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Axiety States Valuation

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Axiety states valuation

According to Beck t. & Clark a. The states of anxiety are multifaceted and these states are in turn experienced by people differently in the face of the same types of situations to this Beck calls "subjective response" that is to say that the same situation can be valued differently for each person,which leads the person to issue a different behavioral response than other people, this situation is triggered by fear activation. Fear occurs as an adaptive response to a danger to the physical or psychic security of the person and that this requires defensive action.

Fear, therefore, is a basic cognitive process that underlies all anxiety disorders. However, anxiety is the most permanent state associated with threat assessments.

People are constantly thinking that in some situation unwanted events occurred for themSo it can happen in the subsequent. Thus, anxiety is characterized by uncontrollable sensations, this is because people have the perception that they have no control over them and that these in turn are unpredictable with respect to aversive events this generates with a rapid change in care in attentionTowards the affective response that is generated before such events.

"The way I think affects the way I feel". This simple statement is the foundation of the cognitive theory that explains anxiety, Beck gives an important role to the cognitive response and tells us that, it is this, the one that generates anxiety and not the situation.

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However, people often fail to recognize how their thoughts affect their mood. This is due to the experience that feels before an intense and uncontrollable physiological activation that usually occurs during acute anxiety, it is understandable why those who suffer from it do not recognize their cognitive processes that are brewing at the same time as the physiological reaction.

Many of the symptoms of anxiety are physiological in nature, this is caused by the activation of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve systems. The activation of sympathetic nerve systems is the most outstanding physiological response in anxiety and causes hyperactivation symptoms such as vessel constriction, increased strength in skeletal muscles, increased heart and force rhythm in contraction and contraction.Dilation of the lungs to increase oxygen supply, pupil dilation to improve vision.

Other of the multifaceted characteristics of the anxiety would be the behavioral responses that the result of thought or what Beck calls cognitions and physiological activation. The physiological responses that are automatically activated are considered defensive responses, normally occur in the presence of a threat or danger. These contexts that cause fear, entail an autonomous activation that prepares the organism to face the danger fleeing (that is, flight) or directly confronting the danger (that is, struggle), this would be a process known as a response of “struggle or flight”. Cognitive variables provide the interpretation of the person’s internal state. Finally, the affective component comes from cognitive and physiological activation and these two in turn constitutes the subjective experience of anxious sensation.

The cognitive anxiety model explains that anxiety is initially produced by a provocative situation that generates a thought that would be the anxious assessment and this assessment would trigger the state of anxiety. This system that prioritizes the valuation of the situation would not be recognized by the person, that is, individuals often assume that situations are responsible for their anxiety and not cognitions (that is, valuations). It is not the situation (P. eg., write an exam, give a conference or maintain an informal conversation) which determines the level of anxiety but the way in which the situation is valued or evaluated. Our way of thinking exerts a powerful influence on how we feel, whether anxious or calm.

Another perspective of anxiety focuses on the concept of vulnerability.

Beck, Emery and Greenberg tells us that vulnerability is perception that a person of herself has about the dangers that arises and that has no control or is perceived as insufficient to generate a sense of security. ”. In anxiety, this increase in the sensation of vulnerability is caused by the exaggerated assessments made by the possible personal damage that could cause certain situations that are not potentially threatening to this Beck calls it "primary assessment of the threat" entails aerroneous perspective that greatly overvalues the probability of damage and severity perceived for it.

Rachman pointed out that scared individuals are much more likely to overestimate the intensity of the threat, which causes avoidance behavior.

At the same time, anxious individuals failAs a result of the primary assessment of the threat, causing the state of anxiety to raise the levels of experimentation intensity of this, that is to say that the intensity of anxiety depends on the balance between the initial assessment of the threat and the secondary assessment isSaying the ability to face and security that the individual has.

Some of the diagnostic criteria so that anxiety can be treated, is to determine how and how much the quality of life as well as social and occupational functioning was affected, that is, anxiety can only be treated if it has considerably affected developmentof the activities of the person and therefore their quality of life. And that depending on disorders and anxiety levels, person’s life can be seriously affected. and presented elevated indexes of economic dependence.

Anxiety tends to reduce the quality of life and social functioning in personnel, which manifest with lost working days, marital problems and more visits to the mental health professional.

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