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The Intuition In The Interpretation Of Dreams, In The Novel And Their Dominance Over Jane Eyre

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The intuition in the interpretation of dreams, in the novel and their dominance over Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre, the enigmatic and interesting Gothic novel that shows how the life of a young woman is able to change lonely and sad to a life full of happiness and love when they are with people who love how they are loved, was written by one of one ofThe English writers of world literature, Charlotte Brontë, recognized for transmitting in their works characteristic of the Victorian era, evidencing it through a romantic novel with a Gothic touch. This literary composition was initially published as an autobiography under the pseudonym of Currer Bell in 1847, due to the macho considerations of Victorian society;However, after a few months after the Brontë publication revealed the true identity of her, after that she recognized her as one of the first women in capturing feminism in literature. Jane Eyre, recognized and acclaimed worldleads to the reader’s incitement to interpret the protagonist’s dreams to understand the personality of this character more deeply.

Miss Jane Eyre, a young enigmatic who, when she is an orphan since childhood, is cared for by her maternal uncle as a daughter, but when she dies she is indifferently raised by her aunt, receiving attention and consideration only by Gateshead’s maids, house in thewho lived;Thanks to them, Jane has a prejudice in her mind, and that is that dreaming of a baby cannot mean anything other than a bad omen;These types of dreams are those that develop with intensity in the plot along with strange events in the life of the protagonist;thus causing Jane to change her attitude and think of her, when those feelings are manifested.

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According to Heraclitus "dreams have no meaning outside the thoughts of the person who evokes them", which leads to considering that people are able to reflect their feelings and doubts in these, creating a dream in which all those are shownemotional charges, which can be shocking for the dreamer, who deciphering it can obtain a message that finds it as an intuition, that something is about to raise in his life;In the novel, this takes great relevance, since, Eyre experiences various dreams each with different meaning, but for her they represent a lot, such as nightmares when he experiences aberrant situations and when he will face a change, thus takingdreams as a way to intuit a change in the life of the protagonist.

Intuition or feeling is characterized by being, “[…] the power to understand things instantly, without the need for complex reasoning.”, Which means that feelings are born from the experience of the person, through the whispers of the soul;However, that does not mean that the decision to be made is the most successful, nor that it is not;On her part, Jane never puts into question, to the feelings, since, she herself exposes in the novel that she has experienced them as necessary, to believe that they are not a simple feeling unconscious.

Relations with dreams in this novel begin to be noticed from the beginning of it, as in the case of chapter three, where the protagonist experiences a nightmare “in the course of which, he saw before me a strange and terrible red clarity, crossed by black bars ”(Brontë, 1847), through the interpretation of this dream, it can be understood that Jane felt fear and distrust of the place where he was;since, the red color is associated with danger;In addition, being black barriers, it can be understood, that she felt imprisoned in Gateshead;On the other hand, dreaming of lights represents that a change is about to happen in life;Interpretation that incredibly came true, since Jane learned that she would soon leave for a board of girls, in addition she fit the feelings she experienced in Gateshead. This shows that as dreams are interpreted in the plot, the character can be understood in a deeper way.

An extremely key episode of this narrative that serves to understand why the protagonist does not hesitate toAlthough it seems really strange, intuitions have surprised him by the union he presents between the spiritual and real life;Arriving it with spontaneous sympathies, which arise between unknown people, thus emerging the conclusion that both "constitute a mystery that humanity has not found the key";What she means then, that feelings, despite distinguishing them, continue to form an enigma, which more than try will not be completely understood.

However, the relationship of dreams with the development of the plot, takes greater force from that moment;Since, these are more frequently presented, in addition to increasingly addressed to death and the end, having as opening the death of the political and evil cousin of it, together with, the dissolution of that family;However, dreams continue to appear, sometimes, it seems that Eyre was not dreaming, which means that the story is about to take a sharp turn.

In chapter XXV, Jane has containment only two days after his wedding; While in the courtyard, waiting for Edward, an ephemeral red moon emerges that along with the momentary still of the wind and his prompt ferocity, they caused Eyre fear, so he went in search of Rochester and found him arriving in Thornfield, without any Damage, which would mean that the omen would be fulfilled later, however, Jane had experienced others the previous night, in a first dream, she was on a path surrounded by a strong rain and absolute darkness, in addition, he carried a small child who cried inconsolably; While, Rochester left away from her, plunging her into solitude; The second dream, tried the house in ruins, she on one of the few walls with a child in arms crying again, also, she watched Edward leaving her side, she for the weakness caused by the child’s weight does not advance And the wall collapses, waking up; Already in the dark reality of the night, a strange being of her damages her veil and rushes on top of her without damaging her, just looking at her with some hatred, then she leaves her; The two dreams, both with a small child, are interpreted as a bad omen, which, she does not know what bad events are coming; His rare connection between sleep and reality suggests that something bad can happen, putting its integrity at risk.

Continuing in the XXVI, shortly after the omens, the bad news arrived, which fell on their marriage to Rochester preventing him, because he was already married, with the woman Jane had observed that night, but who was out of her mental faculties;thus crumbling all the expectations that Jane had forged lately, between that, her own happiness;describing himself as: “Jane Eyre, who was the previous day a woman full of sweets long -ie.”;evidencing how the omens were fulfilled, giving a tragic course to the history of the young woman.

In conclusion, Jane Eyre is a romantic work with a Gothic narrative written in 1847 by Charlotte Brontë, recognized English writer;acclaimed for being one of the first feminist novels, since, highlights the power of women to deal with adversities;In addition, to make a claim for women’s rights and abilities in Victorian era, exalting that they can use themselves, without having a man by his side. This novel is able to show the difficult life of its protagonist in an intriguing, fantastic and mysterious way;exploring the deepest feelings and the characterization of Miss Jane Eyre;Through her dreams those trips to the depth of the soul, which, by interpreting her are able to grant various omens.

Charlotte Brontë, manages to wrap his protagonist and the other characters, in a sway between the rightIt is as ephemeral as that of a fleeting star;thus causing their future, it is dictated according to what they chose to follow.



  • Brontë, c. (1847). Jane Eyre. Retrieved on March 29, 2020
  • References
  • Ortíz, s. (November 2009). Dreams: a journey inside the soul. Retrieved on March 29, 2020, from Sphinx: https: // www.SHINGE Los-Suenos-Un-Viaje-Al-Interior-Del-Alma
  • Pérez Porto, J., & Gardey, to. (2012). Definition of intuition. Retrieved on March 29, 2020, from definition.From: https: // definition.of/intuition/

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