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Why Brown University

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Why Brown University Every student has the desire of achieving a great career in future through enrolling in the best university. After graduating from high school, I was enthusiastic in doing research on the best university to enroll in order to pursue my career course. However, while I was doing my research, I first heard about Brown University, I lacked its information at hand and I assumed it would be a typical Ivy League university with rigorous curriculum and a competitive environment just like others. Furthermore, I developed interest in doing more research and later visiting the campus.
Eventually, after visiting the University I felt a sense of belonging in that particular place. My desire to pursue a career in medicine was hopeful after all. Also, since my interests reside in mathematics and science fields that also encompass computer science and biotechnology, I realized that it provides a wide range of opportunities in terms of courses that will gradually enrich my talent. Moreover, this offers me a chance to enhance my knowledge by undertaking insightful courses to pursue my future career in the medical profession.
The brown university also offers a program in Liberal Medical Education that caters developing a career in the medical profession. Eventually, the program could help me to get an entry to enroll in the Warren Alpert Medical school, and my dream of becoming a doctor could now be realistic.

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On the other hand, by utilizing the open curriculum being offered, I can explore different fields that are fascinating such as finance and business without being required to take courses that are outside my interest.
In conclusion, brown university has been a ground of nurturing talents, for instance, I have heard of many accomplishments being achieved by students from this institution like using Minecraft to help robots choose relevant actions according to their task. Lastly, I must admit that with the numerous great opportunities available, my specific interests are well secured and thus without any fear of contradiction, this institute is an ideal place that suits my career interests.

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