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The Prisoner’S Fronton Massacre

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The prisoner’s fronton massacre

To what extent did the Fronton massacre have a political prisoners convicted of subversion in the various criminals of the country, during the first government of Alan García (1985-1990)?

On June 19, 1986, at dawn those arrested for crimes, terrorism, etc. They begin a riot in the prisons of Lurigancho, Santa Barbara and the pediment forcing the intervention of the armed forces that act in a very denatured way with the detainees, since most of the detainees had a bad reputation for what were killedThat day in cold blood by the armed force that were in the place where the events occurred, since for the authorities the criminals were provided with some weapons that they had manufactured on their own, we can also add that the criminals had some hostagesSo the situation became more difficult for the armed forces who could not control the situation in their entire. The most serious actions were recorded in the pediment, where the Navy’s demolition unit destroyed the blue pavilion and killing more than 80 percent of criminals.

With the work he presented, he seeks to answer the following question which would be: How did the killing of the penalties of June 19, 1986 have impact on the security that Peruvians felt in the government of Alan García? Therefore.

International Perspective International Democratic Magazine (June 19, 2011): Matanza de los Criminals 1986, Democracy and Revolution in Peru. 

The purpose of this period of Peruvian communication is to make us know how the slaughter in the penalties of Lurigancho, Santa Barbara and El Frontón, also makes us know the location where the penalties are found in which the killings are given later withThe intervention of the Armed Forces and in which years these prisons worked since they are currently abandoned by national authorities.

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On the other hand we can appreciate the types of people who were within the prisons and how the events passed on the day of massacre in the prison of the pediment.

It also tells us the testimony of some inmates who survived the slaughter and even some members of the Navy, since in this massacre that occurred previously it was presented with different points of view or statements of how the events had been carried out in This terrible killing, this was done on the coast of Callao to be a bit more precise on the island of Callao or also known as the island of the pediment where the prison was located in which an average of 118 inmates who were inside the Criminal, we also know that this source mentions the president who was in charge of the country at that time, who would be former President Alan García who was in charge of giving orders so that this start of start, another very important point that is touched within the source is the opinion given by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CVR), finally we can see that it indicates the precise time of the event foundation and clearly with their respective dates of when it was that these events were given in which we are mentioned that it began on June 18, 1986, but in the same way we are mentioned that it was in the early morning so we can affirm that the day the day Precise where the facts are really given on June 19, 1986.

Mauricio Quiroz (2011) The International Journal: Matanza de los Criminals 1986,


This source wants to make us known to some characters who were killed in this terrible event such as Dr. Cecilio Glandel and Prof. Osvaldo Arévalo, on the other hand gives us to tell that the massacre that was carried out 18-19, 1986, we can also remember how the short-term and structuring aspects of the presidency that were in these years in these years were recognized and we can remember in these years in these years.

In this source we can find a lot, but many comments on the events suffered by the detainees who were within the prisons and criminals already mentioned, additionally we can see an image of the Callao prison since in the back we can appreciate how a littleCerro which would conform to the island of Callao where we can appreciate some prisoners from that prison who with the expressions that can be appreciated makes us known that they are dissatisfied with something and for which they form a row.


The origin of the massacre takes place on June 18 and 19, 1986, the year where the president of the Nation was Alan García Pérez who was responsible for giving orders to the members of the Armed Forces to take control of The penalties that were dominated by the prisoners, since these had been taken by the prisoners who possessed absolute control of the penalties, but we cannot ignore the behavior that prisoners had when making their claim since They carried out in a malefic way for the residents who appreciated these events because the prisoners had homemade weapons that they themselves made elaborated to face the authorities that sought to interrupt the establishments where they were, by the prisoners they demanded the improvement of The establishment where they were inhabiting which were the different penalties of Peru, these were three penalties; that of Santa Barbara- Women’s Prison- of Callao, San Pedro (Lurigancho) and San Juan Bautista (El Frontón) where we could find people who were mostly in that place for the crime of belonging to the Communist Party, political prisoners , murders, etc. 

On the other hand, the prisoners that had been organized in a very stealthy and intelligent way so that the authorities do not find out or suspect the plans they had in mind for the realization of their claims as people, one of the important points that theyThey had been beneficial was the day they were going to make this claim, because the day where the facts were held was the day that the capital of our country (Lima) was incurred in our (Lima) a World Conference of the Socialist International that beganOn June 16 of the same year, where we could appreciate the presence of the then president of Peru Alan García Pérez and also that of different important authorities from different parts of the world, such as the presence of seventy political parties, about five hundred journalists from different countries andThe twenty -two presidents.

A fact that was particularly important in the situation of the penalties, especially in Lima and Callao, was the indefinite strike notified on June 16 by the National Union of Penitentiary Workers (Sintrap) to the National Penitentiary Institute (INPE), which began tozero hours on the 18th. This paralysis motivated the authority of the INPE to provide the suspension of visits to criminal establishments and transfers of inmates to the judicial proceedings, which caused the protests of the inmates who increased the existing tension in the prisons of Lima andCallao. I believe that this was the main cause of the events that occurred in the penalties of Lima and Callao. According to International Democratic Magazine International.

