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Technological Transformations In The First Industrial Revolution

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Technological transformations in the first industrial revolution


Through this work, the research question is intended to answer: to what extent the technological transformations of the first industrial revolution contributed to the British socioeconomic change? The main objective is to analyze various secondary sources, for example the book "The Industrial Revolution" of Marc Baldó Lacomba, and the book "The so -called Industrial Revolution" of Aristides Silva Otero and Mariela Mata de Grossi. The sources will be compared and contrasted to verify the impact that the first industrial revolution had on the economic and social aspects of the kingdom .

First, the background of the first industrial revolution that gave way to the different technological transformations in British society such as: mobilization and economic system, demographic growth, clashes and the role of the population will be analyzed. Therefore, I will analyze the technological changes, the elements that made possible the industrial development of the continent, considering the inventions that were inserted by different characters, as regards these elements, the importance of the same will be analyzed since, from these , society begins to experience modifications never exposed before.

The new activities that were introduced from the changes had greatly impact on the life of the British population, in some cases it brought them advantages in the increase in production and increase in government capital, however in other cases such as for example, such as for example, such as for example In the lower class it was disadvantageous since, since not having sufficient resources, they could not participate in the new improvements.

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More and more, the population needs instruments that replace part of the work they do in their work. In 1712 the construction of inventions that mark the beginning of the new future begins. By increasing the use of machines, employees were needed with a level of training according to needs, such as the railway that was one of the most relevant inventions in history and also contributed to the progress of the economy, generating significant income nationwide. Based on the great social and economic impact that the Industrial Revolution had in the United States, the initiative to investigate the technological transformations, which made this fact possible has emerged.


Industrial revolution refers to the growth of production initiated at the end of the 18 Crafts to rely on industry with the aim of improving subsistence quality and transcending a new great power panorama.

The economic mobilization was subject to the artisanal and agricultural sector, approximately three quarters of the territory was dedicated to the cultivation of products for the consumption of their surroundings since they did not supply to market them outside the space where they lived because there was a low production, little population and governed by the absolutist monarchies who considered populations and territory as their properties and dominated by the king.

The industrial activities were limited, although there was already capitalist vision in some entrepreneurs having the idea of ​​improving the economic benefits investing less and producing more and increasing their income. In the technological field, new machinery could not be acquired that allows farmers to improve their agricultural tasks and obtain better economic revenues, distances between populations did not facilitate commercial exchange.

For society in general, the use of technology generates a powerful change, specifically in producers because it saves time obtaining benefits. In this aspect, capitalist production originates, which is opposed to the artisanal section, the separation is caused by the actions of the corporation and thanks to this it can gather the sums necessary to implement the fixed capital, as long as the responsibility to society. (Gepeese, 1970)

During the industry process there were essential impacts for its development, taking into account the low population growth produced by high infant mortality indices, in which the demand for products did not increase, and on the other hand it was appreciated the Lack of economic resources and poor money organization, which went hand in hand with the participation of public authorities with a high tax rate that did not grant the development of production.

Inside the English field, various relevant changes are generated that choose to add to this capitalist ideals field. At that time, agricultural production was still based on the owners shared the same land, working all and the result of this would be divided into equal parts. However, there were difficulties that the population had to lead, for example the landowners could not invest in their properties since the benefit is divided for all, as well as they were not accepted that they can cultivate their choice, but to what it contributed The majority, according to this the production was minimal. (Silva Otero & Mata De Grossi, 2005)

Great Britain is free of wars despite being introduced in other clashes that did not correspond to it, additionally adopts a stable currency and therefore it keeps its economic status organized. The variation is manifested because the English Parliament gives the impediment to the fields, where the peasants who lack economic resources and cannot cover their lands must offer their land, so that their belongings will be acquired by people who have a large amount of capital. The bourgeois social class by possessing many means will be extended and the capitalism system will be used. Therefore, when the land is found with enclosure, the owner can use and work at his convenience. Likewise, with the introduction of the payment in the crops, the plow on the land is eliminated, in other words they can in the planting of their lands; Finally they will separate the seeds and cattle obtaining the increase in their money to improve the presentation of products. (Barja, S.F)

