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System Thinking
Institutional Affiliation:
This case study contains information on what systems thinking are and how it relates to excellence in an organization. It concerns this policy to a children’s hospital known as Cincinnati. In this study, I have examined areas where this particular hospital has applied the main principals of systems thinking. Additionally, it entails information on where the institution seems to lack the application of the appropriate principal. Moreover, the case study explains the importance of systems thinking in the leadership of the hospital, as they aim at achieving more significant results of high quality. In the same content, there is a clear cover on how the hospital can maintain the policy of systems thinking and retain progressive quality outcome. The study gives information on how a clear understanding of systems approach and systems working can yield great results for a company. It also explains the importance of assigning duties correctly to employees basing on knowledge of systems thinking.
System Thinking
System thinking refers to a way of acquiring knowledge on how various sectors of a specific system work about each other and scrutinizing the design of the structure. According to Senge 2006, the study of a system enables one to have a clear understanding of how the components making up the system interact and connect.
Cincinnati Children’s sickbay was initially a regional medical center, but progressed to a global multi-dimensional institution.

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The sudden change in objectives as well as focus enhanced the quality of service delivery. During this particular period the hospital, which initially offered average –quality services, shifted this to an excellent care that was greatly considered of high quality.Organizations that aim at making such changes in their areas of working need to typically apply system thinking (Senge, 2006). The main reason behind this action is that, once a company gets a clear understanding of how a system works, it gains wisdom on which role to assign to each employee.
However, it is crucial to consider the systems approach before looking at the system thinking, a factor that the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital never embraced from the beginning. The hospital started by putting much concentration on the particular diagnoses and the changes that were supposed to be made. It is after some years that a variety of analysis was made when later the company realized the necessity to create a reliable cultural modification and integrate systems thinking in their working.
When a new CEO was boarded in the organization, there was a bright view of the systems type approach. The hospital then acquired a strategic plan due to the changes that the systems thinking enabled it to obtain (Edmondson, 2011). Additionally, the goals and objectives of the hospital were aligned to quality, rather than just revenue. By considering a broader view of the entire system of the company, the hospital was at a better position to realize how to modify the policies effectively.
Senge, P.M. (2006). The fifth discipline: The art & practice of the learning organization. New York, NY: Doubleday.
Edmondson, A., Tucker, A. (2011). Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center [Case study]. HBS Case 9-609-109. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School

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