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The Deliberations Of An Organization

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In evaluating the deliberations of an organization, it becomes essential that there is an analysis of key issues such as the product lifecycle and the components of supply chain management. In such an evaluation, the goal is not just to expose the weak areas; rather there is every effort to ensure that there is a suggestion for the best way forward to see a rectification of the areas lacking credibility and put much effort in the secure areas. In this paper, there is an in-depth discussion of the deliberations of Apple Inc, given aspects such as the weaknesses in the products life cycle, the strategies which the organization needs as well as the development of a total quality management tool, (TQM). There is also the analysis of the advantages of employing just in time philosophy, (JIT) as well as the determination of the qualitative and quantitative forecasting method.
Keywords: just in time philosophy, total quality management tool
Management Aspects in Apple Inc
Product life cycle
In assessing the viable product life cycle, there is an alignment of the viability towards the products that have a long life cycle. Considering the products of the Apple Inc, there is a realization that they have a short life cycle. Such a cycle does not auger well with the satisfaction of customers. Another weakness is that; the Apple Inc. operating system does not work in conjunction with hardware from outside. Although this factor in itself is a positive one for the purpose of maintaining the uniqueness of the designs, it is a weakness in the sense that it limits the market share.

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In generating a new product design at the Apple Inc., it would be viable to consider the elements that would bring improvement, not only in the final product but also in the whole process of development. Lengthening the life cycle would be a priority aspect of such considerations. The New product would, therefore, have a short life cycle. In the product selection, it would be essential to consider the needs of the individual customer so as to select the product that satisfies the need fully, (Diehl, 2016).
In a bid for an organization to strengthen its operations, it is essential that there is the adoption of the right strategies, (Datsyk, Podgornaya, Grudina & Avdonina, 2016). Apple Inc needs to adopt several strategies for that purpose. Improving the use of technology can go a long way as a strategy in strengthening the operations in Apple Inc. Such an approach would enable fast production as well as the smooth interaction of the employees. Review of the existing set up is another strategy for improving production at Apple Inc especially concerning the ability to use external software.
Implementation of a continuous improvement approach is a strategy that could go a long way in enhancing the operations at Apple Inc., (Chikhale & Mansouri, 2015). This view emanates from the considerations that; an already vastly established organization like Apple Inc may be tempted to hold assumptions that there is no need for improvement when everything seems to be working well.
Supply chain management
In the supply chain management of Apple Inc, some key components include; the demand management, communication as well as integration. Order management helps to ensure the right sourcing, (Datsyk, Podgornaya, Grudina & Avdonina, 2016). Communication keeps the link among the various entities involved in the supply chain. Integration contributes to the reduction of the costs for each party. Some major issues affect structuring, sourcing, purchasing, and supply chain of the Apple Inc. Such matters include; rapidly changing technology market. Technology is known to be a rapidly evolving aspect.
What is hot and in demand today is a rejected material soon. To curb this challenge, it is essential that there is the adaptation of technological advancement as they come. Sticking to one kind of technology for much long deprives a company the chance to move forward and to keep abreast with the trends in the market; hence, high chances of losing customers.
There is also the problem of increasing demands and dissatisfaction from customers. This issue arises from the differences in the customers as well as the technological changes. To address this challenge, it is essential that there is much regular surveying of the needs of clients. A decreasing market share is another major issue that affects the structuring, sourcing, purchasing, and supply chain of Apple Inc. The solution lies in the efforts of ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction so as to increase the coverage of the market share.
Total quality management tool
When a company has its focus in the future, it becomes essential to adopt a total quality management tool. This aspect refers to a guideline that seeks to create a permanent atmosphere for ensuring a continuous improvement in the performance of an organization. In the Apple Inc. firm, a Pareto chart is an excellent total quality management tool that can go a long way in serving the purpose of seeing an improved future.

