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The Evolution Of Social Responsibility And Their Benefit For Companies

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The evolution of social responsibility and their benefit for companies


Today, it is known that both large and small companies are difficult to stand firm in the business, especially in the context of survival in the face of an economic crisis, where it is necessary to optimize investment, that is, invest in actions thatThey benefit communities and their surroundings, bringing great advantages for companies.

For its part, social responsibility is in itself a strategic model used by companies, industries, governments, unions, workers or organizations where the commitment of companies with the community, their environment and their various interest groups, whether they areemployees, shareholders, environment suppliers, customers, among others.

In this article we find as the first instance the literature related to corporate social responsibility, which provides the strategic lines that guarantee the optimal process of its implementation at the organizational level. Next, the economic benefits that the company provides social responsibility including indicators that allow to evaluate activities and motivate readers, to reflect and be interested in achieving their implementation as part of the business strategy and finally be finallyThey will discuss the results about how corporate social responsibility in the companies of the country.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), has advanced a lot since the sixties, where it was used for the first time.

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For this reason, they are now imported in the 21st century, analyze the background and evolution of corporate social responsibility, since it is currently considered as a topic of debate for being an essential part of the company in the management of doing business, seeking theenvironment preservation and sustainability of future generations.

The definition has evolved over time, it has also increased interest in world business culture;These changes begin in developed countries in which new public policies were established, so business executives decided to implement rules in their performance for the first benefit of the company and secondly by the community. 

The Corporate Social Responsibility Plan for the future business works in harmony with these objectives and is sustainable in every way of the word: the environment, customers, staff and future income of the company. It is developed through careful consideration of the rank of benefits that the CSR can provide to the company, and uses innovation and new technologies to achieve benefits for all involved.

For this reason, it is important to know that success does not depend only on obtaining profits, but it is necessary to contribute to all those who participate in them to make them more competitive and face an increasingly globalized world.

The purpose of this article is to explore the historical evolution of social and business responsibility, in addition to knowing the economic, social and environmental benefits of companies, when they adopt and implement these new demands of the complex and dynamic market, to build a theoretical theoretical referenceand conceptual that allows establishing similarities, differences and scope between the two concepts, recognizing that in the medium and long term, organizations will obtain more advantages over the other companies that do not take into account the CSR.


The methodology used for this article will be investigative, because it will be consulted from different sources how social responsibility has evolved years after years, thus allowing companies to invest in actions that benefit communities and the environment, for this they mustUnderstand that it is important to improve corporate image and reputation, prevent risks to minimize conflicts with the communities in which it operates;such as improving customer relationships, employees, public administrations and other interest groups;The work environment and productivity is another important point, since, it improves the motivation, skills and self – esteem of workers by increasing the probability of finding more innovative and robust solutions.

The modality will be bibliographic, because as mentioned above, necessary and relevant information for the development of this article will be collected;emphasizing books and Internet pages. All this information will allow to have clearer ideas than is sought to be achieved with the execution of the article. In turn, it is descriptive, because all the facts that are observed on how social responsibility benefits companies will be explained in detail, analyzing the most thorough problem and thus verify the impact of what you want to achieve in this article. The technique of observation will be important in the investigation of this article, because this will allow a clearer knowledge of the benefits that this method of social responsibility gives companies.

The research results will be obtained through the information collected in the different web pages;to later make a detailed analysis of each of them and identify the benefits that have been granted to companies after their evolution. A bibliographic review was also carried out to identify fundamental and particular sources in relation to the application of social responsibility in Ecuador.


Today, economic social responsibility is increasingly transformed into a competitive variable of world recognition;that requires those who intend to apply it and do it extensively to the different economic and business sectors, as are the interest groups to have a conceptual clarity about the nature and the concept of CSR, attending to the need in that it has become,in a business success factor that is combined with the ethical commitment of the modern company with society.

The main importance of this article lies in knowing and interpreting each of the benefits that social responsibility offers to companies, because through this strategic management, the creation of competitive advantages is facilitated, mentioned among them, themade of reducing costs by avoiding conflicts with society in general;Improves productivity, because workers are fully identified with these activities achieving greater sense of belonging and commitment to the company. In addition, it favors the internal environment of the company by assessing the role of each member. The same goes for the company’s external environment by taking into account the social impact of the actions that it executes.

This research project arises with the need to cover a real problem, which in this case is presented by companies when staying firm in the business. This article is considered feasible because it seeks to cover the problem posed that in this case it is to know the benefits that this social responsibility strategy gives to companies and through this research it will be allowed to know the benefits of strategic management.

Every small step that takes place to try to cover the problem is a great beginning and a great challenge that faces the world and thus know how to organize our ideas, so this article generates a great impact on learning both by whom whoHe develops it, as from the community in general, because this issue has now taken strength from the educational field by the new professions, social and business environment with technological advances and the new knowledge society and governmental field with the intention ofCreate new public policies.

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