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Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies

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Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies

Facebook, today’s most successful social networking system is also considered as the most successful organization to have hosted a definite form of improvement since the point of its introduction to society. This is the reason why it is assumed that Facebook administrators are among the most successful managers of their time. The strategies that are used by Facebook administrators is what makes the whole system work, especially in hosting commercialized operations that are bound to improve the business side of the organization as it serves the social networking needs of the people. The necessity of finding better ways of determining good essence of seeing the importance of communication among members of the modern society has made it possible for Facebook administrators [former students] to create highly defined operations that are hosted in the website to allow open connection between members aimed at improving the options of communication that the users of the website share among themselves.
It is only during the past four years of the website’s operation that the consideration over better handling of business through the corporation’s online portal has been given careful thought. At present, it is then considered that Facebook holds a huge sense of control on how the online market behaves especially when it comes to determining the real value of online advertising and how its benefits are basically expanded based upon the concept of determining the real values of development that Facebook introduces to the international market.

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In the discussion that follows, an analysis of the strategies embraced by the corporation shall be given particular attention to. Notably, these advancements are accounted for as strongly based from the strategic options that the administrators of the business took into account in the first place. What are these strategies? How did they come to be? And how well are these strategies able to redefine the path of success that the business intends to thrive in at present?
The Strategies from Beginning to the Point of Growth
The supposedly surprising entrance that Facebook made in the field of international market development is basically one that created massive developments on how the world understands the meaning of modern communication. The connection that the world was willing to embrace between each other is one that attests to the need of individuals [separated by distance] to have something that connects them from one towards another amidst the distance that they may have among themselves. The internet was a rather helpful tool that made this possible. The system of emailing has started it all. Friendster, a social networking website that spearheaded the notable connection between users allowing them to communicate between each other could be considered to have setup a platform for Facebook to take into account.
The strategy was simple, the aim was focused and the approach to the creation of the website was rather directed towards managing how communication between users is enhanced. Friendster fell off the grid and Facebook remained to be among the most visited and most appreciated social networking sites since the time it began towards the present years. The simple platform from which the business operated in became expansive and practically definitive in making a definite impact on how the users view social networking, not just as a portal of communication, but a platform to present themselves to the public. Shared files and pictures even made Facebook a more versatile social network choice for many users [even among novice social network members].
Seeing how many users actually embrace the facebook culture, Sarah Smith [Facebooks’s Advertising Manager in 2012] saw the opportunity of engaging in a more business-defined operation for the website. Business culture have been changing around the globe ever since the introduction of the internet as one of the most constructive tools that for-profit organizations are able to embrace especially in the desire of reaching out to the farthest markets they can gain access to. The internet, being an open portal for users, have presented a rather important source of business-competence that organizations could use in order to provide a more constructive process by which modern businesses are able to get the attention of the market.
Facebook seemed to have the most efficient platform for such goal by business owners and operators worldwide. Opening the advertising services offered by Facebook made it easier for the organization to fund the developments they wanted to add in to the system of operation that it is basically opened to. Businesses [both large and small scale] have all been given a practical sense of understanding on how they could gain high benefits from the system of advertising campaign that Facebook offers. The rate of advertising online costs much lesser compared to the offline advertising options. Linking and pay-per-click packages are among the most constructive forms of advertising that Facebook offers; depending on what fits their budget and their nature, businesses taking such option are given better choices as to how they would want the advertising options be a part of their major marketing strategies in partner with Facebook.
Among the best strategies that Facebook embraces with regards this matter is the fact that the corporation could promise a large view from millions of users worldwide; this the business owners obviously know of. It is then assumed that business operators would of course embrace the fact that investing in Facebook based advertising is one choice that improves the way they penetrate the market. Getting the attention of the people through simple pay-per-click ads is what makes the whole system become fully functional in nature. It could be assumed that somehow, such strategy intensifies the capacity of the corporation to be among the first choice among business operators as they intend to engage and invest in online campaigning options.
