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What You Should Know If You Want To Visit China

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What you should know if you want to visit China


In this article on my trip we want to take a hand with some tips to visit China for the first time. And is that traveling to a country with a language and culture so different from ours is not always easy. To do this, if what we really look for is to live a complete experience, we must inform ourselves of everything necessary before planning our visit. And here we do not talk only about having passports and visas in order, but of knowing. What do we need to take to visit China for the first time? The most important thing before starting any trip and avoiding futures unforeseen is to start our suitcase with essential things. 


In the case of a country as large as China, we must take into account a series of factors that will depend on the area we want to visit. What kind of visa do you need? It is very important to check, once we have decided the route that we will follow during our visit to China, what kind of visa we need. Since depending on the area and the duration of the trip we will be obliged to process a specific type of visa. Although there are also areas where it is not necessary. We must travel with a good medical insurance. Hospitalization costs, if necessary, can be somewhat high. The quality of the public health system in many areas leaves a lot to be desired. Therefore we recommend traveling to China with a good medical insurance for the trip. 

In addition, it is essential to have up to date all the recommended vaccines before traveling to the country.

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Navigate online or make calls in China. It is recommended that, due to the current political situation of China and its restrictions to access certain platforms, let’s use a VPN system to avoid possible blockages. On the contrary, while we have a SIM card we will not have any problem. Our data will be accessible and we can make local calls. Of course, it is very important that our mobile is released. Change of currencies and money in metallic. If we are not going to visit big cities, we can find problems when changing our money or simply having access to it.  So it will be better to carry cash and already changed with us to avoid problems. 

We also recommend securing each trip to review the ATMs that are in the area. What do we need to know before visiting China for the first time? Planning a trip to a country like China not only forces us to prepare paperwork, but also we must know the foundations of its culture and social interactions so that our actions do not involve a barrier when enjoying the visit. Choosing the conservation issue is very important that we obviate talk about economic or political issues during the view. Either among which we have prepared the trip as with the Chinese citizens. It is considered of bad education and can bring us serious problems. If they feel that we question their current political or monetary system.

In China there are few who speak English. Speaking English will not assure us to be able to communicate with them, in fact, not even know a couple of words in their own language. Therefore, it is many times better to carry a map by hand or a guide to communicate with them through gestures. Public bathrooms. In China, bathrooms do not look anything like Westerners. Here we will not find a WC where we can do our needs, but a small suede hole that we will have to use on squatting. Except in very large cities, hotels or large shopping centers, you will not find either Western services or toilet paper. We must always carry paper scarves on top.


Check the distances well. One of the first things we should know before starting to travel China is that it is a country of enormous dimensions. Por ello, aunque parezca que las cosas están cerca, tratar de llegar a ellas a pie puede ser una pequeña locura. Tratemos siempre de movernos con transporte público en la medida de lo posible o alquilar un vehículo. Además, los chinos no son conocidos por respetar semáforos o ceda el paso. Rara vez estaremos solos. China es uno de los países más superpoblados del planeta, por ello, se recomienda visitar los monumentos a primera hora y aceptar que siempre encontraremos grandes aglomeraciones. Recomendamos ser previsores y estrictos con los horarios idóneos durante la visita.

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