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The Mercy Of God

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The mercy of God


The divine transcendent action, which holds and hidden all human activity, even the most insignificant and vulgar. This is why RUT is a song to Providence. The mercy of God in this story in which God never speaks or performs miracles, where it is narrated without extraordinary elements;The great theological issue in this particular chapter revolves around the terms hesed or mercy. A believing reading frame: in 1.6 the narrator says when he learned that the Lord had attended his people by providing him with food, Noemí decided to return.

RUT’s book is dominated by events, however through the prayer of the protagonists to ask for blessing, or in the reproach before misfortune, or in praise for their action in people, a practice of providence is discovereddivine that leads human events according to their designs. In this story, a god who speaks or acts in a direct way is hardly found. 


It only appears twice in the beginning and in the end: in 1, 6 it is said that Naomi heard that "Yahweh had visited his people and gave him bread";And in 4, 13 it is said "and Yahweh made him conceive, and gave birth to a child". Giving food and fertility in a divine intervention represents transcendental aspects for the Jewish mentality. Because for them God is "the giver": he who gave the word to the patriarchs, gave the earth, the rain and for her the harvest. In general, in this book, God acts hidden through human actions.

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Since ancient times in Israel, faith is lived in the active presence, but hidden from the Lord in history, as well as the second Isaiah, "it is true: you are a hidden God, the god of Israel, the Savior". So also behind every human action God manifests his mercy and blessing. The term hesed is always understood in relation to attention to another close person who is in trouble. 

According to Edward f. Campbell is missing the same as in the previous ones, some I have located them, but there is no form because you eliminate the paragraph. The term Hesed in RUT’s book is used in the "human-human" relationship and in the "human-divin" relationship. We can verify them in the RUT’s action that is solidarity with its Naomi mother -in. 

Apart RUT, Boaz also sympathizes with RUT, giving him food and agrees to marry her. And thus benefits both RUT and Noemí. In addition to that, “Orfá and Rut have mercy with those who died Booz recognizes the loyalty of Rut for Noemi, and offers to marry her to rescue her, Rut gives his son to Obey to Naomi to free her from loneliness and bitterness. The actions of mercy, solidarity, loyalty of RUT, Orfá and Boaz are in a medium where God’s blessings reach others ”. 

And in respect of the human-divin relationship, it can be verified among other examples, in Rut 1, 8, when Noemi wants God to take care of his ditches as they have already done to her already their deceased children. To free her from loneliness and bitterness. The actions of mercy, solidarity, loyalty of RUT, Orfá and Boaz are in a medium where God’s blessings reach others ”. And in respect of the human-divin relationship, it can be verified among other examples, in Rut 1, 8, when Noemi wants God to take care of his ditches as they have already done to her already their deceased children. 

 The actions of mercy, solidarity, loyalty of RUT, Orfá and Boaz are in a medium where God’s blessings reach others ”. And in respect of the human-divin relationship, it can be verified among other examples, in Rut 1, 8, when Noemi wants God to take care of his ditches as they have already done to her already their deceased children.

The universal opening. In line with Abraham’s patriarchal tradition, the book shows that Yahweh, in addition to being the god of Israel, is also God of peoples like Moab, who were not part of the election and were traditionally belittled and hated by Israel. Accepting Ruth La Moabita, in Bethlehem, an Israelite people, and placing it in the same dynastic line of David, is a sign of the universality of God and the mediating vocation of the people of Israel. 

So far we must recognize that one of the most positive aspects of RUT’s book is its openness to other peoples, the universalist aspect, in protest to the reforms of Ezra and Nehemiah. Because throughout history, the people of Israel despise neighboring peoples who are not part of the choice of God. But Rut’s book demonstrates that what the Israelites consider the manifestation of the goodness of the Lord with his people a privilege, now extends to other peoples. 

By accepting Ruth, Moabita, to be part of the people of Israel, even more, to relate it to David’s ancestor, it is a clear sign of universality, which God wants all the peoples and nations of the earth. Yahweh is not only the property of Israel but of all peoples, such as Moab. In this sense, RUT’s book could be compared with Jonah’s book and with the fulfillment of divine blessings to the patriarchals. It is a clear sign of universality, which God wants all the peoples and nations of the earth. 

Yahweh is not only the property of Israel but of all peoples, such as Moab. In this sense, RUT’s book could be compared with Jonah’s book and with the fulfillment of divine blessings to the patriarchals. It is a clear sign of universality, which God wants all the peoples and nations of the earth. Yahweh is not only the property of Israel but of all peoples, such as Moab. In this sense, RUT’s book could be compared with Jonah’s book and with the fulfillment of divine blessings to the patriarchals.


David’s ancestry. Most scholars think that one’s objectives of the RUT’s book is to preserve the ancestry or mooring ancestor of David. In 1 Sam 22, 3-4 it is said that David, when he fled King Saul, left his parents under the protection of the King of Moab. The authors think that this would be an indication that David was related to Moab and to give more emphasis to the intention of preserving the tradition of David’s ancestors.

That is why it can be understood that Rut’s appellation, "the Moabita" that appears in the whole book is like a affectionate distinctive and is not like an offense, by the nobility of his personality that inspires respect, and consequently deserves to be told betweenThe most respected Israelites in the history of Israel. 

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