The Pareto chart for Apple Inc. would address the issue of customer complaints whereby; there will be a guide for the issue. The bar graphs would contain the details of the nature of the complaint. The purpose of the tool is to ensure that there is the addressing of the future allegations of clients in a bid to ensure their satisfaction. The rationale for developing the tool is that; this kind of an instrument of total quality management would ensure long-term success by way of improving the customer satisfaction by attending to their complaints. This tool would offer an opportunity for every member of the organization to participate in the developing process.
Depending on the nature of the complaint in reception, each member would be under obligation to act in agreement with the whims of satisfying customers and ensuring elimination of such claims in the future. Clients form the backbone of every kind of business. Providing the right measures of tackling their grievances would go a long way in sustaining them in business, (Datsyk, Podgornaya, Grudina & Avdonina, 2016). This view is much applicable in the wake of the much competition enhanced by globalization.
Just in time philosophy
In ensuring a smooth running of the organization, it is essential to adopt just in time philosophy. This notion denotes a situation whereby; there is the delivery of goods and services to the right place at the right time. Such moves ensure that there is a reduction of wastage. Adoption of just in time philosophy in the Apple Inc would add significant advantages. There would be increased use of machinery, hence reducing their wastage which would be there as a result of idleness following delay of materials. There is also the advantage of improved quality as the work flows smoothly unlike in situations without the just in time philosophy whereby there are breakdowns of schedules.
Adoption of the just in time philosophy in the organization would come with the advantage of reducing the cost of products. Such heights would be in attainment following exploration of the full potential of the firm without wastage. The philosophy of just in time would potentially impact quality assurance in Apple Inc. through various means.
By ensuring low cost of production, it will be highly likely to improve the quality of production, (Chikhale & Mansouri, 2015). In every given business, there ought to be efforts of bringing the cost of production down. Even with the endeavors of producing high quality, it beats the rules of business operation when there is a lack of control of the input such that it is low. The focus is ensuring attainment of profitability at the end of the production cycle, without which a business would not head to the right direction.
There would also be enhancing of quality assurance through the improved quality hence reducing the work. For example, the phones and computers would be of high quality hence the quality assurance would not take long in the process. By increasing the utilization of the machines, it would be highly possible to keep the process of quality assurance constant hence improvement in the efficiency. For example without breakdowns in the process of inspection, it would be easy to maintain the right track for the quality assurance. There cannot be an overstatement of the importance of quality assurance in production. This aspect is much essential because; without it, there would be high likelihoods of not attaining the needs of the customers, hence, presenting loopholes for a failure of the business.
The quantitative forecasting method suitable for the operation would be the causal model. The causal model of prediction entails examining the relationship between the causes and effects of aspects of a phenomenon in an enterprise. The purpose of such examination is to ensure that there is the right setting to provide the correct impacts in business. The qualitative forecasting method would be consumer surveys. Consumer surveys entail collecting a record of the demands and needs of the clientele to ensure that there is every effort in the right direction towards satisfaction of the customers. The actions take a guide from the response of the customers especially given what they feel has a need for improvement. It is essential to note that this method has its basis on the golden presumption that the customers are the pillars of business.
Model Characteristics of operation
Causal model Assumption that one value is as a result of other variables.
Historical data ought to be available
Correlation of variables exist
Consumer surveys Questioning the consumers about their future purchases
Straightforward because of summing up the demands
Mainly simple recording of data.
Despite the much success of Apple Inc., there is a need for the embrace of the techniques likely to bring improvement. Modes of countering challenges such as decreasing market share and changes in technology ought to be at a fast rate. Adopting the right forecasting models would go a long way in ensuring that there is an accurate prediction of eventualities, hence embracing the proper measures.
Chikhale, M., & Mansouri, M. (2015). An Agile and Collaborative Framework for Effective Governance to Enhance Management in Large-Scale Enterprise Business Systems: The Case of Apple Inc. Global Journal Of Flexible Systems Management, 16(3), 283-293. doi:10.1007/s40171-015-0098-9
Datsyk, A. A., Podgornaya, A. I., Grudina, S. I., & Avdonina, S. G. (2016). the formation of organization flexible development strategy. Academy Of Strategic Management Journal, 1575-82.
Diehl, K. A. (2016). How Sour Is the Apple Inc.? What the Rest of the World Can Learn about Financial Reporting from Apple’s Less Than Exemplary Role Modeling. Global Virtue Ethics Review, 7(2), 166-189.

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