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The Globalization Project

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The Globalization Project
1.The WTO was established in 1995 with the aim of bringing down the trade barriers existing among different nations in the world. The WTO is currently among the most secretive and the most powerful international bodies. Since its establishment the organization has rapidly assumed the role of a global government, bringing together 134 countries for the world and under its powers and authority. The Globalization Project is the ideological rationalization of the setting out of neo-liberal policies for the privilege of corporate rights. It involves the free growth or less restriction in the trading of technology, goods, services and capital. The WTO is the only organization in the world that deals with the global rules that apply to trade among different nations. It takes the main function of ensuring a smooth flow of trade, in a free and predictable manner as much as possible.
WTO Vision for Global Development
The WTO vision for global development is the improvement of the welfare of the member countries, especially developing countries. Through its policies for the promotion of trade among member countries, the WTO seeks to help member countries conduct their businesses whether they are producers of services or goods, importers or exporters. In addition, its special provision for developing countries includes allowance of longer periods for the implementation of commitments and agreements, measurement of increasing the trading opportunities of the member countries and offering support to help member countries build their trading capacities.

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This way, all the initiatives and actions taken by the WTO are meant for the fair development of the member countries, and this in turn translates to global development as the all the member countries get the chance to develop through beneficial interrelationships with each other.
Areas of World Trade Organization Policy
The WTO Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMS) is among the Multilateral Agreements of Trade in Goods established by the WTO. This policy was established for the prohibition of trade-related investment measures including local content requirement, which are no consistent with the provisions of the General Agreement on Trade Services.
WTO Agreement on Agriculture
The WTO agreement on agriculture was formulated to bring reforms to trade in the agricultural sector, as well as, set other policies that were more market-oriented. This was aimed at improving security and predictability for countries involved in the importation or exportation of goods or services. The WTO policies on agriculture applied to areas such as market access, export subsidies and domestic support.
Examples of ‘Global Re-colonization’
2.An example of Global Re-Colonization is the development of SOCSARGEN or South Cotabato-Sarangani-Gen, Santos City. This development recorded an outstanding 12% increase in the GNP of the country and was even considered the “agricultural Eden’ of the country. However, it is mostly foreign, implying that the citizens and the government will have to depend on the foreign investors to boost the GNP of their country if they are to continue enjoying the same levels of production in the country.
The other example is AFRICOM in Africa which is basically a form of re-colonization of African countries by the U.S. through establishing control of the African countries using the U.S. military. AFRICOM was made possible through globalization and countries in Africa are embracing the move by the U.S. and offering host to AFRICOM. These trends of re-colonization in the world contradict the premises of the globalization project as organizations and powerful individuals in developed countries take advantage of the resources or the situation in developing countries to make themselves even richer which the developing countries continue to depend on their former colonies for help.

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