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Whole foods shares salary data with employees

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 Whole Foods Shares Salary Data with Employees
Whole Foods Market, a chain of grocery shops, has developed a new way to motivate the workforce of the company; by revealing the salary structure to the employees. The fresh produce provider usually has no restrictions on the knowledge of this salary data, with employees free to know what everyone earns through salaries and bonuses. It is believed that understanding this data helps people gauge their success in an organization. Whole Foods are one of the few who use this tactic to motivate their staff, with most of the companies around having a non-disclosure restriction on salary caps in an organization. This practice brings a feeling of trust and transparency, showing the employees that they are an essential part of the company. The practice of revealing salaries can, therefore, enable a company to show the levels that a person needs to get to, and makes them motivated to get there.
The Next Person
In the modern day and age, companies have been making strides in changing the way they run things. Business strategies from new economic giants like Google have changed the way people view business, with a more open top-down and bottom-up stream of communication (Dusablon 9).Managers are now seen as sources of guidance rather than strict supervisors, with their objectives to foster a unit in the workplace that considers itself a family. This change is evident in Whole Foods, where the managers yet again are used to offer guidance to the employees specifically on salaries.

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Employees in the company can ask about the salary and bonus allocation of the business with no restriction. The primary reason for this according to their CEO John Mackey is to motivate workers (“Whole Foods Shares Salary Data With Employees”). By knowing the level of salary allocations set in the company, an employee will efficiently target the amount they want and work to reach that goal by following the objectives that come with each stage. This strategy also ensures that each employee knows the tasks needed to achieve the overall vision of the company, with the objectives having long term and short term goals for the whole firm. Sharing salary data is, therefore, a good move for modern day companies.
Disadvantages of Sharing Salary Data
When employees can find out about the salary structure of an organization, there may be trouble brewing in certain sectors. The fact that the company classifies people as groups and not personally means that some people get paid more than others due to their job description (DiGiacomo 12). This difference in salary allocation may cause envy in the organization, leading to discontent among the workers and having an undesired effect on the motivation goal pictured. If the roles are not explained well to the employees to show why some are greater than others, revolts may begin springing up, with strikes threatening to halt work activities. It is therefore essential to ensure that employees are offered accurate and detailed information not only of the salaries but also of the duties and roles of each member to ensure that each person supervises the other and make them motivated to achieve success in a competitive environment. Another major problem is the leaking of information to competitors, which becomes possible once the information is free to a large group of people (Holmes 23). This issue requires control and regulation by the organization to control the flow of information.

Works Cited
DiGiacomo, Robert. “What Are The Pros And Cons Of Discussing Your Salary?.” Monster (2018): n. pag. Web. 1 Feb. 2018.
“Whole Foods Shares Salary Data With Employees.” Print.
Holmes, Sally. “What Are Some Risks In Sharing Financial Information With Employees?.” Chron (2018): n. pag. Web. 1 Feb. 2018.
Dusablon, Emily. “What You Can And Can’T Do When Employees Discuss Wages.” Insperity(2018): n. pag. Web. 1 Feb. 2018.

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