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Business Systems Analysis and Design

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For easier visualisation and implementation of the project, it has been divided into four stages: 1) Cask procurement and initial inspection; 2) Whisky production; 3) Whisky harvesting and blending; and, 4) Post-harvesting cask inspection. Through the structured approach, it is possible and easy to visualise all the information flow stages throughout the process. For instance, it allows the company to visualise all the stages involved in the whisky production from procurement of the casks to the harvesting and blending of the same.
While most production processes are internally undertaken, Bilston engages external parties in the whisky production process. These primarily act as cask suppliers (before the use of casks) and inspectors (after use of the casks). This shows the inseparable nature of Bilston’s operations from its internal and external partners. In essence, maintaining such relations requires high-level communication among the partners; hence, the need for information flow management.
Although Bilston sources for its casks from the local London-based dealer, the casks are manufactured in Portugal. As a consequence, each level of operation in the manufacturer-dear and dealer-Bilston relations need to effectively manage its information flow process. However, since the project is primarily based on Bilston, specific focus has been given to the initial analysis relating to its core whisky production processes. Auxiliary functions not directly related to the whisky production process will also be assumed.

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The initial analysis of Bilston’s whisky production business is assumed to begin at cask procurement and end at harvesting and blending. The below initial analysis will thus be used as the pre-analysis nomenclature.
Purchase & shipment of casks: This is assumed to be the initial stage of the whisky production process. At the stage, Bilston acquires casks and other resources required in whisky production. Here, the London-based dealer of the Bodega (sherry blender) casks will be assumed the sole supplier of the casks used at Bilston. The dealer has to in turn acquire the casks from the Portuguese manufacturer and avail them to Bilston. For effective production, timely supply of the right casks is critical in determining the quality of whisky Bilston will produce. Therefore, inspection of all acquired casks is critical to Bilston’s success.
Pre-use inspection: Once the casks have been acquired, there is a need to inspect them. Through the inspection, quality of each cask is defined and noted down. The throughput inspection of the casks will also allow Bilston maintain a record on all the supplies acquired during a given period. This is important as it facilitates evidence-based reporting and communication between Bilston and the dealer supplying the casks. On the other hand, it acts as a critical source of internal data to Bilston in examining whether casks get damaged, or particular ones have a significant effect on the quality and condition of whisky produced.
Start of production: Once the casks have been procured, whisky production can start off immediately. The production phase includes three stages involving filling the casks with whisky, periodic whisky inspection and finally harvesting the whisky. While each of the three processes involves several activities, they must be performed in an ordered way, for the process to be successful. Starting from filling the casks, quality control and information management for each phase is critical. This ensures that quality of the whisky can be monitored on the daily, monthly and annual basis, with only well-matured whisky being harvested. During the periodic inspection, quality checks on the whisky and casks such as weight, contents, value and deterioration rate are examined. Here, it should be noted that a standard benchmarked standard considered as “quality” is required. Therefore, the data entries should be accurately maintained as they facilitate quality proliferation and review procedures for the casks during and after use. This will often be quantified as a measure of “maturity” of the whisky.
Harvesting and Blending: Once the whisky has been proven to be “superbly matured”, it’s now ready for emptying, a process known as whisky harvesting. During the harvesting, the quality of each whisky is noted, as well as the volume and condition of the cask. Once harvesting has been completed, the whisky should be sent for blending. Besides blending into several flavours, the whisky’s quality refined further. For instance, the blending process facilitates determination of the quality of whisky harvested from a given cask. As a consequence, it’s critical that every cask is properly labelled and emptied into well-labelled cans for easy validation of cask quality against its whine output. On the other hand, any whisky found not to be fully matured should not be harvested. Instead, the date inspected should be noted, as it determines the next quality inspection date.
Post-use inspection and determination: Although whisky harvesting is the end of the critical processes involving active processes, it’s important to determine the quality and value of the used casks. Here, the process begins with internal cask inspection, before further examination (inspection) by an external specialist is done. On examination, the condition and quality of the cask may lead it to be re-used or send for repair; in case it’s damaged. In instances where the cask is absolute or fully damaged beyond repair, the inspector may recommend its disposal. Irrespective of the decision made on each cask, recording is done to maintain a record on the various processes involved in the process.

Bilston Glen Distillery
Procurement & initial inspection
Procurement & initial inspection
326003169932Cask manufacturer
Cask manufacturer

Cask inspection
Cask inspection

5822830195808Record remaining volume & cask condition
Record remaining volume & cask condition
5302250203835004205235203465If okay
If okay
159768842692 Place order
Place order
4376057131403Note weight & content
Note weight & content
430720524389600310494166089If broken
If broken
5259070156210Data store
00Data store
42404042866500170693625400 Deliver order
00 Deliver order
21297908578100316865233045London-based dealer
00London-based dealer

3602333182534004187246148590 Okay
0 Okay
Repair cask
Repair cask

Harvesting & blending
Whisky harvesting
Empty the cask
Whisky blending
Send whisky for blending
Harvesting & blending
Whisky harvesting
Empty the cask
Whisky blending
Send whisky for blending

269748027940Whisky production
0Whisky production

272415041910Start production
Fill cask with Whisky
00Start production
Fill cask with Whisky

635000151765Any damage or deterioration to the cask
is noted daily
Any damage or deterioration to the cask
is noted daily
2723103225299Cask investigation
0Cask investigation

773753512958827231031929522823210133929Daily visual checking
General checking
00Daily visual checking
General checking

Post-harvesting cask inspection
Post-harvesting cask inspection
2827655266644Monthly investigation
Weight & value checking
00Monthly investigation
Weight & value checking

Internal inspection
Internal inspection

283279192075Annual investigation
Sampling & re-bunging
00Annual investigation
Sampling & re-bunging

Send for repair and reuse
Send for disposal
Send for repair and reuse
Send for disposal
External inspection
External inspection

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