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Systems Theory And Organizations Theory

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Systems theory and organizations theory


In this research work that we present below, it entitles the theory of organizations and systems school which has been developed to publicize the importance of observing the phenomena, reflecting on them and building a framework that applies in The improvement of education.

Theory of systems aims to study all levels in all fields of research. This theory establishes that systems are entry and production mechanisms. Tickets refer to the transformed environment in the form of energy, information, money, people, raw materials. Each of these mechanisms must work well, especially if you want the system to be effective. All systems have purposes and goals, becoming the reasons for their existence.

Theory of organizations

What is organization?Definition of organizational organizational theory we live in a society based on organizations. Such as: banks, insurance companies, municipalities, churches, prisons, supermarkets, and so on.

These organizations, unlike other human groups, are born at a given time and are created with the need to contribute or meet some needs of society or a part of it. According to Acosta C. (2007) Organizations are important for the following:

  • The role of organizations or their social function has been key in the progress of civilization.
  • Thanks to them, the offers of goods and services have increased.
  • Has been induced to specialization and professionalization.

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  • New technologies with important contributions in the progress of all sciences have been applied, discovered, discovered and disseminated.
  • Quality of life has been improved and well -being has contributed.

Thus, organizations have become essential points for society. But much remains to make how to create conditions in order to eradicate poverty, marginalization and lack of opportunities, which allow fair, sustained and discrimination development.

Society has become worldwide a society of organizations, in which of most social tasks they are made by and in an organization. Here is the importance of organizations.


The environment is called as context or environment, it is everything that surrounds an organization and within which it is inserted. Organizations maintain transactions or exchange with their environment, this allows everything that occurs externally in the environment internally influences what happens in the organization.

As the environment is called vast and complete, it can be analyzed in two segments: the general environment (macro environment) and the particle or specific environment (micro environment).

The general atmosphere

It is the macro environment, what happens in it directly or indirectly affects all organizations. The general environment is constituted by a set of similar conditions in all organizations, the main ones are:

  • Political conditions: These are the decisions and definitions that are taken in the national, departmental or municipal field, and these influence organizations, guiding their own economic conditions.
  • Economic conditions: They constitute the situation that determines economic development. Inflation, country balance balance and internal income distribution, etc., They are economic problems that do not go unnoticed by organizations.
  • Demographic conditions: These are aspects that determine the characteristics of the current and future markets of organizations, such as the growth rate, the population, race, religion, geographical distribution, distribution by sex and age.
  • Cultural conditions: the culture of a people penetrates organizations through the expectations of its consumers.
  • Technological conditions: The technological development that occurs in one organization influences the others, mainly when it comes to technologies subject to innovations. They need to adapt and incorporate technology from the general environment so as not to lose their competitiveness.


The specific or particular environment

Also called as a micro environment, it is the environment of operations of each organization. The specific environment is constituted by:

  • Suppliers and supplies: These are the types of resources that an organization needs to work, such as natural resources, financial resources, human resources, etc.
  • Customers or users: consumers of the organization’s products.
  • Competitors: Each organization is not alone or exists in a vacuum, but the same resources and the same customers of its production are disputed with other organizations.
  • Regulatory entities: Each organization is subject to a portion of other organizations that seek.



In conclusion, the work presented tells us about the importance of the theory of organizations in the administration of the education system and focuses on the foundations of the theories of the organization to learn more thoroughly and know how to apply them in educational management.

As you can see today’s world is a society composed of organizations;which are constituted by people and these are human beings that consist of several organs and members that work in a coordinated manner, thus can be said that we are facing a system. At present, the systemic approach is so common that we can’t think that we are using it at all times.


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