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Case Action Plan: Grandma Jarrell’s

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Case Action Plan: Grandma Jarrell’s
The health status of a dying restaurant like Grandma Jarrell’s can be improved through focus and niche down strategy. Low profits in the hospitality industry can be caused by either internal or external forces. Restaurants face such untimely experiences in the course of their operations, hence the needed changes to ensure success.
Case Action Plan
Making use of the focus and niche down strategy will assist me to target a particular group of customers while serving them with delicacies they enjoy. This is a strategy that will ensure increased profits promptly when compared to advertising. Restaurants that offer varieties stretch their budget, and this leads to minimal focus, which is crucial in this industry. It is always vital to have specifics when defining the target market and the offerings for purposes of coming up with a clear budget, and future business forecasts.
Further, this particular strategy is superior because I will be able to have a special kind of treatment to all my customers while serving them with what they need. This is a position that cannot be held by players in the industry, and more so those who try to sell almost everything that is edible. By selling fried chicken, with a western twist alone, will not only make the restaurant live again but will also increase our profits in the long run. Customers to the restaurant will be willing to pay for higher prices for the delicacy because of its uniqueness.

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The idea of increasing funds for purposes of advertising or making use of various sources of advertising will not solve the decreasing profit issue, but will eventually lead to increased expenses in the long run. Restaurants are businesses which need to have a personalized way of operation, where the owners and their offerings are relevant to the customers. Making use of advertising capabilities as a way of increasing profits will only give relevant information to the target market about the restaurant, but will not catch their attention as required, for purposes of making them permanent customers.
It is vital to note that my niche will be the specialty I will be offering to my customers, and in this case, fried chicken with a western twist, while my focus will be the customers and their experiences. Working with a particular delicacy will enable me to maintain and increase my interest in what I will be offering for a long period, and this will eventually assist me in working towards making various changes to the offering in accordance to the desires of my customers. Choosing to sell a particular delicacy will help me to keep my enthusiasm for a long period, and this will eventually lead to high-profit margins.
Also, selecting a particular niche will define my business brand, and this will help my customers to associate my restaurant with a particular delicacy that they love. Through this, the customers will also send word of the mouth easily to other people around them about my operations, and before long, I will be able to break-even and increase my earnings as required.
The use of advertising for purposes of increasing profits never defines a niche, but makes use of a whole market. It only operates on probable solutions, as users are never aware of the number of people such a method will affect in the long run. The use of focus and niche strategies supersedes most strategies as it allows customers to have the final say when receiving services. With the help of the management team, the two groups will end up creating environments that are vital for business, hence increased profits.
Case Implementation Plan
In the first week of implementing the plan which will take two months, the manager will collaborate with all the workers in the restaurant to come up with a list of the total number of customers, on average, who have inquired about the fried chicken delicacy in the past two months. This meeting will be able to clarify the various needs of the people from the Southern region and the tourists as a whole, for purposes of inclusion. After the list is established, the restaurant manager will then give the workers an opportunity to prepare the particular delicacy, and add it to the menu in the second week of operation. The main reason for including it in the menu will be to give the customers the idea of what is in offering as a specialty and the price attached to it.
After enough information is collected on the number of customers served with the delicacy, the manager will organize a meeting with the supervisor to understand the feelings and feedback of the customers, while making the required changes for the third and fourth weeks. After the first month, the manager together with the supervisor will come up with a formula that is workable for both the restaurant and customers, and this will be done for purposes of ensuring that they are served with the particulars they desire while dining in the restaurant. Through the collected information, the manager and the supervisor will be able to acknowledge all the views of the customers, and this will be the basis of their operation in their second month. After the second month, the management of the restaurant will be aware of the needs of their customers as required.
Success in the restaurant business is multi-faceted, and here, there are different factors which can either increase or reduce the amount of profits made each period. The one most vital concept that is not appreciated, and which is superior to all, is the ability to have a clear focus while dealing with the niche. With focus and niche strategy, my restaurant business will be able to provide a special kind of offering that will be intriguing to all my customers, and this will lead to increased profits in the long run.

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