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the benefits of globalization on labour mobility and unemployment

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5 December 2016
Benefits of globalization on labor mobility and Unemployment
The term globalization is a relatively new one that is used to refer to a rather old process. “Globalization is a historical process” that started with missionaries and colonizers moving to Africa, Asia, and other parts of the world (Eliasson et al. 827). The millennia that followed this movement have seen people from various continents overcome the distance and physical barriers between them to engage in a structured exchange of ideas and goods for the betterment of the human race. Fueled by the desire to better the life of individuals and aided by technology, both the interdependence and interconnectedness that are synonymous to globalization have increased. The improved integration that comes with globalization has made life better but also brought with it new challenges. This paper will briefly talk about the positive impact that globalization has on unemployment and the mobility of labor.
The mobility of labor is the occupational or geographical transfer of labor or workers. Globalization has made it necessary for many nations to remove the previously existent barriers to trade and travel (Eliasson et al. 828). The removal of these obstacles has in turn made it possible for thousands of people to travel to and from any continent of their choice for both work and leisure. Technologically advanced countries like China which have almost all the equipment and personnel necessary to start and complete any infrastructural project around the world can today export their labor courtesy of globalization (Eliasson et al.

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832). Developing nations in places like Africa and some parts of Asia can then take advantage of these skills to help them develop their countries so that they improve their economy and stand a chance of competing favorably in the rapidly evolving global market.
Also, it is evident that a bigger part of that a bigger part of the world is still underdeveloped. Most of these poor areas of the globe face serious unemployment issues. The unemployment might be due to lack of the skills required to secure employment or lack of jobs in one’s area of specialization (Hey 20). For instance, a person from a very underdeveloped nation may pursue education and gain competencies in areas like IT. Many developed countries have very many job opportunities for people with IT skills. However, the same cannot be said about developing nations; most of them still choose the old-fashioned ways running their systems. Thanks to globalization, this person can now apply for a job in almost any country around the world and be allowed to travel with relative ease across all the continents of the globe (Weinstein 15). Therefore, globalization, through the mobility of labor, helps reduce unemployment rates in individual nations. Other than that, some rich people just travel to different countries for fun. These people are known as tourists, and they help the economies of the countries they visit in many ways. First, the fees they pay to hotels or the heritage sites they visit generate revenue to the governments of those countries. In addition to that, they also directly help reduce the unemployment rates if these countries. There are many people who do not possess the skills that would allow them to secure technical jobs in fields like engineering, medicine, IT, and accounting etcetera. These people can secure jobs as chefs, cleaners, or guards in the hotels that the tourists use (Rama n.pag.). They can also get jobs such as tour guides and tour van drivers (Scholte 15).
In conclusion, the concept of globalization has obvious benefits on labor mobility and unemployment in all the countries of the world. Through globalization, an African can work in America; an Asian can work in Europe and so on. This makes it easy for people to secure jobs in places where their skills are more relevant regardless of the physical distance or barriers between them and that place. The ability to work in any part of the world, as enabled by globalization, is what is referred to as mobility of labor. This movement, in turn, helps reduce the unemployment rates in the less developed regions of the world.
Works Cited
Eliasson, Kent, Urban Lindgren, and Olle Westerlund. “Geographical labour mobility: migration
or commuting?.” Regional Studies 37.8 (2003): 827-837.
Hay, Colin. “What’s Globalization Got to Do with It? Economic Interdependence and the Future
of European Welfare States1.”Government and Opposition 41.1 (2006): 1-22.
Rama, Martín. “Globalization and workers in developing countries.” World Bank policy research
working paper 2958 (2003).
Scholte, Jan Aart. Globalization: A critical introduction. Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Weinstein, Michael M. Globalization: what’s new. Columbia University Press, 2005.

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