The industry opens up to a more defined system of advertising. Creating options of Facebook membership among business partners has made it possible for Facebook to attract more advertisers and gain the attention of sponsors who are more than willing to support the operation of the website. With the emergence of mobile technology, such condition has also become a primary concern for business owners. More mobile-defined operations of advertising has become a rather inviting operation for most business owners at present; hence challenging Facebook to engage in the said aspect of development, one that would allow them and their users to become more engaged in determining a better sense of conditional advertising that would make their business partners engaging in highly satisfying advertising activities which further improves their point of alliance with the said organizations.
The business-level strategy that best defines the current operation of Facebook is that of its capacity to create better packages that are best able to provide a more workable platform that organizations [regardless of their scale of operation] could use to engage in a structured form of advertising that would best fit their operation and their budget accordingly. This helps them properly especially as they determine the course of connection they have with their business partners in the industry. Long-term loyal customers who are able to access the affordable advertising packages offered by Facebook would surely be able to engage in making a definite turn of changes especially in getting the attention of more individuals from the market.
The corporate-level strategy that the Facebook administrators take into account is more customer-centered. The organization sees business advertisers [as well as individual advertisers] as their main clients; nevertheless, they also view the general users [the targeted market] to be the customers who are supposed to be directly affected by what the website offers and what the businesses tend to present to them through the advertising campaigns posted through the site. Compellingly, Facebook administrators have to make sure that the satisfaction level of their users are high enough especially for the sake of determining a more convincing manner by which they are to stick loyally to the system. Making sure that the users are satisfied scales the capacity of the website to provide the level of business recognition that their allied business partners ought to engage in. The two-way considerations of operation that Facebook administrators tend to give attention to entail to create more definite sense of practically mandating how the clients are kept happy and satisfied with the programs and advertising services that the website offers.
At present, the primary competitor that Facebook has to face is that of Craiglist; an organization primarily dedicated to hosting advertising campaigns from their primary clients. Business owners basically find it easier to handle such options through making a definite turn especially in making a full assumption on how specific users would be able to access the advertisements accessed through the website. The primary strategy of Craiglist is however different from that of Facebook’s approach to business. Instead of giving attention to too many different points of operation, Craiglist is more focused, giving business owners a more defined platform of advertising options. Noticeably, it could be understood that somehow, Facebook’s approach to modern approaches to modern campaign options offered to businesses is partnered with the desire to champion in the marketing options that would practically get the attention of the majority of its users. This complex point of operation is seen to provide Facebook with a far greater source of competence in performing well for the clients and for the business-side of its success.
Facebook began as a merely local network of system of communication that students are supposed to use within the campus. Its global worth has never been expected to create a rather distinct sense of operation especially for the sake of mandating a better sense of conditional operation that would sweep the world surprised of how social network changed the way humans view the value of communication and mass connections.
The advertising services that Facebook intends to promote are particular operations that basically make a definite turn on how the internet impacted the whole value of the organization in the face of aiding modern businesses in their goal of catching the attention of many. At present, the revenue of Facebook amounting to USD 2.39 billion in a year (2014) proves that the approach of the organization towards promoting businesses through simple platforms of advertising is one that makes a definite turn on the role of Facebook in the industry.
While there is tight competition among other organization offering the same advertising services to business organizations, Facebook’s platform of operation remains unique and extensive, especially in the hope of making a definite turn on how people are to become more expansive in the way they envision the real worth of Facebook’s systems. The two-way concentration that the organization gives attention to as part of its operational development basically gets the best out of what resources the organization uses in order to improve the way they entice more users to embrace what they have to offer and get the attention of business organizations to advertise through the platform of marketing that they have established to make marketing campaigns simpler and more reflective of the message that the businesses would want to send out to the public.
Lee, Newton (2014). Facebook Nation: Total Information Awareness (2nd Edition). Springer Science Business Media.
Adam D. I. Kramer, Jamie E. Guillory. Jeffrey T. Hancock (2014). “Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (24): 8788–8790.
Wood, Cara (August 31, 2009). “Keeping pace with mainstream social media”. Direct Marketing News (New York).

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