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The Myth Of Sisyphus And The Problems Of Life

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The myth of Sisyphus and the problems of life


The theme of this essay is precisely that relationship between the absurd and suicide. In the as people take as an exact measure that is the solution of the absurd. The ease in which we want to end the problems quickly and absolutely. Starting to think is being psychologically filled with questions that have no clear answer.

It is said in the book that there are different reasons why people reach this act, and that they are few, but the hypothesis that they are for personal reasons are not ruled out. I am going to take as an example by emphasizing where the author refers to the body’s judgment is equivalent to that of the spirit and the body goes back to annihilation.


An act like suicide is more than a problem, more than an act of ‘’ cowardice ’’ as some people affirm or more than a simple escape to problems. I will never fully understand to make a decision of that range, of that level. By simple empathy many of the times we try to understand different cases, but, not even empathy allows us to be so transparent as to justify that action. 

We live in a society that apart from being a hypocritical, is religious (Catholic) where from a very early age they instill that reaching suicide is automatically an entrance to hell. An entrance to something, to a site, to a house, to a meadow, to a valley, to that something that no one is certain that it exists, but there is.

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So absurd sounds that people stop, otherwise a large percentage of society would take suicide as an option, as the first option. 

Fear, just as we stop and say many things, can also be a clear impulse engine leading to different similar factors such as despair, anguish or the famous ‘’ that they will say ’’ ’. Years ago my cousin was married. Due to problems with her spouse they concluded that it was better to get to divorce to which the man refused and my cousin at that time determined as every classic angry woman, go to her mother’s house (my aunt ).

When she felt that the situation was calm, I return to the house where she lived with her partner. Upon arriving at the house she did not find her couple, to which she quickly prepared to take her belongings. My cousin came out who was then the courtyard of his house to look for his toys, when he opened the door was the man hanging in the patio. He had committed suicide.


I mean that as the book says, that sometimes in the most vulnerable moments the mind takes the body and soul as an object, possessing it. Tenacity and clairvoyance are privileged spectators of that inhuman game in what the absurd governs. Suicide, then, must be rejected: without man, the absurd cannot exist. The contradiction must be lived; Reason and its limits must be admitted, without false hope. However, the absurd should never be accepted: it requires constant confrontation, constant rebellion.

In life they will always govern the problems, of what would be meaningful what sense would have to live it, with which ease that at the same time would become everyday and boring living. I mean that as human beings we have the ability and the gift of knowledge and thinking, put the brain to work, to squeeze it in order to make decision making that leaves effective results. What counts is not to live as well as possible, but to live as much as possible.  

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