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A Happy World, Novel Science Fiction Genre

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A happy world, novel science fiction genre


"A happy world" is a book written by Aldous Huxley, in 1931 although it was not until a year later when it was first published. It is composed of eighteen chapters, where the main theme is developed in a supposedly perfect world, in which through technology, which is responsible for granting happiness to the inhabitants, they achieve absolute happiness.

Therefore, the doubt is whether the book belongs to the science fiction genre or on the contrary, the author’s objective is to criticize some thoughts with certain social trends of 1930, which are still in force. The book will make continuous comparisons between two worlds: the civilized world and the wild reserve that uncovers that not everything is so perfect in that first world, everything negative will come out and that seemingly happy society will be exposed. A world where the inhabitants are created through a assembly chain.  

"A happy world" is a written work in the early 30s. The world was in a period of "inter-war". Therefore, it is necessary to go back a few years ago, where part of the European population was in crisis and the United States provided loans to European countries. In 1929 an important fact occurs that the fall of the New York Stock Exchange, in which the United States was the main economic power, due to its great overproduction and desire for wealth, caused an excessive ambition and a lack of regulation thatunleashed in the collapse of the bag and a great unemployment in Great Britain.

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An era where it was marked by pessimism. Given this situation, in the early 30s the "great depression" occurs, the stock market caused a great international economic crisis that even affected the banks. All sectors were devastated. But that was not all, the American crisis became a worldwide crisis. 

In the same decade and in the situation, Europe opts for fascism and with it the totalitarian states arrive: based on military power, submission of the population, a government that controlled everything and proceeds to eliminate freedoms. The dictatorship was not yet present when Aldous wrote and published his book: Hitler did not have power over Germany, he would come to take the power of the country in the year 33, neither Stalin in the Soviet Union, this fact is the main reason whyHuxley’s work was not affected by the dictatorship and had all the freedom to express himself, without fear of censorship. In the context it is also important to mention Henry Ford and his online production since he was the pioneer and had a lot of influence on Aldous’s novel. 

However, shortly after publication, World War II Aldous Huxley was born in 1894. It belongs to one of the most select (intellectually) families in England. He descends from a highly qualified family at the intellectual level, his family had given relevant figures to science. Therefore, the education that Aldous received could be seen embodied in many of his works. It could be said that it is one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century. Undoubtedly, an author who acquired great knowledge by being interested, during his stay in Oxford, for the world of literature. In addition, he met great writers, among which authors such as Bertrand Russell stand out and even published his first book, which contained a sum of poems. He was a man, who with his family spent a long time touring the world, coming to live in London, in Italy during the fascist era, which provided him with a useful material for his work, Europe and even visited the United States, a country that brings himvitality and "generous extravagance" and India. From each place where he was, Aldous took something positive. He was an author with a long career as a writer with more than 470 books. Huxley, took less than half a year to write "a happy world", but its publication was not up to three years after its best-seller. "

A happy world ”is one of the most famous works in the world and is probably the book to which much of its fame owes. A book that was published in 1932 and where, Huxley had the ability to elaborate a novel, in which he created a parallel world, where people went through a series manufacturing process. It exposes an antiutopic society, which is based on a dictatorship without the knowledge of citizens. Society as a whole is genetically subordinated without being able to appreciate the lack of freedom. Hence, the beginning of your book locates us in the large human beings factory the "Incubation and Conditioning Center of the London Central". Aldous, through his novel, wants to express his thinking and show it to society. Mainly, it blames the technology of social, economic and even political control, affecting the biological process of human creation, which simplifies it to a simple laboratory process. In his imaginary world, there are no prohibitions, there is also no place for the family, nor even people are able to feel some kind of feeling. People are canceled, they behave as scheduled robots, giving meaning to the phrase that is repeated in their book "Everyone belongs to everyone". Huxley, allows you to see a seemingly happy society but as history progresses it is possible to appreciate that this "happy world" has numerous shortcomings. 

Therefore, Aldous’s novel "A Happy World" manifests a pessimism and unreal vision towards the future, where people renounces their freedom for having an apparent happiness. Finally, Aldous dies on November 22, 1963, curiously on the same day the murder of John F. Kennedy, Aldous Huxley creates in his novel "A Happy World". They are possible to identify, although with some nuances.

First, a fairly important issue and what is based on the rest of the novel, is the production of people. Huxley places the reader in a large human beings factory, specifically in the "Incubation and Conditioning Center of the London Central". The main action of this place reduces human creation to a simple laboratory process, creating a new being following a genetic engineering process. This action resembles a reality that has been implanted in our society for a few years and is, among others, the so -called "in vitro fertilization": it is a technique that allows assisted reproduction of high complexity. It consists of the union of the ovule with the sperm in the laboratory with technology and thus get good quality embryos, so that after a few processes it is implanted in the woman’s body. IVF is the main treatment for sterility when other assisted reproduction methods have not been successful. The big difference is that in the "conditioning center" the director shows students how they wash the brain to babies to make them appropriate to their life, something that today does not exist.

The different social classes, is something that has always existed. They are usually organized progressively from higher to lower or vice versa. In the story that Aldous poses, society is divided into: alfas, betas, gammas, deltas and final. In addition, they are genetically trained to fulfill their tasks corresponding to the social range to which they belong. It is something similar to what happens in society, since the beginning of time, humanity has been classified in social ranges. At first they were: the upper class including the clergy, the nobility and in the lowest place was the society dedicated to crafts, commerce … In the 21st century we can see a divided society although not so exaggeratedly, it is possible to divide societyIn middle class, half-high, or low but we must not forget that the world is also divided. It is currently more common to see the differences between developed or underdeveloped countries.

Huxley also raises the possibility that the advance in technology is used as a control instrument in many areas, from the politician through the economic one to end up in the social. Proposes a world with ideas based on the annulment of the inhabitant, eliminating the meaning of the family. However, there are no prohibitions, nor diseases, individuals do not express any feeling. "Everyone belongs to everyone" their main phrase to justify any act, so babies are encouraged since childhood so that they have sex, talk with contempt about the maternal and paternal figure, as well as the union between theman and woman. It is a society that rejects commitment. Something similar to what we can currently see in countries with totalitarian governments that exercise a power of domination over different individuals. They make society a deceived population, making them see that they have everything they need. They are victims of manipulation by the people who have the power and that makes them satisfied with the lack of freedom they have.

Today drugs and alcohol have ceased to be taboo themes in the society of the 21st century in most countries. The population sometimes resorts to these substances to evade problems and thus avoid concerns. Something that was already possible to see years ago in Aldous’s novel, with the famous "Soma" to which all the characters resorted as the only means of salvation to their problem. On both occasions, the substances fulfill a “exhaust measure” function, with the difference that both alcohol and drugs in today’s society bring negative consequences for the person who consumes them. However, the "soma" has as a side effect to avoid problems and make society believe that it is fully happy, since all individuals have everything they want.

Finally, there is a loss of both freedom and creation, something that can be seen in the tendency towards totalitarianism. Capitalism has been in charge of building a "happy world" taking advantage of the ignorance of the inhabitants. These simply respond to certain stimuli, with which society molds them.


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