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Stress: Those who are affected

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Stress and the People It Affects
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The human body usually responds to different situations in a number of various ways to defend itself from physical or psychological harm. Stress is among the ways in which the body protects itself in situations that seem challenging or dangerous. It is, however, important to understand the stress and its management as its chronic presence causes significant health complications to an individual. This paper, therefore, intends to examine the various aspects of stress, its occurrence and management. Further, the paper studies the relationship between the occurrence and management of stress, and the various diversity factors such as age and gender. A significant percentage of children are affected by stress, and most of their parents are unaware of its enormity. This study has also established that in the United States, the number of women affected by stress is higher in comparison with men. Women establish better connections with other people in their lives compared to men which enables them to manage their stress better than men.Keywords: Stress, Management, Health Complications, Age, Gender

Stress and the People It Affects
Stress is a relatively common term used by a number of individuals almost on a daily basis in reference to experiencing undesirable mental or emotional tension. From a biological or medical perspective, stress can be defined as any or physical, mental or emotional factor that leads to bodily or mental strain (Southern Cross, 2010).

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Stress can be triggered either internally, by factors such as medical conditions and externally by changes in the environment, physical or psychological circumstances. Although many do not treat it with the gravity it deserves, stress can cause or worsen serious medical conditions such as anxiety and depression in varying degrees depending on factors such as age and gender.
Types of Stress
According to Snyder, there is two types of stress – good stress and bad stress (2016, March 23). The good stress is also referred to as eustress. Snyder points out that eustress only lasts for a short while and it has various benefits, predominantly that it motivates an individual to accomplish various (2016, March 23). In Eustress, the individual has complete control over the outcomes of his or her actions during the course of the mental or emotional strain (Snyder, 2016, March 23). For instance, in a school setting, meeting strict deadlines or studying for tests are some of the situation that causes eustress in students. Although the temporary feeling of anxiety and uneasiness is undesirable, it pushes students to achieve these goals by putting in more effort and make a few sacrifices such as a few hours of sleep.
Conversely, a feeling of emotional or psychological strain that persists for a notably long time is a reflection of bad stress and can be harmful. Chronic stress can be a major hindrance to progress as it slows down or completely prevents an individual from carrying out important activities of the day (Snyder, 2016, March 23). Further, chronic stress can trigger medical conditions such as anxiety and depression, heart conditions, weight loss or gain, and breathing problems which can significantly affect an individual’s lifestyle. Without proper treatment, these conditions may become life-threatening (Snyder, 2016, March 23).
Diagnosis of Stress
Stress manifests itself in a number of psychological, physical and medical symptoms. Some of the psychological symptoms include sleeplessness, concentrations difficulties, depressions, reduced confidence, irritability and difficulty in decision-making (Southern Cross, 2017). The physical symptoms include muscle tension and pain, varying appetite, fatigue, headaches, breathing problems and decreased sexual performance (Southern Cross, 2017). Chronic stress may give rise to a number of medical conditions (Snyder, 2016, March 2). Some of these symptoms include heart palpitations, high blood pressure, and hyperventilation (Southern Cross, 2017).
Stress management refers to the various approaches used for the treatment and relief of stress. It should be noted that doctors and psychiatrists are the only people capable of giving diagnosing patients with stress-related conditions or illnesses. Some of the approaches commonly taken for the treatment of stress include relaxation exercises such as tai chi and yoga, seeking for professional counseling, taking stress management classes, change in diet and regular exercises and medications such as acupuncture and homeopathy (Southern Cross, 2017). These treatment methods vary with the severity and type of stress as observed by a professional. However, some of these approaches such as changes in diet and exercises, relaxation and stress management courses can be taken by the individual before visiting a doctor.

Age, Gender, and Stress

A number of researchers have conducted studies with an aim to establish the relationship between various diversity factors such as race, age, and gender with stress. The studies have established that indeed these factors influence the development and occurrence of stress differently in these types of people.

The American Psychiatric Association reports that men and women react differently to stress (n.d.). Stress management varies significantly between men and women in a similar manner as their perception of their capability to handle stress (American Psychiatric Association, n.d.). In general, however, studies have indicated that women tend to let other people in on their stressors in comparison to men, which makes it easier for them to connect with other people on their lives (American Psychiatric Association, n.d.).
However, despite the women’s ability to connect and share their problems with other people, studies have indicated that stress has been on the rise for women in comparison with men (Munsey, 2010). In a study conducted by the American Psychiatric Association (n.d), women were cited to be more likely to talk about their stress than men counterparts. Precisely, 28 percent of the women respondents were likely to tell their stress to others while only 20% were likely to share their stress with others.
Finding someone to talk is among the most commonly used approaches to stress management (Snyder, 2016, March 23; Southern Cross, 2010). This means that women easily relieve their stress in comparison to their male counterparts. The fact that men like to keep bothersome thoughts to themselves suggests that they are more significantly affected by stress in comparison to women. However, in general, women experience more stressful encounters than men (American Psychiatric Association, n.d.; Munsey 2010).
According to Munsey (2010), a study by the American Psychiatric Association established a discrepancy between what children report as the cause of their worries and their parents’ report on the same. Munsey reports that this disconnect could have implications for the children’s physical and mental well-being in the long run (2010).
In the study, children between the age of 8 and 17 reported a number of symptoms that are associated with stress. For instance, at least one in three children in the sample taken reported experiencing a headache in the past month. Further, forty-four per cent of the children has been reported to have sleeping-problem. However, only thirteen per cent of the parents thought their children had headaches resulting from stress. These parents also thought that their children had sleeping problems (Munsey, 2010). These studies show that a significant percentage of American children are experiencing stressful encounters which are affecting them substantially. The fact that their parents are not aware of the severity of this important issue means could contribute greatly to the children’s development of chronic health issues because of untreated chronic stress.
I chose this topic because stress is an issue that virtually affects everybody. For instance, as a student, performance anxiety, meeting deadlines and conducting class presentations are some of the strenuous activities that are likely to cause stress. This course deals with the study of the human mind and its behaviors. Stress mostly affects the mind. Therefore, understanding stress has helped me gain an understanding of the behaviors that cause stress and ways to prevent or treat chronic stress.
The information I have acquired from this research will enable me to identify the most common causes of stress, ways of preventing stress and also on how to advise loved ones about stress management. Further, this study has revealed that children do get affected by stress although parents seem to underestimate the implications. Based on this information, I can advise parents on the effects of stress and why they should pay more attention to their children to avoid psychological conditions brought about by stress such as anxiety and depression.

American Psychiatric Association (n.d.). Gender and stress. Retrieved January 10, 2018, from
Munsey, C. (2010). The kids aren’t all right. Retrieved January 10, 2018, from
Snyder, K. (2016, March 23). How Can You Tell the Difference Between Good Stress and Bad Stress? « Kimberly Snyder. Retrieved January 10, 2018, from
Southern Cross. (2017). Stress – causes, symptoms, management. Retrieved January 11, 2018, from

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