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Summary The Boy With Striped Pajamas

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Summary The boy with striped pajamas


It deals with 2 children, one named Bruno who lived in Germany, who during World War II, during the holocaust the dad of one of the children was ‘Commander’ and they went to live near the farms (concentration camps) where they hadHidden to the Jews working, but Bruno one of the children who is the main character of the film, did not like living there because there are no children to play, or schools nearby. 


One day a soldier was so boring one day (dad’s back guard) left an open gate then Bruno took the opportunity to leave, went to tour the farm and found as a factory (concentration camp) then Bruno was curious because smoke came outAnd it smelled very ugly and approached, from afar he saw people and children working, with stripe pajamas.

They all had them, and as they saw that there were people left every day, after constantly I noticed that there was always a Jewish child called Shmuel, but the child was on the other side of a spike wire, Bruno wasHe approached the child and asked him that towards all those people there and all with the same clothing.

And that towards him there, Shmuel replied that he did not know that the Nazis put them to work and gave them their clothes (everyone had to wear) they met and their names were asked and how old each one was (both were 8 years old). Bruno always went, they became very good friends, Bruno wore bolinches and played with Shmuel to the other of the fence.

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One day they planned that Bruno put the farm to help Shmuel find his father, who since he was taken to the factory did not see him, Bruno dressed as a “boy with the striped pajamas”, Shmuel gave himA pajamas of his and Bruno changed and skipped the fence. Always burned groups of farm Jews.


They were divided by groups A, B, c etc. And just the day Bruno (the son of the commander who was in charge of the Jews) entered the countryThe factory where they burned them, took the son of the commander and his friend, along with all of his group and threw them an “acid” that was the one who burned them alive, and there the film ends.

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