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The Importance Of Truth In Existence

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The importance of truth in existence


What is the true meaning of life? What is the awareness of being and the purpose or purpose of life and human existence? Where do we get? Where do we start? What is our occupation in life? What is the meaning or value of suffering? Is there a ultimate goal that can make sense of our struggles and pain, and direction to our desires and our action?.  With respect to the synchronization that many give about meaning, since it has been an inquiry with respect to human events, where the world has had contributions and against versions of both religions and the same philosophy.

The two respectively have tried to expose the arguments and conclusions in times and cultures respectively, for the years they have tried the possibility to excuse these questions as it is not possible to escape philosophy. It has not been asked about the meaning of life only where installation to the problem and acrit of the individual in a certain sociocultural context with very clear and/or/or religious assumptions that are very clear and unique.


Human beings have always doubted the existence itself, possibly, of the purpose of it the justification on life has always been questioned when moving from generations or civilizations since time immemorial. Productivity is an aspect where it does not consist of doing things without the meaning of it, it must bequeathed to an end. Since humanity saw the light has been indisputable about where we are going and what we do to reach life is a set of experimental variations.

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 Within this conception, life cannot be understood by the other disciplines, since it is something that happens, it happens to the living, such as the discoveries that have been traveled through the years about the history of mankind. For Plato, an important Greek philosopher, who talks about the purpose of man about life itself, where it can be concluded that when talking about a single life, he attends to both material and spiritual needs.

Civilizations have found their own meaning about the vital objective, whether preserved by generations. When doing productive things we can prosper when we find an end to the inquiry that we wantresponses that civilizations have found through their own concepts.

The suffering and anguish of the human being is a delirium that each one is submitted, this thought is aware, where causes are not measured whether physical or psychological. It is related to an experience that the human being does not want. The suffering together with the anguish of justifying an origin or reality, can be interpreted as a condition, that the human being wants to avoid it, but at the same time achieves the experience about it.

According to Kant, he proposes necessary conditions for the moral development itself, where it records the idea of the existence of God where the moral order and order on the moral progress of that being is interested in fulfilling a objective. It has a specific origin to generate the event. Suffering may make some meaning to have a objective of reasoning, not knowing the truth we can find it through our own inquiry about the predicted theme.

The satisfaction to be possibly succeeding in your target source in life. It is a desire or in common where people raise ideas to solve objective and existential crises. It gives us a certain calm and a positive inner emptiness about knowing our doubts we cannot confuse a realistic life objective with knowing a subjective truth. We need to satisfy and recognize about our purposes of knowledge about hot springs that we have some interest answering questions of how? Why? And for what? We need to evaluate.

Tales of Miletus, a Greek philosopher ensures that the interest of things stands out in the edges, thinkers wantedCauses as an example of phenomena. Existential crises can help us raise new assumptions, but with a greater percentage of knowing the absolute truth. If we exclude our calm we can investigate, but we will continue with uncertainty about our disagreement.


We can believe that several explanations whether religious or scientific can attach about an idea that other people share to find it in a truth mode according to the perspective of several associated branches. To better understand, it is necessary that subjects as human beings perceive reality and how we read to understand the meaning of doubts that it leaves us through it;While there are several sources such as religious, philosophical or scientific when a kind of layer is created where the individual is obstructed by the truth of things, this requires the will and logic of each one to seek the answers to the facts thatThey generate uncertainty.


  • Chacón, á. P. (May 19, 2017). 
  • Loyal, j. R. (March 13, 2014). 
  • Miguel. (February 26, 2010). 
  • Valley, l. AND. (October 21, 2015). 

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