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Transitions in Romantic Relationships and Development of Self-Estem

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Transitions in Romantic Relationships
Student’s name
Luciano, E. C., & Orth, U. (2017). Transitions in romantic relationships and development of self-esteem. Journal of personality and social psychology, 112(2), 307.
Key variables/theories
The names of key variables investigated in the study were;
Life transitionLongitudinal
Propensity score matching
Self-esteem development
Romantic relationships
Further, the study did not test any propositions central to a certain theory.
2. Purpose/hypothesis
The primary objective of this study was to test socialization effects regarding transition in romantic relationships on individuals’ self-esteem.

The study also investigated the time course of socialization effects.
The study also tested selection effects of self-esteem in regards to transitions in romantic relationships.
3. Subjects
For this study, the subjects included, a total of 9,069 participants 48% of these participants were male and female constituted 52%. The study included three cohorts and for efficiency gender and migration background was relatively even across the three cohorts. The data used for this study were from 9,069 participants. 7,901 participant participated at time 1at time 2 (8,037) about 87% at time 3 (89%), and at time four only 80% participated. Cohort 1 involved a total of 2,893 participants, and the female proportion was 56 with a mean age of 37.2 and a migration background of 23%. Cohort 2 had 2,621 participants, female proportion 51 and a mean age of 27.

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1. The third cohort comprised of 3,555 participants with female forming a portion of 49 and the mean age of this cohort was 17.0. The mean age for the full sample was 26.4 (Luciano, & Orth, 2017).
4. Procedures
For the first wave of data to be collected, phone calls were used to assess self-esteem through a phone interview. Online questioners were used to assessing self-esteem during the second wave this was in the absence of interviewers. The internal consistency and standard deviations in regards to self-esteem differed between these two waves. And of such the data considered for analysis was from second to the fifth wave as denoted above Time 1 all through to Time 4. Their items were used to assess self-esteem as modeled on the “Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale”. A five-point scale was used to measure response. The range of the scale was 1 (not at all true) all the way to a scale of 5 (absolutely true). One item was used to assess relation satisfaction and an 11 point scale was used ranging from zero to ten. Four items were used to assess commitment. On the other hand, two items were used to assess intimacy using a five-point scale. Pairfam dataset variables were used to assess transactions in a romantic relationship.
5. Design
The study was quantitative and longitudinal data from the large sample divided into three cohorts and assessed for times was used.

6. Research methods
Regression analysis was used on socialization effects some variables such as age and gender were not controlled when examining selection effect. Prosperity score matching was also used this is a statistical analysis based on observational data that is a statistical matching technique. For all the analysis an alpha level of .05 was used in regards to all test.
7. Results
The research tested if self-esteem can predict the occurrence of essential transactions in romantic relationships. Besides the research tested weather transition in romantic relationships predict any changes in regards to self-esteem. The results obtained from this study proposes that self-esteem has some selection effect on relationships transition though not at all. From the results, participants with high self-esteem at the start and who were single had high chances of starting a high-quality relationship. Conversely, participate with high self-esteem at the start of the study and were already in a relationship had lower chances of experiencing break-ups. Conversely, self-esteem had no direct selection effects regarding marriage.

8. Discussion
Relationship quality partially mediate the difference between starting a long verse a short relationship. When one experiences a relations break-up, his or her self-esteem decreases, however, after a year the effect disappears regardless of whether one chose to stay single or established another relationship. To establish whether person self-esteem influences how easy one feel to find and establish a relationship the results suggest that. With high self-esteem, one can find and select a partner with whom he or she maintains a more satisfying and stable romantic relationship. A process that can explain this effect is that individual with high self-esteem is more attractive as compared to individuals’ dual with low self-esteem.
9. Criticism
Even though the study presents a great research work it suffers from one drawback. Self-esteem is more of psychological mechanism. The study has not highlighted some of the psychological mechanism that might account for the link self-esteem and romantic relationship or the relationship quality.

10. Research hypothesis
The relationship status of an adolescent positively affect an individual self-esteem level as well as his or her grade point average

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