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The Holocaust, The Concentration Fields And Ana Frank

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 During World War II more than 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust. Millions of Jews were sent to different concentration camps where they were tortured for 6 years. Different Jews, including many teenagers were affected by the society in which they lived. Most teenagers died from the Nazis. 

Today there are many books written by survivors or people who lived in the Holocaust period. There are also books that mix different types of genres to create a story about what many Jews had to happen. A book written by a Jew who was a victim of the Holocaust was the "Ana Frank’s diary". A book that mixes different genres such as fable, historical fiction, children. 

In these writings you can see the suffering in which many teenagers, such as Bruno and Ana Frank had to pass. It is also reflected as they were affected by the society in which they lived in those times. Many Jews like Ana had to hide for a long time in places like annexes in order to try to live another day. They did not simply have to hide when the Nazis arrived, but before they arrived they had no freedom. Many German teenagers like Bruno did not understand the true situation that was happening with the Jews or simply out of fear could not do anything about it to help them.

Society affected the life and feelings of German and Jewish adolescents during World War II. According to àngels s. Amorós, (2017).“The holocaust, the persecution and murder of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis in the World War, is one of the most hard and terrible events in the history of humanity.

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A fact narrated in thousands of books, in many of whom, children and adolescents have been the protagonists. Then a list with some of the best known. I hope your reading avoided us again to make the same mistakes ". Many teenagers like Bruno, who is the protagonist of the book “The Child with the striped pajamas” and Ana Frank, who is the author of the famous book The ‘’ Diario de Ana Frank ’’ were affected by the society in which they lived. 

In the book "The boy with the striped pajamas" is a German boy named Bruno who was the son of a commander who is assigned a new position and therefore, he is forced to move with his family from Berlin to a place called Auschwitz. The book shows that the protagonist, Bruno is a child with a wonderful mind, is intelligent and is someone who always questions what happens around him. At first when Bruno receives the news that he and his family must move to a new home, he feels very worried because he does not know if he will see his friends and his grandparents again. In the end, Bruno accepts the situation and goes to the new home that today is known as "Auschwitz". When Bruno arrives in Auschwitz, the neighborhood in which he and his family arrive, he seems very boring because he does not find any friend with whom to play. Unlike the only thing Bruno sees are Jews forced to remain in the concentration camp close to where he lives. However, Bruno’s innocence makes him think that they are farmers who are locked after a great fence, where everyone dresses "striped pajamas". On the other side of the fence, he will meet Shmuel who is a Jewish child with whom he establishes a very special link. In the book The "Diario de Ana Frank" is about a Jewish teenager who lived in Holland with her family.

 Ana and her family fled the Holocaust and went to Amsterdam, where she spent most of her childhood. One day, her Margot’s sister was cited by the SS, but the Frank family already had a plan in case that was going to happen. The Frank family with four people, hid in an annex for two years until they were discovered and sent to different concentration fields. The only survivor was Otto Frank, Ana’s father. Society affected Bruno because as he was such an innocent child, he did not understand what was really happening. He, like every child all he wanted was to play and did not understand the true situation in which the Jews were living. Therefore, Bruno crossed the fence and went with his friend Shmuel. Bruno and Shmuel died from gas cameras. Bruno represents all those Germans who did not know, could not, or did not want to see the atrocities that the regime was committing throughout Europe. Society affected Ana Frank because she just being an innocent girl, had to go through a lot like the contempt of her "friends" when being Jewish, the flight to Amsterdam due to the Nazi invasion, not being able to live a free life because He prohibited actions such as being able to travel in tram and lived for two years in an annex where most of the time could not leave, talk, play. However, before the end of the war and despite the courage of her, Ana and her family were found by the Germans and sent to different concentration fields. Ana died ill in Bergen-Belsen approximately two months before the war ended. Otto Frank, the only survivor when finding Ana’s diary was moved and published her writings so that we all knew her experience. In conclusion, many books help us to know more about the situations that the Jews and Germans passed in those times and that this error should not be repeated again.

In conclusion, the holocaust caused the death of millions of Jews. Millions of Jews were sent to different concentration fields where most of them ended up dying and very few were survivors to the nightmare they had to live. Among those Jews, many teenagers were victims of the Nazis and were affected by society. But not only the Jews were affected by society, some Germans also did not agree with the Nazis and wanted to help but did not know how. Today there are many books written by survivors or people who lived the Holocaust, such as "Ana Frank’s diary". There are also many books that mix different genres to create a story about what the Jews and the Germans happened, as "the boy with the striped pajamas". These books help people more understand the subject about the holocaust. Many Jews like Ana Frank could not live a normal and unlimited life. The Jews had to live their fears with fear since the Nazis invaded many countries like Holland and many like the Frank family had to hide for years until the war ended or even found. Many Germans like Bruno did not understand the true situation that the Jews were going through, they failed to see the mistake they were making all. Simply many Germans like Bruno did not know, they could not, or did not want to see the atrocities that the regime was committing throughout Europe. Thanks to many books people can realize the situations that Jews and Germans were living and that this error should not be committed again. 

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