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What does the Koran teach that is most valuable to you? Explain

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Quran and Its Teachings
Quran is considered among some of the widely followed “revealed Holy Book” (Puchner 71) and has been considered the continuation of teachings as mentioned in Christian and Jewish scriptures. The very nature of the book has also provided strong coherence with different versions of monotheism presented in different Holy Books. However, it has a certain degree of limit as part of it. The truly fascinating aspect of Quran is that it provides a sense of much more refined teachings that reinforce the very teachings of Christianity and Jewish religions.
The book presents quite an exuberant collection of different suras that are based on different topics. Also, there is an additional segregation based on the length, tone and subject matter of suras. The very order of revelation is quite different than the one presented in the book and it has been “instructed by God” (72). The suras are either revealed in Mecca or Medina thereby accounting for a slightly different tone for facilitating the “structured nature” of the suras (72). Another aspect of it included suras based on Joseph, Jonah and Mary that illuminates the very intermingling concepts of Christian and Jewish faiths with that of Quran. Like any good literature, Quran also offers an introductory or more precisely, a preface to the book in the form of a sura, called “The Opening” (74) describing the very tenants of Islamic teaching and providing a more eloquent introduction about the Lord thereby describing His traits of Mercy and Master of the Judgment Day.

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Such an introduction about the author of book surely provides a more strong sense of direction of literature along with a more vividly described introduction of God.
One of the suras, “The Feast” provides a clear and eloquent description of prohibited and allowed foods that “intricate the rules laid down in Leviticus” (73) thereby shedding light on coherence with Islam and Judaism. Hence, it can be considered “more than just a literal piece of furniture” that is “shared by the people of the Book” (73). Quran has also mentioned narration of Jesus with God for the things that He had given. It is mentioned at the last part of sura describing the very aspect of that gift as “the Prophet Muhammad or even Quran itself” (73). The detailed account of lawful things to consume were mentioned as part of that sura thereby describing “all good things are lawful for you” (74) thereby defining unlawful things as “blood, pig’s meat, any animal over which any name other than God’s has been invoked, any animal strangled,…, or anything sacrificed at idolatrous altars” (74). The very concepts of relationships were also put forward that includes inhibiting the practice of indulging as secret mistresses which can also be seen in different Christian literatures.
Besides that, Quranic verses also possess strong repetition of different phrases and motifs in different suras; more specifically in “The Lord of Mercy” thereby “creating a pattern as intricate as a woven tapestry” (72). The repeating verse of “Which then, of your Lord’s blessings do you both deny?” (96) is one of the most vividly described examples of it. The whole sura has been cited with the very verse more than ones. Similarly, the concept of monotheism and oneness of God has also been quoted in different suras of the Quran thereby providing the very same rhythmic outlook to different phrases and verses in Quran. “The Purity [of Faith]” describes the very essence of monotheism outlined in Islam (97). However the core aspects of monotheism are also present in “Jonah” (82), “Joseph” (88) and “Mary” (93). And “The Opening” (74) has presented a more generalized outlook of defining the very traits of God.
The accounts of different biblical events are presented in a much eloquent fashion that can provide in-depth insight about it. However, some of the verses contradict with the very teachings of trinity presented in Christianity. Also, there are some of the phrases that has also addressed the Children of Israel (79) based on overstepping their limits. Nevertheless, the book has not only addressed Muslims in general rather people belonging to any religious groups. Apart from that, the account of Noah has also been explained in Jonah. It is one of the stories that are mentioned in Quran; however, there are numerous others stories that reflect the very coherence between the four Holy Books.
The overall concept of monotheism and religious harmony with different religious books including Gospels, Torah and Psalms all have quite coherence with the subject matter of monotheism. However, the very definition and refinement of it is presented in Quran in the most descriptive manner. The repetition of different phrases that directly or indirectly infer the oneness of God is basically the very essence of Quran that makes it quite coherent with mentioned Holy Books. Apart from that, it also provides ample amount of inherent coherence with the very nature of message delivered through different books. From my perspective, Quran does not contradict with most of the aspects of other Holy Books bestowed on mankind, rather, it provides a sense of harmony for major religious groups in world to illuminate their existing beliefs and refine them with the passage of time.

Works Cited
Puchner, Martin. “The Norton Anthology of World Literature.” New York: Norton, 2012. pp. 71-97

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