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Abortion Is Not Release. It Is Murder. Physical Consequences And More.

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Abortion is not release. It is murder. Physical consequences and more.

It has been called in various ways: "cell bag", "non -human", "lifeless fabrics", among many others. Only a mere sperm and ovule union, which does not necessarily have life, only. But … is the appropriate name?

Today, women of all kinds march in favor of the legalization of abortion under the motto: "My body, my decision". They leave with green handkerchief in hand, arguing that being inside their belly is not "human", and, therefore, they have every right to decide if they want to keep it or discard it as if it were a simple undesirable garbage. Of course, they reason only with the simple phrase “nobody manages to establish the exact period in which it is determined whether it is life or not, so, we do not drag the idea of having committed a crime because we have not murdered any person”.

What does science say? Says a completely different thing. Modern science discovered that, by joining a sperm and an ovule, the nuclei of both fuses, forming a new human being with its own genetic load, that is, that it has a differentiated DNA of the mother and the father, so thatIt is not part of the mother’s body in the essence of the word, as would be a kidney or a liver. So the phrase "my body, my decision", is not applicable when the decision is not about your body, but about that of the neonate.

There can be no safe, legal and free abortion.

Wait! Abortion Is Not Release. It Is Murder. Physical Consequences And More. paper is just an example!

It will never exist despite legalizing it. In the first place, because no medical operation ensures complete security, and, secondly, because in most cases, the body of the fetus has been demonstrated is not completely expelled, and the force when using theBisturí is able to tear the uterine walls, and lethal combination of both, it results.

In addition to physical consequences, psychological should also be mentioned: guilt, feeling of loss, suicidal thoughts, depression, insomnia, etc. That act will be embedded in his head forever, a psychological footprint that will not be able to erase or time. It will remain there, as an eternal reminder of what you did, and no one will be able to fill that internal void.

And what is the worst of all this? That one of the most important natural rights of our community is violated: the right to life. When you practice an abortion, they don’t show you your fetus to tell you about it, but they throw it in the trash. In the trash. As if nothing was worth, as if worth less than anything. Do we intend to call ourselves "a society that defends the rights of equality" when we allow those classes of atrocities?

Can you look me in the eye and tell me that it shouldn’t exist? Can you look at me and tell me that, in my most vulnerable state, it was a parasite raptor of dreams and deserved death for that?

We are all the face of a decision. "Decision" is not just a word. Is a person. Each of us are here thanks to her. So, if you tell me that the embryo is a lifeless cell bag, what is your origin? Did you appear by magic in your mother’s belly with nine months and perfectly formed?

There are no differences between scientists. Everyone agrees that, from the beginning of life, there is a human being;If there were a fertilized whale egg, they would say that it is a being of the whale species. With men it happens the same. The discussion considers whether or not is respected, or not, a very small human being, just as another larger size is respected. Decide whether we respect the human being when it measures a few millimeters, just like when it weighs two or three kilos.

He could quote Father Frank Pavone “abortion is not a merely beliefs, but it is a bloodshed;It is not simply about points of view, but about victims ”, since this transcends religious dogmas, or" religious fanaticism ", as some call it. They are scientific, emotional and psychological facts that try to hide under the name of "freedom and independence". To tell me that making an abortion should be considered a right is negligible, deciding that your rights are less important than yours just because it is convenient for you is totally despicable. This is not a matter of a woman’s right to choose, it is the right to kill a human being as a quick solution.

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