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The Morality Of Euthanasia, A Medical Procedure

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The morality of euthanasia, a medical procedure

Euthanasia is a procedure used in the health area to end the life of a patient suffering from some terminal disease or with painful symptoms that the same patient cannot support using a variety of lethal but painless medications for the patient, this procedureObviously it is with the patient’s consent or his relatives in understanding that there is no existing cure for the patient.

This method was previously used with animals, either because they suffer from a disease and have no salvation, or when an animal is too aggressive to live quietly with people (this is mainly required by people who live near that animal). Until Holland was the first European country to legalize humans euthanasia for the previous purposes, the law began to expand in 2002, reaching countries such as Belgium and Colombia. All countries follow the law implemented in Holland, which says that all sixteen -year -old people are entitled to euthanasia, if the patient is a minor the decision falls in charge of relatives to approve it on themselvesAccept or deny Euthanasia request.

Chile also joins this issue by creating a project where euthanasia in the country is also tried, but slightly altering the traditional law. The project wants all persons 16 years forward to be entitled to euthanasia without the need to request authorization, since the recordable or terminal disease records are being seen at some earlier ages. This means that a 16 -year -old teenager can ask them to end his life.

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Euthanasia problem in the moral field

The project in Chile mentioned above, has caused that the same project does not finish accepting due to its numerous discussions between the side that accepts euthanasia and the one that does not accept it. The side in favor speaks everything that was mentioned above, which is a method that can help the patient somehow to stop suffering with an incurable disease.

The side against it is mainly concentrated in denythat no person should be able to take your own life.

Many people on the side are health professionals, for example, a pediatrician of the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile Miguel Guzmán affirms that he would not like euthanasia to be made law, that he would only use it in very extreme situations where the situationOnly euthanasia requires as a solution, but that would not leave the consciousness clean, since according to him he would be killing his patient, quite the opposite of what his profession is exercising that is to help and save lives. Many professionals follow the idea of this pediatrician, since they would not feel calm to know that they can manipulate the lives of their patients and become murderers despite the fact that the law would allow it would be a very little ethical and sickly act.


Euthanasia can be a fairly compassionate method for those patients who only live a life full of pain and without hope that this pain ends, ending its suffering in the most painless way possible can be the greatest relief for both the patient and for theirrelatives and close. It is for that reason why I am in favor of euthanasia, I would only like it to be used wisely and that little personal is adequate to use it and that it is used in these extreme situations where the death of the patient is the only way outviable.

Covering the issue of leaving teenagers to choose whether or not euthanasia without the consent of their relatives seems to me a wrong idea, I feel that a sixteen -year -old person is still young to make decisions of that caliber, life is not something to takelightly, I am not saying that the method is denied, only as I said before it is in situations where they are really necessary and that they need the affirmation of their relatives

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