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The Commercial War Between Ee. Uu And Mexico Will Worsen The Immigration Situation

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THE COMMERCIAL WAR BETWEEN EE. UU and Mexico will worsen the immigration situation

The following essay will deal with the commercial war between Mexico and the United States, and as this will have a rather large negative influence on the immigration situation presented by the United States regarding Mexicans, this based on documents and news on which it was explained issituation. On May 30, 2019, President Trump launched a hard threat against Mexico, this about imposing possible tariffs on Mexican imports, with the justification that Mexico was not taking the necessary measures to reduce and completely extinguish migrationsTo his neighboring country, however Donald Trump decided to suspend indefinitely the establishment of these tariff.

The tariffs that would be given to Mexican products that were imported by the neighborIt seeks to definitely stop the migratory flow that is presented by the southern border of the United States of America. However, Donald Trump has not taken into account the economic imbalance that this would cause in Mexico and how this will affect it;With an increase in that level in tariffs, the market would destabilize bringing a fall in the economy, thus affecting the entire nation that without sufficient budget (for the constant changes to which Mexico will be forced to make for this event), they will not have the possibility of developing projects or programs for help to Mexican citizens who for different circumstances do not have enough to survive in their native country, and look for a shelter, which will be their neighboring country that could give them aBetter opportunity and quality of life, so it will be more citizens who will cross the border in search of the American refuge showing a progressive increasing in the migration rate that today exists today.

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Ebrand warned that ‘tariffs could cause financial and economic instability, which means that Mexico could reduce its ability to address migratory flows and offer alternatives to new migrants’ ’.

The United States would be unleashed to two problems that unfortunately occur in the contemporary world, which considerably affects the well -being of the population, encouraging the decision to emigrate: high unemployment and high inflation, bringing hunger and extreme poverty.

According to Fernando Chávez, economist and professor at the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico, in the 50 years prior to the increasing state international immigration regardless of age, and this is not different between the two countries;Moreover, this situation in the US. UU and Mexico are favored by two aspects: the geopolitical location and for the rejection of the intervention of the State in the economy, the defense of the market as the only form of economic regulation, and the promotion of free economic competition that is to say the economic modelneoliberal that has given bad social results since the last century in the eighties, so Mexico sees how this problem is increasing.

The crisis that war would cause in the economy of both countries is very evident, since they have a very close relationship as commercial partners, they depend a lot on each other, however, it is very likely that the most affected is Mexico and this will beIt would make it very difficult to get up. Because at this time it depends largely on his neighboring country;After the war between the USA. UU and China, ties with Mexico were strengthened much more, since imports of large quantity were initiated to this country and if that amount is elevated to Mexico tariff. “It would indeed negative, we are estimating that this negative effect can be between 0.5 and 1.2 points of GDP, with which Mexico would be growing near zero or perhaps already entering a recession ”

The macroeconomic causes that lead to migrate to the United States are multiple. The recurring six -year economic crises, the acute rural crisis, the failed industrial reconversion, the high dependence of the maquiladora industry, are some of the economic factors that explain how despite the high costs involved in illegally entering a hostile territory, beforeThe lack of thousands and thousands of Mexicans see in international migration their survival and elevation strategy of their living standards.

The lack of employment is another aspect (perhaps the most outstanding) that causes immigration, and this would be worsening at the time it is decided to consolidate the decision of the US president. UU regarding trade, since Mexico is forced to raise prices and lower production companies will automatically reduce the number of employees, therefore, the Mexican population will be more in search of opportunities abroad.

The decision that Trump is making regarding mixing these two aspects that are totally different, would only bring bad consequences, because Mexico does not have the opportunity to end this immigration that has been present for many years, in just a few days as it was agreed,To achieve not to have affectations in its economy, because if you must seek to stop the flow of immigrants to the US.Uu that is not the most feasible way to do so, just causing problems and crisis in both countries, without trying more forms of programs and alliances to help these people seek asylum in a moment of crisis.

However, Mexico must seek the least dangerous way to give at least a minimum degree of solution to this situation, because from the day the agreement was signed the time runs and 45 days will pass by reviewing the process and if theMeasures have not achieved its objective in 90 days another meeting will be held between the US government. UU and the Government of Mexico to discuss what will be done about it. Mexico is in a race against time, that if you fail to win it, the dreaded day that tariffs are imposed. To achieve this in such a short time Mexico will talk to executives and organizations (of migrants) of the Central American countries such as Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador this to join forces and among all to end migration to the United States, a problem that has endured by manyyears.

Finally, it is important to mention that it is not correct to try to solve social problems through the economy and commerce of the countries, each issue must have a different and apart discussion, in addition Mexico is not guilty that the strong current of illegal migration presents that presents.UU;Because even if you try to give an end to this situation they present, it is not possible with the high corruption rate that Mexico presents to their authorities, which allows immigrants who wish to cross the border do so without any problem if they get the ”Help ‘of these people


  • Chávez, f. (05 of 2018). Americaeconomy. Obtained from Americaeconomia: https: // -las-Migratories-De-Mexico-State-Units

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