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The Future Of Food In Paraguaya

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The future of food in Paraguaya


Paraguayan food is the result of a cultural fusion between the Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Guaraní peoples. The strongest influence comes from Spain, during the conquest, while Italian and Portuguese is the result of immigration. The local is demonstrated by the Guaraní people. In general, the gastronomy of countries evolved through the introduction of new products and new ways of doing things. Unfortunately, in many cases the ancestral saber ends up losing. 

However, some countries take action in this regard. In the Paraguayan case, this Sabré declared himself a cultural heritage of the country. The ingredients of Paraguayan food Guarani gastronomy had its basis in corn, cassava, legumes, fruits and ours that had hunting or fishing. Everything else was what later became integrated into the Paraguayan kitchen. That is, beef, pork, chicken, dairy derivatives and pasta, among others. 


Among the most characteristic products of Paraguay. Other vegetables that stand out are green onion, chard, broccoli, china, artichoke, pumpkin and eggplant. Additionally, Raba Nito, Nabo, Carrot, Ginger, Batata, Beet, Garlic and Soy, among many others. Paraguayan food is very diverse, both in its ingredients and in its cooking. 

If you are interested. Guaraní soup is one of the most traditional dishes of Paraguayan food, rich in calories and proteins. It is a pasty and salty soup that arises from the combination of Guaraní taste for corn and cassava or cassava, with the milk and eggs that the Spaniards introduced.

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It is consumed especially during Holy Week and special festivities such as marriages. Within its ingredients are Paraguayan cornmeal, oil, finely chopped onion, eggs, cheese and curdled milk. Curdled milk is obtained by mixing milk with a natural acid, such as lemon, orange or vinegar. In some parts of the country, beef or chicken is added as a filling. Because the bean is a kind of bean of various colors and is a usual food in Paraguayan food. 

There are many ways to prepare it and it is especially useful during the winter season, to combat the cold, due to its high caloric content. This soup is accompanied with torchs or chipas, lettuce and cheese. Among the main ingredients involved Poroto Peky, Carrot, onion, red pepper, garlic, green onion, parsley, pumpkin and Paraguay cheese. You can also wear angel hair, sweet paprika, oregano, cumin, bay leaf and salt. 

The ingredients must be cooked in water and agree gradually until they acquire a soft consistency. Mandioca La Mandioca is a very typical Paraguay. In most cases it is prepared steamed, in salt water, until softe. In other cases this cooking is complemented by roasting or rubbing it, specifically of each taste. 

There is a modality in which the cassava is mixed with Paraguay cheese, eggs, parsley, green onion and kuratu, as a companion of several main dishes. In any case, cassava is a food that is present in the day to day of the Paraguayan diet. Roasting is one of the most appreciated dishes of Paraguayan food, while a perfect excuse to gather the family or enjoy friends. For the Paraguayan people it constitutes a true ritual that entails time and camaraderie. 

In general, it is prepared grilled and on a grill. On this grill are holders of beef and, if desired, of other types of meat for example pork. It can also include beef and sausage viscera such as black pudding, sausages and butifarras, among others. In general, this type of food is accompanied with beer or red wine. Chipa Guasú La Chipa Guazú is an ancestral Paraguayan meal, very popular within the town of this country. It presents a golden and soft texture, and a variable consistency that depends on the baked time. 

It is used as a garnish in roasts, during family celebrations or social events. Among the main ingredients for its preparation is a corn corn base, which is added finely chopped onion, eggs and cheese. Its cooking is made in clay ovens called Tatagua, which have a form similar to that of an Iglú. Avá broth The Avá broth, which is also known as Avá Puchero, is one of the most typical plates of Paraguayan food. 

It consists of cooking, in water with salt, the retail of the beef, that is, the mondongo, the librillo and the small intestine of the animal. For this reason these ingredients thoroughly should be washed. In addition, other ingredients such as chives of green, onion, parsley, pepper and spicy pepper intervene within its preparation. The cooking is performed in a large pot with water in which only wetting is presented. Subsequently, the other ingredients and condiments are added to taste, until everything is well cooked. 


Within its preparation other ingredients such as chives of green, onion, parsley, pepper and spicy pepper intervene. The cooking is performed in a large pot with water in which only wetting is presented. Subsequently, the other ingredients and condiments are added to taste, until everything is well cooked. 

Within its preparation other ingredients such as chives of green, onion, parsley, pepper and spicy pepper intervene. The cooking is performed in a large pot with water in which only wetting is presented. Subsequently, the other ingredients and condiments are added to taste, until everything is well cooked.

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