypes. We must learn to love ourselves as we are, to fight for what we want and not get carried away by the rest of society. We are what we know is better for us and that is why we cannot let a few words define us, but to define ourselves.

When we think of stereotypes we only think of the most basic, gender. But there are many more stereotypes, all with a different purpose. Some are used only to inform and catalog but there are others created by people to hurt, with the purpose of doing others feel bad.

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The definition of the Royal Spanish Academy establishes that a stereotype “consists of a structured image and accepted by most people as representative of a certain collective."As the definition says this is something we already do automatically, something we should fix. Because to really know how someone you have to know them, you have to understand them. Do not judge them, because no one has the right to judge others, and this is what we promote with stereotypes.

A stereotype is the representation of what is a prejudice, a prejudice is when you have an idea of ​​someone without knowing them. But contrary to prejudices, stereotypes are still there even if you already know someone. Stereotypes that are implanted in someone for how they dress, for the things they use, for their attitudes, among other things. But not only these exist but we have stereotypes that revolve around different social groups. Stereotypes that come from people’s beliefs. To understand more stereotypes we must know all those who exist and for what, in this monograph the most important and known, they will be mentioned as all stereotypes affect our mentalities and how we can leave stereotypes behind.

One of the best known stereotypes are those of gender. Gender stereotypes are based around female and male sexes, in assigning something specific only for their gender. This is something that has always been seen, we are already at a point that this is done unconsciously. In addition to being one of the most made is one of the most harmful, since this stereotype is the one that makes the woman be inferior to the man. Already this stereotype has been decreasing before the woman was seen as a mother and only working at home and now she is seen as a working professional and woman. Another harmful side of this stereotype is towards man, as they say that it has to be the one who commands and strong they think they cannot express their emotions or cry since he would be perceived as weak. This type of stereotypes affects the development of people from minors. But it does not stop here, but many times by affecting man and making him look superior, they are reasons that lead to gender rape or against women. It happens when the woman has a minor salary than men, even if they have the same jobs.

Gender stereotypes as I said are there since we are minors even if we don’t notice. Leaving it like this has made the woman be belittled today. That is why many feminist groups that fight so that women and men are treated in the same way arise in the same way. This goes to man too, since childhood they try to make them the strongest and this leads them to make their emotions difficult in the future. Although let’s say we do not implant this stereotype, we do it unconsciously. We can demonstrate when you tell a young child "do not use that, those are girls of girls" or when they tell a girl "you can’t play with cars because you are not baby" are examples that make these children grow up with these mentality, when reality doesn’t matter. This stereotype has to be discarded already. Because it is time that we learn that clothes have no gender, toys have no gender, colors have no gender, no matter how you use or do you will continue to be the person with whom you identify yourself.

A stereotype seen, for which many people are belittled, is physical stereotypes. These are also known as beauty stereotypes. These stereotypes are based on what society perceives as beauty, teaches us what for them is beauty and that we must all look. The most common stereotypes around the woman who is "beautiful" is that she is blonde, with straight hair, blue eyes, skinny and white. The man is tall, green eyes, light hair and straight, cinnamon skin and with a marked abdomen. They are stereotypes that we see since the prehistory that have evolved around the times.

These stereotypes mostly affect what is known as our self – esteem. To society think that the beauty should be seen in a way think that the rest is "ugly". When it is not so and this is a toxic stereotype for which they continue to work to fight. We can see how magazines like Vogue, Elle, Cosmopolitan and others have begun to use “Size Plus” models. These women have changed the way of thinking of many people since they demonstrate that every body and all people are beautiful. An example of these women is Ashley Graham, since the beginning of her career she has fought to be in the industry and thanks to this thousands of people have been inspired.

We need more people like that because due to all this there are people around the world with health problems since they try to reduce to look better, this is a huge example of how stereotypes affect our development. Some of the diseases that are developed by this is anorexia, depression, bulimia, among many others. Anorexia is one that affects one in every ten girls. It is something that we must change since these people hurt themselves because they think that to look good they have to do it. Here we are belittling the value of people, something that has nothing to do with the physical. With this what we must learn is that God created us all, and as we know, God does nothing ugly. You have to teach people to love themselves as they are, that their bodies are beautiful and that there is no reason to change them.

Racial or nationality stereotypes are found. These are the stereotypes that help racism grow. These stereotypes are those that come depending on your social class. They are the ones who come and say that all Mexicans wear hats and have maracas, or say that all Spaniards know how to play soccer. They are stereotypes that are often wrong but there are times that are right. An example of a erroneous is when someone speaks Spanish already automatically are Mexican, when there are 22 different countries that speak Spanish.

