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Analysis Of Aristotle’S “Politics” Work

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Analysis of Aristotle’s "Politics" work

One of Aristotle’s most important works is his political book. This text is a philosophical work that is made up of a set of books or writings that express, as the title says, the perspective that the author has about the use of politics in the context of the State and all the elements that entails. It is worth mentioning that this work, for being made up of different writings, talks about a wide variety of topics which are divided into books. Next, some of the most relevant ideas will be spoken below and criticism about the validity of the ideas exposed will be carried out. These ideas will not be presented in any specific order but in which they are presented in the book.

The idea that society is a fact that is carried out naturally for the simple reason that man is a naturally sociable being and acts in view of what is good for him seems to be correct since, if doneAn analysis of the way in which the first communities of people originated, they agreed to cooperate with each other because they had the same objective that was to survive. A clear example of these ancient civilizations are the tribes created in the times when man was nomadic, which later became villages when man managed to be sedentary thanks to the discovery of agriculture.

The author mentions that there are associations of man who develop for the simple reason that one cannot live without the other (man-woman, lord-sclavic) and it is these associations that together make up villages that, when they are associated with otherspeoples, create states.

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This statement, although in the case of the Lord-Sclav. The man-woman case is the most notorious and this is because human civilization could not advance generation after generation if it were not because of the reproduction that occurs thanks to the man-woman relationship.

As for the Lord-Seclavo relationship, there are many testimonies that claim that this is currently reflected in the boss-employed cases. This would be the most appropriate way to explain how this thought presented by the author has evolved.

The perfect community of several villages is the city, which already has, so to speak, the highest level of self-sufficiency, which was born because of the needs of life, but it remains for living well (García M., 1998, p. 49). This phrase of the first book explains, in a very exact and concise way, the previously mentioned and even presents the idea of self-sufficiency, which is something that man has arrived in more recent times to maintain his survival. This self-sufficiency has been achieved thanks to the fact that man was able to create cities, which later became countries, which found a way to create relationships based on mutual support.

This idea can be reflected in the society in which it is currently lived since, the association of the human being has reached such an advanced level that this level of self-sufficiency has been reached and even lives in cities. All this is because, as time passes, the needs of man are growing and even the same man creates new needs for himself that they force him to make that relationship even stronger. What is common to a very large number of people obtains minimum care. Well, everyone especially cares about their own things, and less than the common ones, or only to the extent that it concerns each one (Garcia M., 1998, pp. 91-92).

This is one of several criticisms made by Aristotle made the book Republic of his Master Plato. This phrase refers to the idea that, in order to ensure that the community is as unitary as possible, all goods are needed (goods, in this text, referring to everything that belongs to each individual). The idea is not the most correct since, as Aristotle mentions, the fact that a good belongs to all will cause a lower level of interest in their care. It is not the same the care that someone has towards their own home who has a public building and the main reason is that there is no feeling of belonging, so there is no such great incentive to maintain the care of this good.

Another important criticism by Aristotle is that Plato, in his book laws, does not take into account several factors to achieve the ideal civilization that he is looking for so much. Some of these factors are:

It is said that the legislator must establish the laws looking at two things: to the territory and men. But it is also necessary to add the neighboring places … and in terms of the extension of the property, you have to see if it is not better to set it differently and more clearly. Well, he says that it must be enough to live in moderation, which is as if he said to live well. This is too general;It is also possible to live in moderation, but miserably. A better definition would be moderately and liberally … It is also absurd that, matching the properties, do not take measures on the number of citizens, and leave birthless birth rate, as if it were enough to maintain the same number the infection of a certain number of inhabitants,since it seems that this happens in current cities (García M., 1998, pp. 105-106)

These arguments are very valid, especially when all the factors that influence the operation and preservation of a society are taken into account. The fact that Aristotle has thought that the relationships that were with neighboring peoples shows that he thought of the conservation of civilization in the event that some risk that threatened against this. It is worth mentioning that the issue of the extension of the property and the number of inhabitants that it would also have are very important variables since the operation and control that a small town with many inhabitants must receive as a giant people who lackthese.

Another idea that can be mentioned is that the text divides governments into two types that are pure (monarchy, aristocracy and republic) and corrupted (tyranny, oligarchy and democracy). The argument about the types of corrupted or impure government, as the author mentions, is the following: tyranny is a monarchy that attends to the interest of the monarch, the oligarchy to the interest of the rich and democracy to the interest of the interest of the interest of thepoor;But none of them attends the benefit of the community (García M., 1998, p. 172). In a way, what is said in the previous appointment is correct since, there is a very good justification for cataloging these types of government as impure, which are the deformations of pure forms taking into account the interest of each.

In Mexico there is a government that acts under democracy, which in theory is impure, but it is assumed that it acts under the premise that all citizens are equal regardless of their characteristics and these have the right to vote in any matter that involvesTo the country and its states. Recently, especially during the presidencies of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, there has.

Of all the ideas presented in this book, the only one that is completely impossible to achieve is that of the perfect city. This city, as the author mentions, consists of the following:

The city must be built as much as possible from equal and similar elements, and this occurs above all in the middle class, so that such a city is necessarily the best governed, formed of the elements that we say is the natural composition of thecity. And in the cities these citizens are especially those who last, because neither they covet, such as the poor, the assets of others, nor others custain the their own, like the poor those of the rich, and since they are not subject to conspiracy, nor conspire,They spend their life free of dangers. (Garcia m., 1998, p. 250)

The idea that a city is mostly constituted by the middle class is not what is so far from reality, but the fact that it is affirmed that this will no longer have a feeling of greed by its citizens. This idea was exposed in the time of Aristotle and to date there is no successful case where this perfect city system has been implemented.

Another problem that may arise during the attempt to implement the previously mentioned system is that of an inability to have a middle class, this happens when there is not enough population which causes two classes (high and low) making impossible the existence of the existence of themiddle class. In the event that there is a lot.

It is understood that what Aristotle actually does with this idea is to expose a theory of how civilization can get a perfect system where the minimum number of problems occur. Unlike the other ideas published in their texts, this is more hypothetical and should be seen from a different point of view. In the same way it is very interesting to know what the author has on how to achieve the best possible standard of living.

Now, what do all these varied ideas have in common and why all are mentioned within the same book? The answer for this is that all these issues that were discussed have a common goal and is to give an interpretation, together, the way Aristotle saw politics. All the issues of which his book speaks are elements of politics, some are more noticeable in practice than others, but still it could be discussed that everyone fit within this science.

In general, Aristotle’s ideas are very successful since most of these are present today or were of great importance during world history. The types of government are the most notorious and important.

This book, in its original format, dates from the fourth century to.C. And it has been a very important document that has laid the foundations for what politics is today. It is so important that there are endless interpretations and translations to continue disseminating the ideas raised in the work. For any person who is within the political sphere or simply interested in such issues, this book is of vital importance to read it for its content, which was undoubtedly very advanced for the time in which it was published. 

It is impressive to think that there were philosophers that had such thoughts in such ancient times, these works were written more than two thousand years ago. This is what makes these characters so recognized, even in our times.