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argument research on benefits of immigration

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Benefits of immigration
Immigration is a term used to describe the movement of people from their motherland to settle in another place or country. The most probable causes of immigration are the need to enhance economic prosperity, political issues and escape from conflicts, war or natural disasters. The recipient nations are commonly developed countries in Western Europe or United States. A large percentage of immigrants flee from their motherland in search of better employment opportunities. It implies that a big percentage of the immigrants have good technological know-how thereby increasing the pool of talent in the host nations. While the donor countries suffer brain drain, the recipient countries benefit from increased skills due to innovativeness and excellent utility of enterprising and entrepreneurial skills from the immigrants. The economy of the host country is thus significantly improved. Working for longer hours and getting low wages is exploitative to immigrants but most nations utilize it to boost their economy (Greenspan). This essay uses logical methodology and examples of production-function illustration of the technologically advanced countries to scrutinize the impacts of immigration. It explains that immigrants are not burdens to the host country economy and workforce. It further, emphasizes on cultural diversity, economy, enriched living standards, skillful and younger personnel on the labor market as the benefits of immigration.

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The research will further explore positive impacts of migration on both immigrants and the host countries.
Currently, immigration has attracted public debates since there have been a large number of immigrants in the last two decades. Some of the benefits of immigration includes: economic gains and improved workforce. Economic gains that immigrants bring with them include some of the following benefits: investments, business expansion, product diversity, and entrepreneurship. Also, the benefits of the immigrants to the workforce of the host country are workforce diversity, reduction in labor cost, highly innovative workforce among other benefits.
Economic gains
Investor Immigrant will contribute the economic benefits and development of the host country significantly. Research has shown there exist a strong connection between the economic growth and increase investments either by local or foreigners (Li). Host countries will encourage the massive inflow of immigrants who are interested in investing in their economy as this will help boost the economic growth by a greater margin. There is a need of the host countries to review their investment policies and regulations to favor and attract more investor immigrants.
The concerned stakeholders should consider improving and expanding the local existing business. Immigrants contribute immensely to the expansion of these businesses by providing the much needed skilled labor at relatively cheaper cost as compared to the locals. More immigrants in the country improve on the availability of cheap labor, and this will lead to a reduction of the wage bills incurred by these businesses. Savings from the wages can be used in expanding of these businesses. In addition, immigrants can be considered as consumers, and they help in creating demand for goods and services. The market size of goods and services will increase automatically creating a need to expand the business. They are the consumers of the food products, clothing, and other goods and services.
Currently, the world is witnessing a greater number of people moving from one country to another or region to region due to various reasons. With the improvement in transportation, communication and technology the world has continued to get smaller each passing day and this has lead to increase interactions of people coming from various walks of life. People today can enjoy diverse products coming from different parts of the world. They may also be the growth of industries and businesses in the host country producing and dealing with different products that help to increase product diversity (Griswold).
The host nations also benefit from immigrants by increased in the number entrepreneurs. Among the immigrants, there are a good number of entrepreneurs who will like to start up and run their own business. The new company created by this group of immigrants will help create more employment opportunities, the source of revenues to the host country and improvement of the living standards to the locals among many other benefits. The majority of the immigrant’s posse’s skills, innovative talents and technological know-how that are necessary qualities of successful entrepreneurs. Efficient entrepreneurial skills contribute to the development of new businesses and effective management of already existing companies.
Another benefit of immigrants is that they help in reducing the labor costs. Research has shown that the influx of the immigrants in a country will lead to the rise of low-cost labor. The cheap labor is then suddenly passed to the consumers and hence benefiting the host country citizens directly or indirectly. Immigrants are very willing to be paid lower wages as compared to the citizens who may demand much higher wages. Production industries can now enjoy cheap labor and production cost will be low hence increased in profit margin (Jacoby). Also, the citizens will enjoy cheap goods and services hence improvement of their living standards.
Most people may view immigrants on the negative side that they will lower down wages, occupy jobs positions that were otherwise preserved only for the locals and drain a lot of taxpayers’ money of through social services. However, people fail to understand that most of the jobs the immigrants occupy are the kind of jobs most citizens will avoid or are not attractive to them. When immigrants occupy these job positions, they will relieve the load of the consumers and producers which will result in greater economic gains.
The host country will benefit from the highly educated and skilled labor force. The majority of the immigrants come from young and under-developed countries that they invest a lot of resources in training their population. The ultimate beneficiary in the brain drain is the industrialized countries that host the immigrants. Immigrants with real technological know-how and innovative talents if well utilized will impact positively on the economy of the host nation. Cheap labor is thus gotten from skillful personnel. Although the immigrants are exploited in terms of working for long hours and low wages, the host countries view it as an approach of reducing the production costs. It implies minimizing the inputs and making the most of the output.
Finally, the host nation will benefit from workforce diversity. Immigrants come from various parts of the world and have different life experience (Kotkin). They grow up in different education and training systems making them more expose in various aspects of the labor market demands. Workforce diversity will promote the reputation of the organization. It is paramount for the employees of the organization as it will help in increasing profitability and creation for more opportunities for the workers. Diversity in the workplace is imperative in the outside organization and as well as within the organization. Most immigrants will prefer to work in an organization with fair employment practices, promoting good ethics and their ability to appreciate diversity. Most customers will look to do businesses with an organization whose dealings are socially responsible. Diversity also enhances the ability of the organization to reach foreign markets. Immigrants have diverse language skills and enjoy advantages of understanding various cultures hence they can use to promote the host countries businesses. The immigrants will help increase the links between the countries hence improved trade among them. Immigrants will create a market for goods and services that are only found in their home countries or regions markets leading to increasing in imports. The Increase in exchange of goods and services between the countries will lead to improving trading partnerships. Countries rely on active and established trading partners in order to develop their economy.
In conclusion, the reviewing of immigration policies in most industrialized countries at the close of 1990 economic boom reveals strict immigration regulations. They were enacted deliberately to categorize the type of immigrants entering the countries. Immigrants with some particular type and level of education were only acceptable in most of the nations. It was a designed strategy to enhance the countries’ economies. However, the citizens of recipient countries developed perception that that immigrants were skillfully better than them, and they were likely to benefit more. It meant that immigrants would take the blame for any slight negative change in the nation economy.
Works Cited
Greenspan, Alan. “Both Legal and Illegal Immigrants Help the U.S. Economy.” Immigration (2005). Document.
Griswold, Daniel. “An Immigrant Workforce Is Good for America.” What Is the Future of the U.S. Economy? (2008). Document.
Jacoby, Jeff. “The Return of Mexican Immigrants to Mexico Is Hurting the US Economy.” Mexico (2012). Document.
Kotkin, Joel. “Immigration Benefits the Economy.” Immigration (2004). Document.
Li, Peter S. “Economic returns of immigrants’ self-employment.” Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de sociologie (2000): 1-34. Document.

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