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What Is Negotiation

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What is negotiation


Since ancient times man had to make negotiations; To eradicate the conflicts that throughout history have presented in the world, and this because initially each of the parties involved comes many times by force to achieve its ambitious plans; and in the end they reach a conclusion that you have to sit down to negotiate; And we talk about peace agreement, union negotiation. And it is important in the solution of a conflict the intermediation of a third party to facilitate the finding of a quick and lasting solution. So we can talk about conciliation, mediation or arbitration.


We can talk about marketing negotiation?; It is about commercial negotiation; It is the issue that most interests at this time, and that all companies in all countries that are part of the commercial world develop commercial strategies and go for these great economies to achieve commercial alliances that allow them to stay as representative economies to make economic contacts that generate currencies for their respective countries.

We could define negotiation as: process in which two or more parts, have the need to sit down to talk about a problem that can generate a conflict if each of the parties does not leave aside for a moment of their own interests to think about a general solution; bring benefits to all; This is commercial negotiation; The entrepreneur must think about his business needs, but he must take into account the needs of his client; to establish more durable relationships; that generate an environment of cordiality and trust.

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Types of negotiation


  • Competitive negotiation collaborative negotiation

It consists of showing a hostile attitude; To be able to get the best results for the company; The negotiator representing the company is not going to make friends and uses power and its investiture to influence and force the counterpart to make a decision and can even be threatening. Participants are adversaries and distrust each other and will be gained.

These negotiators are frequently used to disperse groups that through force want to press and obtain benefits. Many times they promise supposed agreements to disperse people and then not comply with. Many governments use this tactic frequently.

  • The negotiator has very different characteristics; It is friendly, the objective is the agreement, seeks benefits for both parties. The expected result is: win-win, and it is strict with the fulfillment of the objectives interests the well-being of both parties and the good name of the company. This negotiation is recommended to use in the following situations:
  • Among companies to facilitate that in a new project, there are no resentments within officials and everyone feels winners.
  • Always keep a climate of friendship to be able to negotiate in an environment of trust.
  • When there is no problem or distrust, and the counterpart makes an additional request that was not initially in the negotiation and thinking about the agreement and its continuity is made concession.


Expected results in a negotiation

What companies expect is that the results obtained are healthy for both parties; Win win; But many times in the commercial area you must give up and sometimes it would apparently be lost a little, but if you are a negotiator with vision she should have already thought that in the future she will get a profit. Example: When a product enters a market, the sales chief decides to introduce it with special commercial conditions such as

Discounts and offers.

  • Win-perder: one of the parties wins; It may happen that in this negotiation there has not been much clarity about the agreement; And an environment of distrust of the future is generated: it is the result where a negotiation is only in favor of one of the peers meaning a risk on future negotiations.
  • LOST-GANAR: This agreement or negotiation is carried out by a sales manager with a future objective and it is to continue carrying out commercial negotiations mainly. The counterpart has already been convinced of the honesty of the seller in this case, and it is a very good strategy.
  • Losing-perder: it would be catastrophic for both parties; But it can happen and that is when no agreement is achieved, since none of the parties wanted to give up some of their interests. And many times the use of force and the best prepared is required, which decides to solve that conflict. Well, many times you should think about the general good and not the staff. It may be that one of the parties tries to delay negotiation, while generating an offensive strategy.
  • Win-win: this would be the ideal result if you want to think about a relationship to future without stains or rigged actions that generate an environment of distrust. In the commercial area many times the seller acts on a petty way and what he does is keep less customers; that possibly neither negotiate with him either.



The scientists Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann in their latest research have included a fifth option in the expected results matrix of the negotiation: I lose something you lose something: this situation is presented at the beginning of a negotiation; Where there is apparently loss of both parties, but it is more a strategy to favor the continuity of the negotiation and that both parties are safe of the seriousness and commitment of it (it is easier to negotiate with a friend, than with an enemy). And there is more peace of mind in both parties when the negotiation begins fast and with people willing to reach an agreement; No aces under manga.

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