Indeed, the replacement of the workforce by technification has increased production and the population has begun to emigrate due to their work is no longer used and the transfer of the society of the rural to urban area occurs, there is the Labor availability applying it in manufacturing. (stories.F)

Technological changes

Technological changes depended directly on the global growth that was developed in society, affecting the economic sectors. During the 18th century, the catastrophic mortality caused by famine producing epidemic diseases affecting the population, as a result of this factor different changes are applied in this area, taking some countries in Europe (England, France and the Netherlands) to a better healthy life, reducing epidemics and decreasing the mortality rate with the progress of medicine. (Sabuco, S.F)

In addition, it is necessary to use adequate transportation network to improve the delivery of basic elements to companies and manufacturing to their customers. After the economic mismatches in which Europe was found, it remains in an accessible range in this area, the English look XVIII The street paving process is added to the Scottish Mac Adam, despite the abundant rain these access roads become permanent. However, with the technological advance, different products and energy sources begin to be used such as coal and several machines and steel is additionally used. Without the development of the innovation of capitalist relations, and economic growth, the emergence of technological changes would not have been carried out. On the other hand, there were few hopes for manufacturing growth and through these the possibility of retouched machines and labor suffered a decline arose.

One of the nations that is oriented to the industrial revolution was North America, adding the rest of Europe, with the purpose of obtaining more technology and only England could facilitate them, several times they had gone to English capital to face the financial problems that the They lead to inherent investments in the industrialization process.

When a series of technical advances occur during the 18. For this it was necessary to create a machine that collects water to continue the extraction of coal; This machine was created in 1712 by the blacksmith Thomas Newcomen, somehow it was disseminated, however there were certain operating problems, despite this, there were no coal scarce in the markets of England.

Although this machine was not enough to offer support to the development of the industrial revolution, and a more effective instrument was needed to replace the "hydraulic wheel" that guarantees more production; This would take more years and the result of it would be key to the revolution process.

As a starting point in the 60s specifically in 1764 the Hargreaves spinning machine (Jenny) is installed where the cotton industry benefits from the increase in thread production using this machine, managing to increase production using few resources Humans, these machines have sequence until the 19th of the 19th century, in 1830 at the inauguration of the Liverpool Manchester railway. The concentration of machines in production replaced manual work, and traditional works moved from the artisanal workshops to the factories. It is important to mention that with the invention of the machines, the dissemination and use of them allowed the industrial revolution.

Years later the steam engine was created where coal was placed depending on the deposit where the condensation was. Over the years this new advance was perfecting its model, providing new benefits, for example the low energy consumption compared to the previous machine, which increased production and at the same time its commercialization, so that this machine It meant the success of this revolution.

On the other hand, it is important to emphasize the agreement in 1774 between businessman Black Country and Watt, where the one contributed his capital while the second contributed his knowledge about techniques, according to this Baulton, a machine of machines, was transformed In the main source of most gas or steam devices that were used in America and Europe. (Chavez Palacios, 2004)

After the fall of the Napoleonic Empire, the results of this revolution were clearly identified, obtaining the following data:

  • 1820: England had 10 operation.000 steam machines, with an installed power of 200.000 hp.
  • 1850: England produced more iron than all the rest of the world together and, nevertheless, and in 1780 it produced less than France.
  • 1852: Germans only had 92.500 hp and the French 75.518 hp
  • 1852: The first steam engine was installed in Spain to develop driving force. (Bonaplata, 1990)

Standardization is the result of forged, pressed and print. The increase in the demand for steam machines was reflected at the end of the 18th century, so the construction of lathes for the manufacture of parts that are more resistant. Enrique Maudslay creates the lathe in 1797, supporting the machines and tools, replacing the wood by the metal structures, providing the greater accuracy and increasing the implementation of parts with large metals with metals.

