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The Loss Of Involuntary Identity Reflected In The Main Character

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The loss of involuntary identity reflected in the main character


Franz Kafka was born in Prague on July 3, 1883, a Czech writer in the German language whose work indicates the beginning of the deep renewal of his novel (Ruiza, M., Fernández, t. and Tamaro, and. (2004). Therefore, the metamorphosis work, being a metaphor consists of fictional realism, of a synthesis of the absurd and ironic, and constitutes many social situations of the twentieth century, in this essay the loss of involuntary identity reflected in theprotagonist (Gregorio Samsa), based on the perspective, this loss will be analyzed as the novel progresses and the author’s historical context is taken into account.


Metamorphosis begins when Gregorio Samsa wakes up becoming an unrecognizable being (bug) at the beginning it is difficult for his reality, but as the story progresses he is admitting it (Kafka, 1921). This assimilation reflects a detachment of its identity, that is, its human condition that is largely lost in identity lies in its new and traumatic appearance, but more appears in its attitude of fear and fear of the rest of the characters isolating themselves in a corner

´´Gigorio was squeezed within the door. (…) Gregorio was stuck there, unable at all to do the slightest movement on its own. The legs of one of the sides hung in the air (…) were painfully pressed against the ground (…) the father gave him a energy blow and savior, which precipitated him inside the room, bleeding in abundance (Kafka, 1912, 1912,p.

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When he feels this evil Gregory he prostrates a fear for what he does not come out as long as one of his family enters he hides under the bed or on the roof (Kafka, 1912), the evil of the other characters makes himThe main one was incommounded with everyday life. The simple fact of becoming a usually unknown being forms that Gregory is supine to rejection, his loss of identity forges that his own family feels shame and repulsion to the point of marginalize.

´´ Made running in front of his parent, he stopped when he did (…). Staggering in an instant, trying to concentrate their forces to undertake the flight again (…). Gregory frightened did not move it was useless to continue running. (…) Well, the father had resolved to bomb him (Kafka, 1912, pg. 88). ´´

So in its entire course it is rejected is prostrated in solitude all due to this psychological radical change. It is also important to note that Gregorio’s identity before becoming a bug was constituted more not by his human appearance, but by his economic capacity he was always willing to keep his family, he worked as a traveler of commerce carried his work with absolute responsibilityInfamily member but as a person. The work problematizes the question of identity as a loss of the meaning of life and relates to economic capacity.

Metamorphosis is included with a supernatural story of the twentieth century because Kafka lived facts such as World War I, the invasion of Belgium, the continental blockade executed by the British fleet, the years of hunger, the Russian revolution, the treatyof Brest-Litovsk and the Treaty of Versailles, the preparation of World War II´´ (Ortiz, Molina, Reynés, 2013). So he wanted to resemble his fictitious reality or context after a war, conflict, etc. However, the loss of identity based on something psychological as the issues left by a war traumas or ideologies of feeling like a bug more than everything for human loss. Kafka creates an existentialism, that is, a lack of meaning to the venerated life in an identity that is created, but it is taken away and replaced by one of a bug. Human personality is reflected in faith to oneself as our identity. Franz not only relates the loss of identity to the culmination of wars but with something of a feeling that he at some point obtained it.


In conclusion, it can be said that Kafka of the work metamorphosis addresses the theme of identity from its loss based on a psychological reality of the twentieth century. The theme of loss is not only based on human or psychological change, but the economic possibility by not being able to keep his family, for his strange condition, is isolated and repudiated, based on the main character (Gregorio Samsa) this radical change is reflected, therefore, we can affirm that the loss of entity entails the absolute loss of the sense of Gregorio’s life the fact that his family or the rest recognizes it thanks to the most weak existence of an insect, and makes it fallin mortal abandonment. If I clutter the psychological loss is also based on the author’s context not only on war issues but also on its feelings such as feeling like a bug in human ideology.


  • Ruiza, m., Fernández, t. and Tamaro, and. (2004). Biography of Franz Kafka. In biographies and lives. Online biographical encyclopedia. Barcelona, ​​Spain). Recovered from https: // www.Biography on November 18, 2020.
  • Ortiz, Molina, Reynés, 2013. Franz Kafka. Historic context. Recovered from http: // on November 18, 2020.

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