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The Importance Of Criminology In Social Reeducation

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The importance of criminology in social reeducation

Reintegration and reeducation is a methodical and orderly process of actions that begin at the time a person enters a penitentiary center and also continues during the fulfillment of the penalty and continues when the person turns to his freedom.

In the Social Reintegration Center at the time of the person’s entry, an interview is conducted to know some important data, such as schooling, tastes, favorite activities (in addition to the reason for their income), once this information has been collected among all areas of the areas of the Penitentiary Center is determined by an activity plan, which is mainly oriented to activities that lead the subject to a reeducation, it should be stressed that the term of reeducation in some parts is no longer so used, some of these activities are carried out in the Pedagogy area, where they are given the opportunity to continue their studies, there are agreements with some educational institutions that provide primary, secondary, preparatory or high school and even most of prison centers have some careers, during important dates the center Penitentiary is responsible for making cultural events in which the population participates, so my They are some workshops and talks, which are focused on the subject does not commit crimes once leaving the center.

Subsequently there are training for the work in which many people work, in order to fulfill their activity plan, that the person stays busy and that manages to find some work once leaving free.

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Social reintegration programs include in themselves, reeducation and improvement projects at the psychosocial, educational and labor level;That is, intervention programs have as its purpose, modify or improve the human behavior of each of the inmates, so that in the future they do not commit crimes again

It is also very important to differentiate between reintegration, reeducation and rehabilitation, as the first term we have social reintegration, which is carried out outside the walls of the penitentiary center, since the person who was withdrawn from a social contextFor having broken some rule, you must understand the rules and rules of coexistence, understand the factors that led to the subject to commit to commit to commit again and, as far as possible, try to prevent it from happening again, giving treatment to endogenous factors, andThe government try to solve, through public and government policies, those exogenous factors, such as poverty, social inequality, among others.

Reeducation is a term that not in all places continues to occupy, since this refers to the person, with knowledge they have to modify completely and educate it again, which in some cases is very difficult, since, as, asBefore, both exogenous and endogenous factors influence, which should be treated. Mainly reeducation was carried out within the penitentiary center with the plans of activities, which were applied to people deprived of their liberty.

Finally, there is a rehabilitation, which is a process of change within the person which was extracted from a social fabric and in boarding school within the prison, in which he learns the rules that govern said center, so he goesLearning with the help of the different areas of the center. 

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