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Appeal Letter to Provost

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Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and
Health Sciences
Course (PHA 5165) 
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Subject: Procedural error
Dear ( Associate Provost),
I am a student for doctor of pharmacy at Wayne University. I have been dismissed from the program for being seen by one of the faculty members in an exam room with my phone. I have given all the proof required to confirm I was not cheating on the exam. On the other hand, the chair approved my dismissal without giving any proof that I was cheating in the exam room using my phone. I had failed the Course (PHA 5165), and I was doing a retake for it but due to the alleged cheating I was failed again, and I was prompted to do a rotation, but the administration has denied me the chance. The paper that I was accused of cheating was awarded a grade zero which poses a threat towards my graduation plans due to May 2016. To show that the whole zero grading and dismissal punitive measures were not as per the university policy, I have never issued a warning, considering it was the first ever malpractice if I ever committed one and I did not deserve such harsh punishment. Furthermore, my course facilitator was not informed of the decisions made in my case since she was on her medical leave. I am seeking for a fair punishment or at least the outcomes for my situation be guided by the university policies.
As indicated in the Wayne State University part 111 concerning honor code in the first section, part (a) cheating in an exam intentionally or any attempt to cheat is an act of unprofessionalism as a doctor of pharmacy student.

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I was supposed to take my third rotation for the course (PHA 5165). Unfortunately, I was told it was not acceptable, and my dismissal for my doctor of pharmacy was implemented for allegedly having a phone that I used to cheat in my exam. I applied for a waiver, but I was denied. The school procedure states clearly that if a student is found with any form of malpractice, he/she may be issued a warning for the first time and be punished on repeated malpractice.
I am an SDS student and the universities SDS center offers special facilities fitted with video cameras to be evidence for any cheating in an exam. On my cases, I was not given that privilege, and my accusation was based on just a faculty member who saw me with a phone that I was not using for any purpose that was confirmed by checking call logs and text messages.
The policies state that my course facilitator can be consulted on whether to downgrade of giving a mark of zero, which was not adhered to since she was on medical leave. I told her about the issue and to show that the procedure was not according to the provisions of the university, in the past five months she has been helping me to get the waiver and the proper appeal process. In this context, the chairman and the Dean clarified that I could do a rotation while I was still in the appealing process, but the administration refused to register me for the course.
I am requesting that the university considers my plea for I feel like I have been denied my justice, and decision for my dismissal and zero grading have not been according to my expectation, neither have the process been based on the school regulations. I kindly don’t want to miss the May 2016 graduation alongside my course mate. Thank you

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