Currently these stereotypes are being seen in the United States, especially by President Trump. From the beginning of his presidency he has demonstrated his hatred for Latinos, but mostly towards Mexicans. His contempt for them is so much that he is creating a wall to separate Mexico from the United States. We can also see racism towards Native Americans, we see how their culture is belittled and a victim of teasing. We see how blacks still live under oppression, it is demonstrated when they are arrested and killed without any reason. This teaches us to educate the world and society. You have to teach that no matter where we come from we are all the same, we are important. Just because you come from a different place does not mean that someone is lower than you.

We find religious stereotypes. These are when having a faith or some kind of religion imposes characteristics. Mostly this occurs due to how these religions behaved in ancient times or how part of believers behaves. A great example of these are Muslims, just because a part of them are terrorists think that all those who follow this religion are. This is not good since they treat people badly without being right. Come someone with a disturbing and fast move away or look strangely. When that is their faith and not all are bad. It is a think that we must modify since we are insulting people who are genuinely good. This type of ignorance must be eliminated, faith is the most precious thing of many people, this does not mean that they agree with everything related to the same.

We currently live in a modern society that invents things for everyone. Similarly, stereotypes, these generations create different types of stereotypes for different types and groups of people. These have become the best known among teenagers. They divide between the popular and the non -popular. Between these two groups are the "gamers", the "nerds", the "cheerleaders", and among others, there are many stereotypes for different types of people.

The existing modern stereotypes, some already mentioned above, are some of them by the social classes of schools. These classes are created by the same students to say who are above the pyramid and those who are below. These have made people who are "popular" are those above. That the most scholars are those below. Create a break in society since he says that just because someone is a student cannot be sports. That "Cheerleader" has to be popular. They are meaningless stereotypes that what they do is create a separation in our society. With all the things that are happening in our world and so many problems we need is a united generation, without stereotypes.

My purpose is to demonstrate how stereotypes affect our society. Because the truth is that most of these stereotypes negatively affect our society. Since these stereotypes manipulate our way of thinking. Although they have started as innocent, differentiating classes or cultures have changed. They mostly affect adolescents and that is why we have so many social and emotional problems. But in the same way everyone is affected. I mentioned many of the ways that stereotypes affect our development and even our health.

Our society lives very focused on everything I have mentioned above, in all these stereotypes. They are accustomed to being classified. We let society and our own think impose us as we should be. We are so dependent on these stereotypes that we do not look further, we do not look for all our potential. Everything we can become and to everything we can work behind, all for being conformists. For this reason it is that the self – esteem of people and their self-knowledge is completely lost.

self – esteem as I mentioned earlier, is something of our person who is affected. self – esteem is based on self – esteem, as we accept and think of ourselves. self – esteem is affected since people lose the love they have towards themselves trying to change for a society that does not care about their well -being. They should know that society only cares about your "status" not your health and the best for you. That is why everyone must learn to love and accept themselves, that if they change it is because they want.

In addition to self – esteem we have self-knowledge. It is based on knowing ourselves, knowing who we are. self-knowledge is something of you towards you, the influence of people does not enter here. So how are you going to have self-knowledge if you try to be something you are not? We cannot continue changing our way of being to please others. We must be the ones we want, in the same way, we all have to work to accept others, it is not our work to judge anyone. We cannot continue to use stereotypes that are not necessary, which what they do is affect us. You have to learn what our society really needs.

For all these reasons we live in a society that, when accused of so many stereotypes, we are looking for a way to fight them. Because not only can we focus on how stereotypes affect us, but we must also find a way to erase them. It is something that is working every day. But in the same way there are people who insist to implant stereotypes. We can work, the entire society together, to find ways to combat the same. We must work so that adults are aware, so that they teach new generations as we should all be treated, so that they change our world. We are already being taught differently, and it shows with all the changes we are looking for. People doing campaigns and groups, fighting hate and contempt for others.


Stereotypes are present in our lives, the way of thinking is affecting us. This is true, but in the same way it is true that every day we are changing, and changing the world with us. We are giving our all to seek equality for all, to find the love in our hearts, to unite and be able to save our society. Our society is already joining this, it is time for us to all see the value that everyone deserves, that we show it so that we can live happy.

Scientist Albert Einstein once said “sad time ours! It is easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice". I liked this phrase a lot since it reflects the truth of our society. It should be noted that the monograph has to do with stereotypes, not with prejudices, but in the same way the phrase continues to tell the truth completely. We see how in our society we can get to do great things like traveling to the moon, discover fossils or even create medicines, but they cannot value themselves. People cannot make some effort to believe in themselves or in respecting the decisions of other people. They cannot leave that little bubble that keeps them caught, that keeps them away from their happiness.

Because of this all the types of stereotypes that exist we are lying little by little, our society is changing, trying to improve. This monograph is just a small step. I do it so that everyone who reads it reflects and realizes the truth. That they know that they do not have to be what society wants, if not that we all define ourselves, we decide.

Anyway, I hope my monograph has fulfilled its goal. Let them know that it doesn’t matter what people say, you are the one you want, and nobody can change it. We are all special, it is time that we learn that stereotypes do nothing productive in our lives.

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