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Students For The Weather: A Struggle For Change

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Students for the weather: A struggle for change

The mobilization of students by the weather is one of the most surprising and hopeful phenomena of recent times. Surprising because a small gesture of individual protest has multiplied exponentially to become a global movement. And hopeful, because these children have become the voice of consciousness of adult generations that are demonstrating their inability to manage the present without leaving an inheritance of destruction to future generations.

It all started when Greta Thumberg, a 15 -year -old Swedish girl, decided to stop going to class on Friday and manifest against Parliament, in Stockholm, to denounce that adults do not take climate change seriously. The overwhelming intervention of Greta Thumberg in the Davos forum made the flame of the protest on thousands of high school institutes and schools around the world and has led to the call for a global student strike on March 15 on March 15.

The maturity expressed by the young leaders of this movement contrasts with the frivolity with which they deny climate change or minimize leaders such as Donald Trump, president of the second country that broadcasts more greenhouse gases, or Jair Bolsonaro, president of Brazil, thecountry with the largest biodiversity reserve of the planet. Student leaders have given in Diana by defining adults who govern as spoiled children unable to assume the consequences of their decisions;politicians trapped in the present, more concerned with the next electoral appointment than for the future of their children and grandchildren.

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They denounce that a political agenda marked by immediacy and short -term interests prevents decisions that must ensure that the planet does not become a hostile place to live.

It is very rewarding that students give science a loan that many rulers spare him. It is a symptom of the transcendental role that education has in the construction of a critical and responsible citizenship. But young students for the weather not only question the authorities and rulers. They also appeal to the responsibility of all adults. Climate change progresses faster than one thought and combating it will demand sacrifices. The future of the planet not only depends on making global decisions, such as eliminating greenhouse gas emissions, but also of individual decisions such as avoiding superfluous consumption, eating only strictly necessary meat, stop using disposable containers, moving inpublic transport or recycle clothes. Fortunately, a new conscience blooms in schools and institutes: no generation has the right to mortgage with its selfish decisions the future of the following.


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