To improve existing difficulties in the Watt cylinder, John Wilkinson made the mandilr 72 -inch cylinder there will not be the maximum error that represents the thick. (Urdangarín)

Given the mechanical problems, iron plates were planned, which were previously carried out manually at the beginning of the industrial revolution, using chisel and lime. Starting the nineteenth century, Cailon creates the brush, replacing complicated works through a new mechanism and concluding James Fox builds the brushstour.

On the other hand, the invention of the milling machine that arises from the need to improve the “carving teeth carving” is added, and also the increase in weapons manufacturing. A clear example of the latter is Eli Whitney, the American who was assigned by the North America Government for the elaboration of rifles and in 1818 manages to create the first machine. (Baldó Lacomba, 1993)

Until the end of the 18th century, the population still used tools, and the result of their work was reflected in its strength, performance and skills that they could carry out. The emergence of the engine occurs when it is possible to transform natural energy into motion. The first steam locomotive is invented in 1814 being applied in the means of land and maritime transport, this allows to improve the quality of life of people, having a relevant marketing process, so that their displacement towards places of great distance was Comfortable and fast.

The boiler contains water exposed to high temperatures through coal and produces “water vapor” that is subject to great forces generating a displacement that will be responsible for the movement of new machines. These were introduced to navigation machines, in this way Robert Fulton creates the steam cruise, and the boats were independent of the current that the wind exerts when moving. In addition, these machines were used in the different economic sectors: industry, agriculture, transport, mining, among others and particularly, the “city-facting” originated.

The new factories are introduced into the cities generating the development of urban industrial production, in addition the increase of the population where the cities were growing and in the same way the problems of the same. The machinery was mainly based on the production factory, because in the industrial sector the factory was excluding artisan and home work, highlighting the manufacturing system that is characterized by the application of machines. For the elaboration of manufacturing products they used chemical substances such as: alkalis, acids, dyes and most of the time it was needed to use a high percentage of fuel. The factory used a new work behavior, putting the discipline into practice; In the crafts, the work comes from the worker’s hand, unlike the factory where the workers continued with the automatons.

This system brought advantages that allowed the development of manufacturing, in the case of employees, some were replaced by others who had good training, this included children and women. Additionally, they increased the benefits since the increase in surplus value occurred.

One of the most influential engineers on railroads and locomotives was Robert Stephenson who directed the “steam engine” to a car, placed on some pieces of iron and previously used them to extract coal from the mines, in this way the railway originates. Essentially in the mines the future of iron originated, replacing the wood with iron by iron scratches.

The steam engine was applied to the wagons to reach the railroad. This machine represented in large quantity a boom that revolutionized directly in the English industry; The train transports the products since it has a great capacity for supply, it also had rapid communication with the long distance regions, with this progress an industrial and commercial change could be appreciated, for example in England, iron roads began to be built and took carried out the railway network process. In the west of Europe and Spain there was a delay regarding the railroad.

Hobsbawn has mentioned that the railroad was for many years ahead of the economy. On the other hand, the railroads served as a business by hosting large amounts of income and provided dividends, they also showed themselves to cope with national economies. From 1840 the world could verify the so-called “railway fever”, for example the British were witnesses of two fevers: the initial between (1835-1837) and the next between (1845-1847). Some historians wonder what would have happened to the development of capitalism in the United States without the construction of railways?, However, they conclude that something serious had not happened, since, railway transportation was economic necessity, however, in England it was not as decisive as they imagine fevers, and had maritime access; The speed on the railroad marked that it was relevant to non -perishable products (tons of coal arrived 48 hours before).

The means of transport and communication advanced when the change of “agricultural production of market limited by large -scale agricultural production was carried out and colonial markets supply colonial products and raw materials to metropolis for the consumption of its manufactures”

In the event that the introduction of the railroad would not have been fruitful when improving the economic sector, covered other very relevant aspects, this is reflected in the mobilization of a considerable amount of cash due to investments in these projects, it also provided profitability on that various insured companies controlled 65% of the system. This significant project also offered employment to a large number of people where some dedicated themselves to the construction of the rail system and others in related activities. It is estimated approximately that 50% of workers were increased in the construction areas, mining, among others.