But the penalty where there were more deaths and material damage was the San Juan Bautistof what one day was one of the places where the most feared criminals and terrorists were in those times, where at least 118 inmates died which would be equivalent to more than eighty percent of the prisoners that were within the prison when it occurred when it occurredThis terrible massacre, the blue pavilion was the place where the prisoners were killed by the armed forces.

But the direct order of President García was not alone, the intervention of Agustín Mantilla, personal secretary of the President García, or the Navy and other military and police forces, which caused this terrible tragedy. There were other actors that for the baldon of Peruvian political history were also mediate co -authors, in the style of bourgeois criminal law inaugurated in the qualifications of the mega process followed to DR. Abimael Guzmán, head of the PCP;or to Alberto Fujimori, leaders of the Peruvian State 1990-2001, condemned by genocidal, kidnapping and corrupt. And it happened as it was bravely denounced Flores Galindo, that the decision to intervene in blood and fire in the penalties was informed by the then mayor of Lima, Alfonso Barrantes, former President Fernando Belaúnde and the president of the Supreme Court. According to 

The slaughter of the penalties in 1986 against the political prisoners and prisoners of War of the PCP placed Peru on the crest of the greatest killings of political prisoners in the world. There is no precedent or later or later. It is not comparable to La Matanza by the Argentine military of August 22, 1972 of the 19 prisoners of the Trelew prison belonging to the revolutionary army of the-RERP directed by Santucho, Los Montoneros and La Far. Revolutionary Armed Forces or that of the 22 political prisoners killed in Margarita Belén by Argentine military on December 13, 1976, all belonging to the Peronist Youth, the Authentic Party and the Agrarian League. Nor to the one between August and September 1988 in Iran against communist militants.

The change was directly related to the intervention of the Armed Forces. At the end of 1984 the casualties exceeded 4,500 dead, the vast majority classified as hikers and civilians, among which only less than a hundred were soldiers and police officers. During the current political administration, although the number of victims has decreased, violence always continues with a higher amount of deaths in relation to injured and civilians compared to the forces of the order. According to (Mauricio Quiroz (2011) the International newspaper: Matanza de los Criminals 1986).


In my historical research work that has been carried out with the help of the sources that have previously presented, I have been able to appreciate the use of the different methods, which is the inquiry, the collection, discernment and analysis of the different sources that are They needed for the creation of this historical research, in this small but interesting historical investigation he does, it is not about blaming the previous president of Peru or this style but we make known what are the points of view of different people about the subject That it was discussed in this work, because many of these points are not given by the media since they do not consider it as an important event in the history of our country, so this issue caused me a lot of curiosity, On the other hand, this topic will grab since I live, with which I am close to the places of the events that happened in the 1985-19 90 in Lima and Callao in the various prisons. On the other hand we can find a first level of responsibility corresponds to the direct authors of extrajudicial executions and the destruction of the blue pavilion. The information obtained indicates that the order to execute the inmates rendered was given to the direct authors by the Captain AP Juan Carlos Vega Llona (deceased), on whom the operations command fell at that time, which was not mentioned inThe investigation because there was a lack of space for this small part which is the most important that makes us know who was the one who sent the orders to begin this massacre. I also want to publicize my level of interest and inquiry that I do when starting the various parts of this historical inquiry carried out, starting with the use of the aforementioned of the itSection B So I consider that the work done has validity.

Bibliographic references:

  • file: /// c:/users/student/3d%20Objects/5%20%20d/history/research%20historica/sources/killing%20de%20los%20penals%201986,%20democracy%20y%20revolution%20en%20el 20el%20PERU%20–%20 Perspective%20 INTERNATIONAL.HTML
  • File: /// C:/Users/Student/3d%20Objects/5%20%20d/History/Research%20historica/Fuentes/2.67.Fronton%20y%20Lurigancho.PDF
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  • file: /// c:/users/student/3d%20Objects/5%20%20d/History/research%20historica/sources/%20history%20de%20la%20Matanza%20en%20Dearedo%20Penal%20el%20Frontón%20_%20RPP%20Noticias.HTML
  • file: /// c:/users/student/3d%20Objects/5%20%20d/history/research%20historica/sources/killing%20de%20los%20penals%201986,%20democracy%20y%20revolution%20en%20el 20el%20 (…)%20-%20el%20DIARY%20 INTERNATIONAL.HTML
  • Alvarado, g. (1986-2009) too soon/ too late the fronton. Lima: Editorial Micromuseo, Institute of Peruvian Studies.
  • Agüero, j. (2015) the rendered, on the forgive gift. Lima: Editorial Institute for Peruvian Studies.

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