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The Birth Of Public Health In Mexico

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The next work is based on a testimony of an adult who lived in the post-revolutionary era we will show the aspects that led to our nation to transform being a healthy country that totally ignored the context in which his country was and with this the needs that he had and begin to be a country with public health and with it appeared health strategies; There is a little talk about the needs that were arising as shortage in rural areas where the need for an effective health system for our nation was most accentuated after the lack left by the revolutionary confrontation as well as all the institutions that They collaborated so that the country had progress, we begin to talk about progress when Porfirio Díaz is in power, with its regime the concern begins to generate a public health system, thus having the beginning of many changes in our country in favor of The health of large masses, which had excellent results and national growth, throughout this production, key aspects of public health are scored until the 30s, it is referenced since it is the decade in which the person From our testimony he was born and describes us for its part that time in the aspect of the situation of some rural areas of the country.


Public health is the science and art of preventing diseases, prolonging life, promoting health and physical and mental efficiency, through the organized effort of the Winslow community (1920).

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Crispina Villa Torres is the age of 83, was born on December 5, 1935 from María de la Torre, Veracruz and currently resides in the municipality of Hueytamalco, Puebla, tells us a little about public health from the years in the years of the years Thirty to the sixties, shares that at this time women in a state of gestation gave birth with the help of midwives includes, and also includes the birth of their 7 children, highlighting that she was living in many places in the state of Veracruz And Puebla and he talks to us that in each place she and her family inhabited the way of birth was always the same, after childbirth there were some bathrooms with hot herbs that the same midwives already knew with the foundation that the matrix of The woman returned to her normal state and thus successfully throw puerperal waste, these women had a great weight in society because in most villages there were at least one and was in charge of helping to give birth to L So women even more than the husband themselves were the ones in the care of the pregnant woman throughout her gestational state.

As for vaccines, he told us that at the time this type of health actions sounded in addition to that it was not possible The above mentioned that she and her family were populating different communities, while the particular medical care should be mentioned that there were no roads and road infrastructure conditions, which is why they went little to this type of services since they were in distant areas and took a long time to arrive at the medical office, so they first resorted to sorcerers, healers or people who knew about the management of medicinal plants and in a somewhat serious case and in years closer to the present with a person of the person of the Community that knew some medications called "apothecaries", another important point that we were given is that couples married Ed Ades very early because life expectancy was very short and this towards certain stages were advanced compared to the present, to understand the phenomenon of public health at this time it is important to score different events that were the triggers of the situation of that time.

Porfiriato and emergence of the interest of national public health

The evolution of public health in our country has been a topic of interest for a couple of decades, as a central point in the subject was the evolution of health to public health in the years (1876-1910) during the Porfirio government Díaz where the interest in an effective and national health system (which was adapted to Mexico) was influenced in the first part by the acquisition of knowledge and discoveries of microbiology that Mexican doctors made (identification of the etiological agent of diseases) in immunology (face diseases with sera and vaccines) and in epidemiology (the way in which some of them spread). (Ana María Carrillo, 2002) It continues with the process of increasing state power in health matters, which was similar to the increase in political power of discipline, and with this it was favored to make available the new knowledge for prevention of collective health problems.

The institution in charge of health to the Porfiriato was the Higher Health Council but due to the little estimation of the health problems it was only made up of 6 members and the budget was insufficient which took a total turn when it was directed from 1885 to 1914 by the considered major hygienist of all and times in Mexico the DR. Eduardo Liceaga (Chávez, 1987). In 1882, the Higher Health Council gestured an opinion on public hygiene in the country. In this it was ensured that different states of the Republic lacked health boards, and these did not work on a regular basis, the little communication in this matter by the different areas of the country and with it a little progress in health at the national level. Although this opinion could not put into practice immediately, he designed the way in which the Porfirist state would be organized later, to solve collective health problems and on the other hand began so that medical practice could move from the political space to join To the economic production part: it was established in it that if there was multiplication of railways and telegraphic communications, increased agriculture and commerce, it was essential to achieve the improvement of sanitary conditions and the solidarity of the whole country in hygiene issues public; With this, the increase in the population and generation of economic resource would be enhanced through work.

During the Porfiriato, the Mexican population suffered serious epidemics of smallpox, measles, whore, scarletin, plague, cholera and influenza; and endemics, like the malaria that exerted its ravages in the tropical climate regions; The yellow fever present on the coasts, especially in those of the Gulf, but sometimes also in those of the Pacific, and the exanthematical typho that affected the Valley of Mexico. Also endemic throughout the country were tuberculosis, diarrhea, enteritis, pneumonia and bronchitis. All these evils were aggravated by hunger and alcoholism, endemic themselves (Bustamante, 1982). Given this I took advantage of the markets and payment days so that the largest number of people be vaccinated. Other methods were active propaganda in the press, as well as the use of schools and parishes as vaccination centers to overcome mothers resistance to vaccinate their children in police stations. But even taking these measures, the campaign did not give the expected result, so they tried to force parents to vaccinate or revaccine their children. The vaccine was mandatory in many entities of the Republic. For the law to be fulfilled, they were used: the omission of the duty to vaccinate the children or dependents, or to take them to eight days to know if the vaccine ‘had turned on’ (had made effect), was punished with fines and fines and Even with prison. The law not only forced parents and guardians but also the directors of public or private schools, workshops, owners of factories and trade houses, hacienda or rancherías owners, as well as military chiefs They were also obliged to comply or demand that the provisions related to vaccination and revaccination be met (Higher Health Council, 1910).