Thanks to the access of steel production at a lower price, Great Britain was able to produce iron in large quantity, doubling its commercialization and income. From 1850 the construction of the railroad began worldwide, it should be noted that the rest of the countries lacked human and economic resources that allowed him to advance the development of Ferrovía, therefore they chose to request help from Great Britain, said country facilitated specialists, machinery and material.

Results of the First Industrial Revolution

According to the technological advance that was experiencing the United Kingdom, not only did its social level improve but also its economic level, mainly in the latter the potential increase in production based on the use of machines that revolutionized worldwide, a key factor was evidenced, a key factor was a key factor, a key factor was The decrease in products prices since at lower cost greater production, additionally when replacing labor or artisanal sector with factories and machines, earnings increased.

Since the 18th century, a relevant increase could be noted when using coal since, many years later and specifically in 1870 the annual production in England was 100.000.000 tons.

With regard to the relationship between the various societies, the absolute separation between the owners of the factories and the employees dedicated to mechanization is added, obviously this separation was decisive in relation to the ancient era, this time it was clarified in totality. As for the social perspective, the bourgeoisie system could access political control, previously was the dominated class, however it happens to dominate society, so it affects the traditional population and from this point it gives way to the emergence of the emergence of The new social classes.

The Industrial Revolution has brought with it a series of benefits for society, and after the demographic problem the population agreed to the availability of food through the transformations of agriculture, reducing the mortality of children and adults; The development of medicine eradicated some diseases and therefore improved health by maintaining birth.

However, one of the disadvantages of this revolution focuses directly on workers taking into account that they are subject to rigid activities which affects the appearance of workers’.


With the introduction of the new techniques and elements to contribute to the technological advance in Europe, rapid economic growth was verified due to the replacement of labor with new machinery that did not need a lot of effort as workers did previously. Annual production was improving as the population more frequently marketed coal, being England the country with the highest production in 1870.

Through technological transformations, society has been able to stand out mostly in the socioeconomic field, on the one hand Europe recovered from the famine that resulted in a high mortality rate. The population agreed to better quality food, produced by agricultural changes, also the progress of medicine allowed to combat variety of diseases and some were completely eradicated. With regard to the economic field, using the new machines increased production and income for employees, in the same way the cost of products decreased, therefore they could obtain greater profits.

It is worth highlighting the relevance of technological change since, thanks to the use of the main inventions, the world has currently been able to continue with the innovation and development of more methods that contribute to improving the quality of life of society, providing greater comfort, in such a way that progress will transcend future generations. However, according to the problems that part of the population had to face after the first industrial revolution is the submission to rigorous work activities that reflects the origin of the workers.


  • Baldó Lacomba, M. (1993). The industrial Revolution. Spain: Synthesis, S. A. Retrieved on 04 of 2018
  • Barja, l. (s.f of s.f of s.F). Retrieved on 04 of 2018, from Industrial Revolution: https: //
  • Chavez Palacios, J. (2004). Technological development in the first industrial revolution. Norba, XVII, 93-109. Retrieved on 04 of 2018
  • Gepeese. (01 of 01 of 1970). http: // www.Finance is. Retrieved on 04 of 2018, from Industrial Revolution: http: // www.Finance economiain/lahistoria/revolution_industrial.HTML
  • History, c. (s.f of s.f of s.F). www.Classes Retrieved on 04 of 2018, from the Industrial Revolution: http: // www.Classes
  • Sabuco, p. (s.f of s.f of s.F). http: // Retrieved on 04 of 2018, from the Industrial Revolution: http: // revolutions.PDF
  • Silva Otero, to., & Mata de Grossi, M. (2005). The so -called Industrial Revolution. Caracas. Retrieved on 04 of 2018

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