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The True Importance Of The Subject Of Religion In School

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The true importance of the subject of religion in school


The presence of religion in public schools has resulted in numerous social debates in recent years, it is a complex issue with different visions and positions that do not reach a common agreement.

This work aims.

To achieve this objective, the work starts from the analysis of different arguments regarding the presence of religion in school, first, arguments are analyzed in favor of it and subsequently some media collected against theReligion at school. After this analysis, a personal evaluation of them is carried out and a reflection on my perspective about the topic discussed. And finally an analysis of resources, strategies and solutions to bring religion to children’s education schools is provided.

Analysis of the different points of view

The main documents to analyze when trying to answer the question of why religion in school is necessary are those related to the legislation that regulates religious education;Thus, we find the following arguments in favor of religion at school.

The Catholic religion and moral curriculum in Early Childhood Education (3-6 years), defends that “religious education aims to contribute to the quality of education, with the proposal and development of the knowledge, values and attitudes that make up its curriculum …”;That is, the teaching of religion is necessary to complement the education of the child because it is part of its life and all areas must be developed so that it knows its environment and is able to build their own learning.

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On the other hand, the Catholic religion and moral curriculum in mandatory primary education, completed what was previously mentioned with “… will help students widen the spaces of rationality and adopt an attitude of openness to the religious sense of life, which is whichbe its concrete manifestation… ”;That is, he defends that religion is a fundamental basis for the child, since it allows developing competencies in these that are necessary in their daily life in addition to being a guide towards the discovery of the meaning of life.

Continuing with the arguments in favor of religion in school is first, that religion is a fundamental right that both students and parents have to freely request, so that in schools it must be offered, and in caseotherwise religious freedom would not be taken into account. In addition, it is considered that it is a subject that must be dignified due to its transverse character and its cultural and historical component.

On the other hand, in the article of "the true importance of the subject of religion in school" in addition to defending the previous arguments, arguments related to the difference between the class of religion and catechesis are presented, defending that the school intends thatStudents acquire knowledge and understand Christian thought, as well as contribute to the complete development of the student.

Regarding moral education, debates also arise on whether it should occur in schools and if it should be integrated into the subject of religion, in this case, the need for this derived from its ability to teach moral aspects such as justice such as justice is defended, peace or solidarity so important since children enter school to grow in an integral way.

On the other hand, especially in communicative media, there are different arguments against religion in school, among which they stood out:

  • Different media consider that it is the parents who should educate their children according to their beliefs and values at home, that is, they do not consider adequate to leave the teaching of religion to school.
  • Apart from this, it is argued that children have to acquire progressive autonomy in their development, which is affected at the time that religion forces them to assume a single truth. In relation to this argument, children of children do not have the necessary skills to assume and understand religious aspects due to their lack of maturational development;In addition some schools do not grant complete and appropriate information to the level of student development.
  • On the other hand, religion classes are considered as a way to segregate students in different groups, on the one hand, those who choose religion classes and others that study another subject, as well as for the differences between the studentsthat study different religions.


Personal reflection from the previous analysis

During the realization of this work I repair the need to carry out an analysis of such important issues as the reason for religion in school to develop critical competence that is so relevant in our present as students, but also in our future as teachers ofEarly Childhood Education.

After previously analyzing the arguments that may exist around the issue of religion in school, I consider that religion has a cultural component that all students can know to understand their culture and the environment in which they are growing, in addition toIt is a transverse element that allows them to be free and aware of the society in which they live learning aspects about peace and justice, which will allow them to be more responsible in the future.

In relation to the Childhood Education curriculum, religion will contribute to develop some of the basic competences that are intended to be acquired in this age, such as competence in linguistic, social and citizen or citizen communication or learning to learn to learn.

I also consider that religion will allow to educate free children and capable of critically reflecting what they are presented both in school and in life and asking themselves about their existence about their existence. Based on this and on my opinion, moral education is essential in classroom.

As for the arguments against which they have been mentioned above, in my opinion religion will not affect the development in the autonomy of children, but on the contrary, it will encourage their autonomy when deciding on aspects of aspects ofYour daily life.

On the other hand, I consider that, they are able to understand what is explained from religion classes, as long as they adapt to their age and maturation development, and teachers take into account the characteristics of children, valuing what aspectsThey can treat and what are necessary to treat them in later years;Children are able to explore questions about the meaning of life, using feelings and emotions of admiration, co -responsibility and contemplation and creating empathic links with other people in different situations.

To give consistency to this reflection I will reference again to the Catholic religion and moral curriculum of mandatory primary education, since when previously analyzing the arguments presented in it, I highlight the idea that it is defended that all people need to know the meaningof the human being and this is an evidence whose response should be given in school, coinciding with that this religious dimension is part of the maturation process of all people. 

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