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9.02 project semester part 2 the global impact of conflict

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Global Impact of Conflict
Ethnocentrism is the judging practice of other cultures on the bases of beliefs and customs. It is human nature being ethnocentric; however, it has continued to develop into a negative connotation. The most affected by ethnocentric conflict are women and children. Children and women have always been a primary target of wars outbreaks. The paper explores to discuss the global impact of ethnocentric conflict and how children and women have become a target of these conflicts.
Question 1
According to Thompson, besides deaths, ethnocentrism results to other impacts on society which includes;
Facilitating social change which results in a war between the conflicting cultures.
It results in enmity between long-time neighbors.
Conflict becomes the reason why many people deny humanity to others and halts nation-building efforts.
Question 2
Jones argues that other people who get affected besides those who directly involve themselves in the conflict include:
Other nations – These nations get affected by such conflicts through the provision of humanitarian needs and conflict resolution. It also results in the economic instability of other countries.
At the extreme edges, large populations of people get displaced from their homes rendering them homeless.
People who support cultures such as UN also get affected because they get committed to providing humanitarian aid to the affected civilian and spearheading mediation efforts.

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Question 3
According to Roberts, Women and children have always been the primary victims of conflicts. Women and children are less involved in direct war confrontations. Therefore, they never get armed to protect themselves as they rely on men to offer protection, which leaves them vulnerable. Women and children comprise of the larger group of refugees during and after genocides. As a result of ethnic wars, many children become orphan, exposing them to child labor or committing crimes for their survival. More so, the education of children gets affected where huge number fail to go to schools. Many men die in wars leaving windowed women, who struggle to sustain their families, behind. During the war, women mainly get sexually abused and children are forced to join fighting blocks. More women and children die than those directly involved in the wars.
Question 4
Reliefs get provided to war and conflict victims. According to Meierhenrich, The relief involves humanitarian aid which includes food, clothing, housing, and medication. The government of the land and other nations through individual state capacity or UN missions offer help to those devastated by the conflict. However, such support is never enough for the huge number of war victims. For example the UN aid in the Rwanda conflict between Tutsi and Hutu in 1993 to 1996 has been taken to have failed. Lives of refugees in most camps happen to be pathetic as most sleep out in the cold, poor sanitation and even high risk of contracting diseases.
Question 5
According to Jones, Conflict results in various long-term implications which include but are not limited to: physical damage to people’s homelands and families; breaking the interests of learning different cultures between the warring communities. More so, conflicts cause the development of stereotypes views between cultures and especially on religion or language. Another long-term damage involves nations providing aid losing huge amounts of dollars on efforts to quell conflict. Due to malnutrition, children in refugee camps suffer from some diseases like marasmus, Kwashiorkor, and polio which makes them clipped for the rest of their life.
The conflict between different cultures has impacts on both communities under dispute. Women and children are affected the most. Therefore, women should take the lead in matters of conflicts resolutions. Governments and other mission bodies like UN should ensure that they resolve issues affecting different communities to avoid an occurrence of conflicts that result in war and genocide. Victims of wars should have access to enough humanitarian aid to prevent excessive suffering.

Work cited
Jones, Amir, and Ruth Naylor. The Quantitative Impact of Armed Conflict on Education: Counting the Human and Financial Cost. CfBT Education Trust, 2014.
Meierhenrich, Jens. Genocide: A reader. Oxford University Press USA, 2014.
Roberts, Adam. “Lives and statistics Are 90% of war victims civilians?.” Survival 52.3 (2010): 115-136.
Thompson, William E., Joseph V. Hickey, and Mica L. Thompson. Society in focus: An introduction to sociology. Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.

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