Background for the foundation of the Health School to be held

Later sequelae arises against the armed movement of 1910, by 1915 the country is in a period of shortage of food and epidemics there was an increase in diseases that affected the population and public hygiene problems were aggravated; Undoubtedly, public health was threatened and the problems that arose in the cities were accentuated in rural areas. An engineer J arises. Pani who by commanders of Venustiano Carranza makes a sanitary balance called "hygiene in Mexico" in which he raises three recommendations: 1. Federalize the public health service with the creation of a special ministry. two. Decree the ‘mandatory health’, thus committing the federal government to assume responsibility. 3. Raise the moral, intellectual and economic level of popular classes through education. (Hygiene in Mexico, 1916) and with this highlights the possibility of including hygienic education in study programs, with this proposal, it is observed that DR attempts. Eduardo Liceaga and collaborators to transform the Higher Health Council into the central institution of health policies was a goal that was completed years later by the revolutionary regime. The new group that was in power sought, as well as its Porfirian predecessors, to make Mexico a ‘civilized, modern and progressive’ nation.

Years later, a Constituent Health Council emerges this made up of 16 doctors who managed to participate in American medical associations and assistance to international congresses. So that in this way, the health policies of other countries, mainly France and the United States, were a reference for the health life of the country. Important part of the history of public health was the influence of American doctors Abraham Flexner and William Welch who proposed to found public health schools independent of Medicine, (María Rosa Gudiño, 2013) starting point to found the health school In March 1922, under the "Nationalist Project" headed by José Vasconcelos "who was the head of Public Education and was directed by creating a humanistic education by integrating culture and practical work, with its foundation the need to form healthy for the crusade was recognized health and educational that parallel promoted the Department of Public Health and the Ministry of Public Education, as well as the weight that collective work in the communities had. The social context and the national reconstruction policy required the participation of new groups of professionals that joined the greedy dissemination project of a prevention culture that guaranteed health.

A social medicine, impulse to public health

Finally, we can also score the emergence of a social medicine in 1934, based on approaches to anthropologists Gonzalo Aguirre Beltrán and José Othón de Mendizábal, and doctors Alfonso Pruneda, Jesús Díaz Barriga, Enrique Arreguín Vélez and Miguel Bustamante, the Ignorance towards the socio-cultural reality of the country’s rural communities and it was proposed that the lack of doctors aggravated the situation of its population and hindered the long-awaited development for the sake of national progress. (María Rosa Gudiño, 2013) With this step, in addition to creating a "health" medical profile for rural areas and social service emerges in medical schools which described a rural doctor who would be in charge of The health education of the peasant communities, the service consisted of paying six months in rural areas of the country, this intended economic growth and social modernization through providing medical care to peasant people.


Public health is the step to be a country of progress, based on the historical context of our country we have that since the beginning of the twentieth century, Mexico has modified its epidemiological profile, it has gone from being a rural and little urbanized society, with levels with levels devoid of hygiene and insufficiency in health services, so diseases such as whore, smallpox, malaria and pneumonia will be presented, to transform into a modern, sedentary society, with high levels of stress, tobacco and alcohol consumption and alcohol consumption and Food standards with high energy content, which has given way to the increase in diseases such as hypertension, cholesterol, overweight and obesity (chronic degenerative diseases typical of industrialized societies) All this is due to the low structuring that is had as a country In public health and the lack of health education, we generate not only health problems but also economic, since this type of e Nfermeades are treated with high -cost drugs in addition to the patient needing these life drugs, at present, a large part of the national budget is sent to institutions where public health care is provided mostly chronic degenerative diseases are treated.

"He who does not know his story is condemned to repeat it." We could already be underway to generate new policies to improve it, we infer that it not only depends on one individual or a single community but on the union of communities with a common symbol "your nation" to create active public health and Enjoy healthy communities, which can be headed by doctors concerned about their society and the progress of their country, so that the promotion and education of preventive health reached the last corner of our beloved nation.


  • MARIA ROSA GUDIÑO CEJUDO. ‘The Public Health School of Mexico: its Foundation and First Era, 1922-1945.’Public Health of Mexico 2013: 81-91.
  • Ana María Carrillo. ‘Economy, Politics and Public Health in Porfirian Mexico (1876-1910).’
  • Hist. science. SAUDE-MANGUHOS 2002: 67-87.
  • Francisco José Zamudio Sánchez, Roxana Ivette Arana Ovalle, Waldenia Cosmes Martínez, Javier Santibáñez Cortés and Margoth Laredo Rojas. ‘Analysis of census microdates from 1930: 80 years from post -revolutionary Mexico. ‘National Institute of Statistic and Geography . 2015. INEGI. November 22, 2019 https: //

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